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Everything posted by Riggz

  1. Rokurou Empire The only person who might have better fashion then this guy is one of my other toons P.s Kirax not sure if I can make it on tonight my flight just landed (East coast <)
  2. You better not quit LoL
  3. Incorporating batman into the Star Wars forums without directly saying batman +1 Neo (Yes I'm a batman fan leave me alone)
  4. I'm mainly looking forward to Wildstar and ESO. Sorta sucks. The idea of a Star Wars MMO is so awesome, it's crazy how badly EA handled it. However just thinking about how bad they continue to make this game and how much old content they rehash just makes me disappointed
  5. If I decide to come back to the game seriously (very doubtful) it will depend what Dragon, Reshrewe, Eagleye, and Combaticus decide on. If they stay ill stay and if they leave ill either follow or move to The Shadowlands server. I love BC mainly because of Vrook Lamar players so I hope as many Vrookies stay as possible, or at least we all go to the same server In the meantime League of Legends and my favorite old game Republic Commando will keep me busy
  6. I would transfer but I quit swtor and went to League of Legends.
  7. This is how I feel about SWTOR and bolster Whoop Whoop Whoop
  8. Instead of posting on the forums about anyone or any guild it should be reserved for private in game whispers to the right members of any guild.
  9. As long as Fridays remain casual and "B" teams from older guilds sounds good to me. I don't like the idea of two competitive nights since Friday has a good casual circuit already in existence
  10. Haha I forgot about alot of those threads I made, stay tuned because ill make more. I'm not trying to Hide anything yes if I think something needs attention ill make a thread about it. Most of my threads are about mercs because I have alot of merc friends in game and want to see them viable in warzones. Reason one of my threads was about the merc nerf not being bad is I didn't have a 50 merc at the time. Anyway all you have proved is you have the time to dig through my old threads even If some of them were almost a year old. /golfclap
  11. Yeah I remember being the one agent Almost forgot about that good times. True Mandalorians was always fun for me because I would win all the loot because I was the only none bounty hunter
  12. Most of my fond memories have been captured in screenshots that I will share later once I get on my home computer. However here are a few that still crack me up Watching Asmenys yell in Vent that he would be on Desii the entire match, then watching Desii run away from his marauder Asmenys was probably the best marauder I've ever seen I miss him One day when I was in a Shades of Serroth premade and I hear in there teamspeak, "I don't believe it". Then I saw an ascension premade storm out of the gates, naked. Somehow they still managed to kick our ***, but at least I laughed that time Hanging out on the pub node with Flux and Desii when my team was getting beat Having huge teams on Ilum standing across from one another and in between no man's land. The best is when you would see someone go in to the middle to be pulled by the enemy team and just be demolished. Reshrewe realizing that his legacy name "Ginaz" wasn't pronounced "Gee-naz" like he thought it did but something else Dragon showing up for flashpoints in an orange overcoat because he tried to be as cool as Ushanev, he wasn't Remembering how terrible operative healing was pre 1.2. It was always fun to join flashpoints and see "Operative Healer?!?!" "So and So has left group". Then once 1.2 hit I was bragging so hard in Vent about how awesome operative healing was now and then remembering that the sorc and merc healer in vent just had their **** nerfed hard. Good times. One time on imp side we had an awesome team of a 4 man Black Sun premade and a 3 man malevolence premade plus Z'od. Suddenly we faced this mysterious unguilded Pub team who had weird looking gear on who proceeded to absolutely destroy us. We were all shocked at how good they were and after the match we were all pretty shellshocked. We saw those players literally only once and never saw them again. I still think it was developers having a good time, that or a bunch of amazing amazing players played one match and quit. My all time favorite memory however was the night before the patch where they nerfed the **** out of Soa. We were 4/5 on EV HM and were desperately trying to beat him and his most tricky mechanic, bugs. It was 5:45 AM and we were all dead tired and ready to quit, but we headed in for our 3847235th attempt. The team was Resh, Dragon, myself, Adelise, Ushanev and I can't quite remember the rest. On one pull someone in Vent shared inspirational words and somehow we were able to kill that bastard. Probably the most satisfying boss kill I've ever had, or ever will have. Oh how I miss the Vrook Lamar days
  13. Black Sun Rising will be que'ing this Monday. We're pretty excited and look forward to now being apart of the circuit
  14. My team isn't quite ready yet but will be next week We've been planning on doing Monday ranked for a long time, just waited for 2.0
  15. Are you guys que'ing as one or two teams? Also is infamous que'ing or waiting another week like BSR
  16. Dude.. I feel bad for him. Like... that **** is creepy
  17. How many times will you post that video Name Shifter?
  18. Bolster is in Ranked Warzones, at least I'm pretty sure it is
  19. Riggz

    Best 2.0 healer

    Best 2.0 Healer? The one with the best PvE Gear
  20. I agree. In reality ESO Online is going to absolutely murder this game. Looking forward to playing my Nord tank or Agronian (I bet I misspelled the hell out of that) Healer
  21. Just add this to the list of everything else wrong with 2.0 Seriously Bioware should have kept this on the PTS till August. But anyway I'm 100% in support of this thread /signed
  22. Why isn't bolster fixed?! rawrrrr rabble rabble rabble I want 1.7 PvP back. I'd rather be perma stuned by stun bubble and smashed to hell and back by jugs then this garbage 2.0 PvP. Part of me wants to quit and go play Halo 4 where the TTK is longer
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