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Posts posted by DarrkLore

  1. I understand your complaint and I also feel that I've been leveling a bit more quickly than I'd like to. However, it's probably better for the game's population that the leveling is the way it is now. Because if you can't get a group for a heroic or flashpoint or can't/don't feel like doing certain quest, it won't put you too far behind. The game doesn't force you to do absolutely everything and I'm sure there are a lot of people who appreciate that.
  2. I think the level progression is fine. I know you say you're not rushing, but just because people are 50 now doesn't mean that you're not also rushing, just not quite as quickly. Like you said, with this game (for now) it's about the journey, not the destination. Going at a comfortable pace for me I can get to 20 in a week and I think that's fine, maybe a bit too quick even. The game is brand new so there isn't a whole heck of a lot out there for the level cap yet. Why rush? Might as well wait for the content to catch up a bit, otherwise you'll end up bored a month later.
  3. I've been wondering the same thing. Underworld Trading also has a chance of dropping orange schematics, but people are saying that the drop rates are poor and its probably easier to buy the schematics with the cash made from slicing.


    I'm going to go with slicing to begin with and swap to UT if I need to later on. Again, with the money made from slicing you can hopefully level up UT pretty quickly.


    Yeah I think that's what I'm going to do. I have UWT right now, but I haven't really had much use for it. So I think I'm going to switch to slicing to make money and get schematics, then once I have a lot of schematics I'll switch back.

  4. I disagree. FFXI had the worst PvP ever! It was almost non-existent. And I don't know about you, but I've been kicking butt with my Powertech in PvP! I'm usually one of the top damage dealers in PvP and I usually get a lot of medals between damage and shielding teammates from damage. I'm happy with it so far.


    And you only played once! You gotta give it more of a chance than that! It takes a bit of practice to get into the flow. Plus you could've just been on a really bad team. I know I did pretty badly my first couple of times PvPing.

  5. I think most, if not all, servers have a higher Empire than Republic population. For some reason that I don't understand the dark side is very alluring to people. It kinda disappoints me that Bounty Hunter is so fun because I had planned on playing on the Republic side as a Jedi Shadow but I had so much fun with BH during the beta that I decided to stick with it. Which now makes me part of the problem :rolleyes:
  6. @Bioware

    This is normal fanboy thread for launch, don't worry.

    Do not disregard reasonable complaints from your customers regardless of such threads. Thank you.


    I don't think he was addressing the people who have legitimate concerns about the game. I think he's mostly referring to the people QQing because it's not enough or too much like WoW, issues that are to be expected at launch, and other whiney nonesense. And I agree, I'm really happy with the game so far and I'm looking forward to seeing what else BW has in store for the game.

  7. I do think the that SWTOR will roll but you made a very bad impression to all of us. You didn't even try to copy the succesful policies of blizzard regarding customer support.


    I was a Bioware's great fan. But now i can say for sure...Blizzard is by far superior because it has a Policy. No game will be launched if they are not 1000% it will roll!


    Speak for yourself! There are plenty of people who got great impressions from this game (myself included). I'm getting really tired of people saying "this game isn't enough like WoW" and "this game is too much like WoW." Why do we always have to bring WoW into things? TOR is a game of it's own and it will have it's own systems. Some things will be similar to WoW, some won't. I think it's too soon to judge. Things are always rough around the edges at launch. I bet when WoW first started there were people complaining that it wasn't enough like Everquest and then look what happened. It's new! Give it a chance, we've yet to see even half the potential this game has yet. I think we're off to a fantastic start though!

  8. I don't have so much of a problem with 40s being grouped with 10s for PvP for now because if they didn't do that you'd have to sit in queue for quite awhile to even be able to play. It's still early in the game and I'm sure they'll introduce brackets once the game has a more balanced population. Also, they power up/down everybody so they function at around the same level anyway. The only difference is the higher lvl people will have access to more abilities.


    And you can't blame the PvP team for players not knowing what team work is. That's a player fault, NOT a game design fault. I do agree though that more options would be nice, but again it's still early and these are the kinds of things they'll be adding to as time goes on. You can't expect a complete MMO right at launch, it takes years to add vast amounts of content to MMOs. I think we're off to a good start though. The only complaint I have at this stage in the game is that I think you should be able to pick which Warzone you're queueing for. I understand that it would also slow down queue times, but I think that's better than being stuck in a Warzone you have no interest in playing.




    SWL:ToR has potential but Lacks Conent for pvp which will loose alot of hardcore pvp'rs like myself (i hate questing and farming and PVE in general if i want to PVE id play skyrm or everquest 2)


    You're playing the wrong game if all you care about is PvP. BioWare has said from the beginning that TOR would be a PvE based game with PvP elements. If you want PvP, play something else.

  9. 1) Can't say I've experienced this myself. I haven't had a problem with abilities not responding fast enough.

    2) Status notifications are not non-existant. There are icons above your health bar that tell you what active effects are on your character.

    3) Agree 100%. This is especially evident in hutball when trying to cc the ball carrier when they are in a group of people. I often end up cc'ing the wrong person.

    4) I don't think there is too much cc, but I see what you're getting at. A cc immunity after being cc'ed for around 3-5 seconds would fix this problem. It isn't that people have too many cc abilities, it's just that players are getting smarter and learning to chain CC by waiting for the current CC to finish before using another one.



    I agree with this. I haven't noticed any problems with my abilities responding too slowly. I definitely think their targeting system needs work! It's so hard to click on the person you want when everybody's clustered together. I also don't think there's too much CC going on. I've gotten CCed a few times in PvP but nothing gamebreaking.

  10. I also focus 100% on objectives and never put *any* priority on scoring kills or gaining medals, but in the process of doing this I always get 6-8 medals (usually 8 and rarely not tied for most on my team or 1 behind). I seldom even look at them to see how they're obtained (and honestly probably can't even name the 8 I usually get).


    Even if I'm not explicitly getting rewarded for every touchdown, pass, arming, etc I'll attest that I always feel adequately rewarded for my efforts.


    My only complaint is that sometimes my teammates mistakenly assume they need to explicitly farm medals (which clearly isn't the case since those people usually end up with just the 75k total dmg medal and maybe 2 others) instead of just enjoying the game and getting medals by virtue of good objective focused play.


    I agree. Except I don't tend to focus on the objectives too much unless nobody else seems to be taking any initiative. But I am a team player! I'm a Powertech so I do my best to support the group. I always have guard up on somebody and I put a little extra focus on whomever is handling the objective at the time to keep them from getting killed. I usually get about 5-6 medals with my play style and I'm a PvP noob so I'm pretty happy with that. Although it would be nice to see some medals go around for completing objectives.

  11. Just go with whatever feels more comfortable to you. Bounty Hunters are technically neutral anyway, I've even heard my character outright say "I'm not Imperial" in the game so I wouldn't let that keep you away from choosing the Light Side if that's how you want to play. I've always enjoyed helping people more than killing them so I've been playing on the Light Side. It kinda adds to the whole bad-***-independent-do what ever you want attitude that Bounty Hunters have :)
  12. I'm putting most of my points into Shield Tech and I've been having fun with PvP. I'm fairly new to PvP and I was kicking butt to my pleasant surprise! You can stilll pack a pretty mean punch as a Shield Tech and at the same time you're harder to take down. The nice thing is you get points and medals from using guard on party members and taking some damage for them, so it's not all about damage output.
  13. ur not supposed to use flamethrower as a tank. thats for advanced prototype/pyrotech.


    Says who? Flamethrower is a pretty decent attack with multi-target potential and it's melee range so it makes perfect sense for tanking. Maybe it losses some of its usefulness at higher levels though, I've only gotten to level 20.

  14. I mean what the heck do they have to do really? I have never heard of scheduled maintenance (excluding emergency maintenance) taking longer than 30 mins to an hour....EVER. I have been playing MMOs for like 10 years now.


    I'd love to know which games you've been playing because when I played FFXI their maintenance took at least 3 hours! I think BW's scheduled time is reasonable.

  15. So far the people playing the game have: no server crashes, no server instability, no lag, no downtime, no flooded starter zones.


    I'm pretty sure that means the PRE-launch was perfectly executed.


    The only problems are the people throwing tantrums because even though the pre-order said that the sooner you pre-order, the sooner you'll get EGA and even though every pre-order place said you will get up to 5 days of EGA, and even though people ignored this entirely 100% absolutely on their own, they still think they deserve to have the rules waived.


    P.S. You have no idea if they could have doubled the number of people allowed in, so saying they could have easily done it is the height of stupidity. Unless you're one of the ToR devs, but you're not, are you?


    I agree with you. I've seen so many of the same regurgitated questions involving this game that shouldn't even have to be asked because BW has already stated the answer on here and in e-mails multiple times. So you know there are a ton of people here who just don't pay attention to the details and then cry about things not going a certain way while though those of us who have been paying attention know very well what to expect.


    I was pleasantly surprised to get my invite today considering they weren't even supposed to START sending invites out until today. So we're ahead of the game people! I don't know why there's so much complaining going around...

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