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Posts posted by Yotes

  1. Thank you Eric for keeping us updated, I take that the US will be awhile longer? I just tried and still was not able to log in. I may have misunderstood what you said but I noticed that the information thing went down.


    Basically.....EU servers are their alpha pilot for this patch they are working on. If it works, it gets applied to the NA servers and they bring them online.


    There is a reason to their decision to bring the EU up first.. Started light and used them as an extended test bed.

  2. I can tell the people who work retail,on these posts. Systems with 99.9996% uptime......and it's always "it never works. It's broke. It's slow. I.T. is easy."


    Well...I.T. is like marriage. When it's all working and quiet, it's great. But when you screw up, boy are you in a world of <censored>

  3. It's the game. There is nothing that can be done about it unless you get a 6 core with a 500 dollar graphics card. Pretty much everyone is experiencing this.


    Buy a beastly computer :rolleyes:


    Sweet. I got all that.


    I only paid 300 for my card though.

  4. I honestly dont notice the best ones!

    If they are good they dont stand out to me and dont ruin the surroundings or immersion


    Now im on RP Servers and have over 70 bad names on ignore so not going to remmber them all but ill try to get the bad ones!


    AGAIN, im on a RP SERVER (2 of them) and have been told by Cust service these names are fine and fit the RP enviroment!


    These are to real names seen, non are made up






    Apprentice Padawen(name, I forget the name now, she had padawan in her name tho)

    Apprentice Darth(name, like above, its the title in name thats wrong)

    Darth Marshmellow

    Shenanigans (and yes he would call out shenanigans over chat till ignored, apperantly in post WOW era that passes as RP)






    Starkiller (and to many versions misspelt of it)



    Captain Captain Captain (thats title Captain, name Captian, Legacy name Captian)


    Im starting to draw blanks so would have to log in and look for some of the truely outrageous ones ive flagged only to be told they are fine (ON A RP SERVER)


    Ive stopped flagging but I still firmly beleive that on RP server there should be a enforced naming policy much stricter then what I set my standards by.


    While all the canon names should be changed regardless of server the other ones I listed are fine...ON A PVE SERVER.


    On a RP Server, there should be a higher standard enforced.


    I full agree with you. I'm on an RP server and feel the names should be held to a higher standard. However, Bioware says they will not do a thing about it.


    I love to laugh at funny names, but I wish they'd stay on PvE servers. No reason to be on an RP Server IMO.

  5. I could not find the answer, but was wondering for the Legacy system does the characters have to be on the same server or can they be on multiple servers since your account is linked to all the characters you make?




    The last name is shared by all characters on the server.........so I'm going to assume it only applies to those characters on the same server.


    Don't know for sure if it carries over to any characters you make on new servers. Sorry I can't help there.

  6. 1.1 isn't tonight...


    This downtime is in preparation for our first major game update, Rise of the Rakghouls!


    Read what it says!


    Re-Read the notes.........completely.


    They allude to the patch, and the fact they delayed it for further testing.


    They are applying it tonight.



    "Game Update 1.1, Rise of the Rakghouls, is the first of what will be many regularly-scheduled content updates for the game. With this update, expect a vast expansion to the Karagga’s Palace Operation, a brand new Flashpoint called “Kaon Under Siege”, and many more changes!


    For more information, check out our Game Update 1.1 news article.


    As a reminder, we are still aiming to limit our scheduled maintenance period to once a week, on Tuesdays, but we had to delay this week's maintenance due to some issues found on the Public Test Server that required extra testing. "

  7. I take my Star Wars pretty seriously. Dumb names on an RP Server kinda get under my collar.


    But even I had to laugh hard with the person who said they saw a character named Gettoo DaChoppa.


    It SOUNDS Star Wars to me! Guess that is what made me laugh even harder.

  8. No. Broken buggy game with so many technical issues, design issues, amateur mistakes.


    No custom UI, no meters, no LFD, no macros...


    What exactly are we paying for?


    The UI will be fixed. Recount on your character is coming.


    LFD is lame........get some bravery and actually ASK people to group.


    And I still don't get why people need macros. Lazy?


    Have fun on your next game you'll only give 30 days to.

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