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Everything posted by Riggz

  1. Hey they were no problems with the cartel pack! So Bioware is thinking "win" and not thinking about bolster
  2. Bioware has made it clear they either A.) Don't care about PvP to fix the problems with it or B.) Completely incompetent and can't. Here are the many problems and I'm not listing them all 1.) Augment glitch in PvP 2.) Enhancement glitch in PvP 3.) PvE Gear is superior to PvP Gear 4.) Bolster is an absolute joke 5.) The TTK is shorter than a FPS We as a community need to give them a deadline to have these problems fixed or we unsub. If by June 1st every single problem isn't fixed, well I know quite a few people who are quitting. This game has so much potential but the developers at Bioware either A.) Have no idea what they are doing B.) Are controlled by their EA overlords and can't be allowed to do their job C.) Just don't give a damn
  3. Scyn if these records aren't counting it might be best to take down all the records for 2.0 on the first page. I honestly think people check to see if records are up, see that they are, and post. If you take them down I think that would fix it.
  4. Yeah OG that bug is super annoying. Bioware said they are aware of the issue so expect a fix by 3.0
  5. My PvP Gear is my PvE Gear
  6. My main is an operative and I'll list all the things marauders do that piss me off when I open up 1.) Don't break my knockdown 1.5 second stun - wait for the hard 4 second one right after 2.) Camo or AOE mez after that to disrupt my rotation 3.) Force choke when I roll away or use evasion 4.) Use their slow on me 5.) Use rupture right as soon as I stealth It's all about stopping my burst. Operatives have no pride if I can't do my burst on you and it's a fair fight, I'm rolling away, make sure to stop that.
  7. Thank me later http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#401McfrzGRRzfsZ0cZGb.3
  8. <Insert any spec> Doesn't need alacrity. You have to stack an *** ton of it just to get a .1 cast time reduction. No thanks, I'll just take lots of crit, surge and power instead and keep my 1.9 Kolto Injection. Besides, when as anyone every said "Oh no he interrupted me right at 1.8, if only I had more alacrity and could get my cast to finish at 1.8!" Nope, you get interrupted at 1.1 or around there.
  9. BSR will be que'ing in a mix of partisan and conqueror with little to no MK-9 augments If we're out geared we're out geared, I'm not too worried about it
  10. Riggz

    Operative Roll Bug

    If it happens in a ranked match I might go insane
  11. Riggz

    lol bolster

    I agree with you 100% Glad to see Bioware understands this and is fixing it... I think
  12. Riggz

    lol bolster

    Is Bolster being fixed in 2.0.1 Also my definition of fixed is PvE Gear no longer being better than PvP
  13. (This is assuming bolster will be fixed. If it isn't disregard this post) Black Sun Rising will be ready to que Ranked April 29th on Monday
  14. What's the verdict of posting results of multiple progression teams from the same guild?
  15. Yeah sad to see DJO up to its old tricks. Sorry to hear you guys were the unlucky ones to be targeted by their troll attempt
  16. I want the name Black Sun back
  17. Riggz

    Ranked Outcasts

    No I would love to see some posts displaying disagreements this is what this thread is for. Only thing I'm saying is opinion. You believe that mercenaries have the ability to kite now and I would agree, but still don't believe they can do it with regularity. Pyro mercs most likely have the best ability to kite due to insta cast abilities but seems like there damage is much more lackluster than the arsenal spec. It would be nice to see if Bioware could mix the Pyro's ability to kite and the damage output of Arsenal. Couple that with some group utility and you have a viable ranked rDPS.
  18. Riggz

    Ranked Outcasts

    Again for those who can't read it was my iPhone's autocorrect. Glad we fully analyzed the difference between roll and role when all of us knew the difference anyway. I'm working on writing out my piece on Assassin's and there ROLE of solo node defender and how they can do their job better than anyone else, even an concealment operative.
  19. Riggz

    Ranked Outcasts

    bah! damn iphone keeps changing role to roll when I hit space and I don't catch it. Time to go edit At any rate do you have anything else to add to the mercenary discussion? Like answering those bullet points I added, or continue to say mercenaries can kite every minute and a half and every two minutes receive two insta cast abilities?
  20. Defense made many solid points, but if the juggernaut community wants to troll him for making fun of the class that has been overpowered since 1.4, go for it. lolsmashrolfstomp umadbro Granted its not nearly as bad as it was, but Juggernauts have never gone through any period of time in this game where all three trees were broken. Look at Dragon's mercenary for example. All three of his trees have been dog **** since 1.2 and still are. He had to reroll a damn sorc Only things mercenaries are good for is roleplaying and fashion. edit: I'd like to see someone post saying there never had problems with smash being overpowered that don't have a juggernaut/guardian main or serious alt. Kind of hard to take someone seriously saying smash isn't/wasn't op when its their main or second alt
  21. Riggz

    Ranked Outcasts

    Seems that the posts I'm reading are nitpicking what I said about mercenaries and debating the value of some of their new abilities while ignoring the undermining problem. No adaptability Sub par Damage Very little group utility No definite role for ranked Something they can do that another class can't do better Sure they might be able to kite every minute and thirty seconds now, but what can they do for a ranked team that a sniper or other rDPS can't do better? If you bring an arsenal merc over a sniper, I'm absolutely sure you'll surprise the other team, for good reason. Because who would make that kind of a competitive ranked call (for casual ranked I understand)
  22. Riggz

    Operative Roll Bug

    Ok this is a sound strategy for getting comms, but not for ranked.
  23. Riggz

    Operative Roll Bug

    Anyone else going through the bug where sometimes you can no longer move after a roll? When you do /stuck and die you cannot move in the spawn pit either. I only encounter this bug once every three days or so but I play ranked and can't imagine having to leave a ranked match due to a bug. Post if you are going through this bug. This is a game breaking bug Bioware, kind of embarrassing you let this go through the PTS and hit live game.
  24. Riggz

    Ranked Outcasts

    Trust me I think this class has greatly improved. I'm actually glad to see them in regular warzones because they do a good job of destroying enemies. However in ranked like I said before they are missing the qualifications for a good ranked DPS 1.) Adaptability - They have only one viable DPS spec meaning they can't change based on the warzone. 2.) Definite Roll - There isn't a defined roll for this class. The reason being is there are roles needed for ranked and the mercenary doesn't fufill the requirements. 3.) Utility - Minus electronet and the tracer debuff this class has no group utility. It doesn't have a way of minimizing group damage, speeding up the group, helping the team either score in Huttball or preventing enemy team from scoring. Until those issues are fixed I don't see them having a ranked spot. Trust me though, I would love for Bioware to fix this problem, and I think they will in time.
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