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Everything posted by KiallTOR

  1. I am looking for a database that has just ingredients or materials, in this case scavenging, that has them all listed with in game selling price. on torhead for example, you can go through the menus and say find a list of all the mods in the game, lowest level up to highest, from there click on one and get info and stats. however, i can not find a way to sort of just a pre-made category in general, that will list what im looking for ie. http://www.torhead.com/item/1TUXCkK/amorphous-carbonite here i can see the material listing, which is an item that can be found through scavenging, but I linked to this from some random item that it happen to be a component for Its category is listed as Database - Items - Uncategorized, but even going to the entire uncategorized page, i can not see filters that let me view just those items i want. Any help would be great thanks.
  2. i dont know if it is the same OP, but this an exact copy of the same thread from a week ago maybe.. why do it again?
  3. I think the game is fun too. mind picking up the tab for my next years subscription?
  4. when you say spam companion gifts im assuming you just mean buy them from the market and keep giving them to them? what if it was intentional... that it was made that you were meant to chose what companion you really wanted to put the time into. also, do you know of a thread that lists what companions like what the most?
  5. sorry noob question i guess... but how can people just go afk in the warzone? there was a timer i thought. and do the afkers really leach that much free xp that it takes away from the people who are playing the match and making alot more xp to begin with
  6. what exactly did you do to get affection that high?
  7. looking to run all the datacrons on taris tonight and it will go faster in a group i feel looking to start around 10pm PST. send me an ingame mail or pm on forums if you want to go. server : black vulcars check out and get an idea what we have to do here : http://www.swtor-spy.com/datacrons/taris/69/
  8. Every time my buddy corso gets pulled into battle, I get pulled right into it with him whether I want be or not. I'd kinda expect after I send him away to sell a few items for me, for him to jump into to help me out right away, not hide in a datapad waiting to be called again once the cost is clear. He magically pops back into existence when no ones firing at us, I think he should be able to show up and lend a hand without it being a game breaker. He makes a great tankl and im able to solo more fighting with him, but that often means I let him be killed and then just revive afterwards. can he be healed in anyway?
  9. i am out running around on tython in the southern part of the gnarls and just stopped running when i received a text and responded. i started listening to not only the music, but the almost eerie cries of the flesh raiders coming from all around. sounds pretty sick in surround sound, the detail and depth are a very cool. nice job.
  10. I am a smuggler and started on ord mantell. I stopped by tython after i received my ship to pick up codex entries and I am not able to start any conversations. Since the planet is for levels 1-10, is this the reason I am not able to trigger the quests? if this is so, how am i able to receive some codex entries that can only be received while doing some of these quests? I ask because the devs were very smart to automatically remove any entries that were impossible to get in your personal class codex... so since these are all available on tython, i just assumed there would still be some way to get the entry. ie i am trying to get the species entry flesh raiders, which can be achieved through the quest early lessons. i can not begin the conversation with Master Relnex however. I have gone around and killed about every single one in all their spawns perhaps looking for a "special" one that had to be killed. no luck at all with the entry popping up.
  11. wow you are an ******e. can't even have one thread about some of us enjoying the game and understanding things just take time to get worked out... i dont care about all the debate released too early etc etc.... im having fun, and you had to come in and make a bs comment. tell you what. you go make your own game, release it with zero major bugs, set records when its released and have a full time customer service staff ( with enough people) to answer all tickets within two hours, then come back in and make some cute comments.
  12. i just checked out that link... all the answers i needed thanks again for that
  13. thank you for this i will check it out. and auction house... gtn... yeah i dont know the terms i guess yet. i always like the door slammed in my fast the first time i walk into a room thank you. this term was used in general chat so im picking up on everything, i have not begun trading or selling yet im actually moving very slowly through the game right now. so the GTN is server wide, if you use a terminal on one planet, anyone else on any other planet will see that as well?
  14. Haven't traded much yet and wanted to know if the Nar Shaddaa Auction House is considered the main trade hub in the game? also, are auction houses only planet wide? thanks
  15. Yes thank for all the work. weekly updates is a pretty aggressive schedule, im excited to see the changes as they roll out, on top of major patches that I am sure will come once the first month is up. happy new years
  16. I also would like to see less loading screens, i dread having to travel.
  17. im not sure what your subject has to do with guild wars 2?????
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