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Posts posted by Yotes

  1. wow thx alot for listening to your forums still wondering why I am seeing these green lines coming from these power cylinder looking things it generates beams of light in all directions sometimes bars and even walls of green so they say its a known issue but what was so hard about fixing it maybe just remove the cylinders i mean what the hell bioware you need to fix this I refuse to pay for a broke game


    This is the future of our planet folks.



    God Help Us.

  2. Scheduled maintenance during the middle of the day? Are you kidding me? I am aware that it's nighttime in America, but I have no *********** clue as to why you'd schedule American and European maintenance simultaneously? What the ****.



    Ever played an MMO before?


    Hate to tell you friend, but Europe, unfortunately, always gets screwed by maintenance.

  3. Just out of curiosity, does anyone know how to activate the voice chat (if swtor has one), cause I bought a pair of turtle beach head phones just for this game but can't figure out for the life of me how to turn it on.


    If it has it, I have not found it.


    Using trusty old Ventrillo to communicate with my friends who play.

  4. I love just about everything. Can't pick it all out. And I don't even have 5 things I'd like to see, but this is what I do have.


    1.) Space-- It's beautiful. The scenery is great but my ship is really tiny looking. Other models look great. However, the game play.......doesn't feel "Star Wars" to me. Not a big fan of the on the rails portion of it. (I didn't play it in beta. Wanted to have some things to look forward to live). Hope that space can become something more Star Wars feeling. Would love to have my ship be able to be a meeting place for my friends and I to hang out. I know that sounds Jump to Lightspeedish, but really that was great fun.


    2.) More Sandbox Feeling. I want to explore the worlds! Not necessarily just for quest based items. The planets I've been on have all been visually appealing. But I want to explore them! See what they have to offer. Love the story, but I'd like to feel like I'm exploring the world I'm in at the same time.


    3. The Immersion Factor- Get me more in to the Star Wars world. I like to think of myself as a Roleplayer (*ducks flying shoes*)......I want to be able to associate with other RPers and those that want to just take some time out and put themselves in the Star Wars World. Let us sit down in a cantina and chat (And I don't mean sit on the floor. Let us interact with objects). I'd love to see some player created events. I do hope the "Player Housing/Guild Capital Ships" Idea comes to life. And this whole post does include chat bubbles as well. Immerse me in the world. Let me feel like my other players are there with me. Let me feel a part of the environment.


    My other one was the planet instances, but I know this will go away one day. I understand and applaud Bioware's attempts to control population and try to make all the world inhabitants have an easy time on their missions.


    That's about it. Love the game, and love the possibilities of it. Hope we see them come true and soon!


    Sorry, edited for other missing items.

  5. I love just about everything. Can't pick it all out. And I don't even have 5 things I'd like to see, but this is what I do have.


    1.) Space-- It's beautiful. The scenery is great but my ship is really tiny looking. Other models look great. However, the game play.......doesn't feel "Star Wars" to me. Not a big fan of the on the rails portion of it. (I didn't play it in beta. Wanted to have some things to look forward to live). Hope that space can become something more Star Wars feeling. Would love to have my ship be able to be a meeting place for my friends and I to hang out. I know that sounds Jump to Lightspeedish, but really that was great fun.


    2.) More Sandbox Feeling. I want to explore the worlds! Not necessarily just for quest based items. The planets I've been on have all been visually appealing. But I want to explore them! See what they have to offer. Love the story, but I'd like to feel like I'm exploring the world I'm in at the same time.



    My other one was the planet instances, but I know this will go away one day. I understand and applaud Bioware's attempts to control population and try to make all the world inhabitants have an easy time on their missions. But I'd love to associate more with my fellow players!


    That's about it.

  6. I think everyone in that thread didn't check that the Fleet Pass is without a cooldown on that vendor.. for only 1k. That alone makes it worth it.


    Dang. Yeah, gotta get that then. That is worth it!


    Hate to admit, I haven't gone looking for the vendor yet LOL

  7. Some companion customizations.

    A return to fleet item ( But I have a skill that does the same thing)


    A set of clothing - imho ugly as heck.


    *Edit* securing your account is a good idea.. but I am regretting it - it drives me crazy having to find my phone every time I want to login.


    Hope you never have a job where you have to log in remotely then.


    "Sorry boss, I didn't want to log in to VPN today. Didn't feel like looking for my Two Factor Authentication Key. Beer was good though! *burps*"

  8. I am playing on the RP server The Ebon Hawk as a BH and a couple of my friends are on the Repubic side, but will there ever be a point where I can meet them on some planet and just hang or anything like that. Or is this game strictly only Imperial and/or strictly republic? Theres no cross interacting?


    Logically.........forget they are friends when I ask this.....


    Would you want to hang out in a Cantina with your worst enemy?


    "Hey Darth! How are you?!??"


    "Great So and So, how are you!?!?"


    "Wonderful. Fancy a cup of caff?!"

  9. I installed this on a laptop that doesn't meet minimum system specs, and whenever I try to start it up, it runs like crap and wont let me do anything. Then, as if that weren't bad enough, it makes my little laptop VERY hot. So I am uninstalling this game right now, before something bad happens.


    On a side note, this game runs perfectly on my desktop, which shall remain anonymous because I think it is sad when people post thier machine specs on a forum. Kinda the same way bro jocks whip out a ruler in the locker room, amirite?


    But seriously this game is sweet, and I am loving it so far. Sure, it plays and looks alot like WOW, but why would that bother me? WoW was fun. I guess if I had to complain about something its that the locations are TOO big and there is a lot of walking, and that doesn't sit right for me, as I am lazy as hell. But thats not even a real complaint, because bigger is better, right? Oh and I also think that maybe (using esseles as a reference because its the only one I have done) flashpoints are too long.... If they are all like Esseles, then why do I have to spend an hour in a flashpoint to fight 4 bosses and nothing else drops loot. Its fun to play, which really is all that matters, but I can't see doing it more than twice.... But I am sure that will be different in other instances.


    Whew. Too much sugar. Keep up the good work! Oh and I picked the little alert icon because it made me think of metal gear, not because of any type of urgency. Nothing to worry about.


    I see what you did there.

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