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Posts posted by Yotes

  1. I mean, oops.


    I was careless and was deleting some other mail...


    Anyway I can retrieve it? It was for a crafted implant from GTN.


    Thanks in advance or WARNING to pay more attention, for me escpecially! :)


    Guess you could try opening a ticket......don't know how long it would take them to respond.


    Sure I'll get flamed for suggesting that, but it's the only thing I can think of to try.

  2. I don't have a guild of players to benefit from grouped play. In my case, you can lay all the ground rules you want, but I've been 'ninja'd' from on three different occassions. Assuming their companion needed the gear, I'm happy for them, but still annoying for me.


    Then I'd be asking them all their intentions before a group.


    Sounds like a bunch of jerks to me really. I am not OK with, nor would I ever, Ninja items that I can't use or that I only intend on selling for profit.


    But then again, the MMO community is loaded with jerks. It's almost a 40/60 split. Maybe even 50/50.

  3. Does anyone have any position on players rolling need on gear they can't use, however, their companion may/maynot be able to use; especially when there's other's in the party who can, first hand, use the gear?


    Kind of annoying to have every piece of gear I'd like, to be rolled on by another player who doesn't directly benefit from the gear, while I'm still wearing gear that's rather bad.


    It's been said to lay ground rules before you start a mission on rolling "Need" for items that you don't benefit from, if you're the group leader.


    Personally, I always roll Greed or Pass on an item I can't benefit from personally. If I'm looking for my companion, I'd roll "Greed". If it's for me, I still ask if they mind if I roll "Need". That's just me though........like to try to be courteous if at all possible.


    However, I've only recently grouped with my Guild. And if we want something bad enough, we'll run through the missions more than once.

  4. I seem to remember getting a choice to pay to get access to the CE Store when i first installed the game (standard edition) for like $19.99. Is that still available? Thanks in advance!


    That is the Digital Deluxe edition add on for $19.99. You get the VIP Bracelet to go up where the CE vendor is at, but you can't purchase from that vendor unless you have a CE Game Key.


    Hope that makes sense?

  5. At least you can use your new computer for other games. He can only look at his statue and play with his key generator to generate numbers that mean nothing to him.


    Can I have your statue?


    I'll trade my key generator for his statue.........and then you can have, well....two key generators.


    Fair deal?!

  6. I do agree with this post.


    Balmorra........is totally instanced on both sides if I'm not mistaken.


    There's an instance for Imperial and an Instance for the Republic, but it's essentially the same game map.


    I am NOT a PVPer in the open world, which is why I'm on a PvE server. But it seems pretty asinine that opposite faction Player Characters will never meet on a planet or battlefield.


    Only place I've run in to someone is Nar Shadda.......


    Guess they couldn't think of a way to get the story line to work with the same NPC's on the same planet?!?!?:eek:


    It ruins the immersion factor for me, which I know is lacking anyway (no day/night, no interaction with chairs, etc).


    But....it won't kill the game for me.

  7. So SWTOR should reflect our society, 50-60% of the NPCs should be overweight and 40% or more should be morbidly obese, lets throw in some pock marks, etc for variety.


    I sympathize with all those ladies that are being denied the ability to choose a dumpy overweight body type for their fantasy character, I'm sure lots would do just that.



    Super size that nerf steak and Blue Milk please!

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