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Everything posted by Jebazel

  1. Just posted a 'False Companion Messages' thread myself. It's *really* annoying running about *some more* for nothing!
  2. That has *nothing* to do with the messages being false now does it? Duh!
  3. So.. I'm getting *seriously* ticked off with going back to my ship because the 'Your companion wishes to to talk to you aboard your ship' message shows on their portrait &.. guess what? they don't! This has happened time after time now. There's enough running backwards & forwards as it is. Don't need more for nothing!
  4. In this day and age its sexist. Not fair to female players who, let's face it, are more likely to want and enjoy more romantic episodes. I don't think I'll be waiting around 'til level 40 (whatever) just for a brief implied romance.
  5. /signed Way too little romance to keep this girl interested the way it is at present. Why do girls always get shafted when it comes to these games... ? or not.. *cough* *SIGH*
  6. hehe.. still keep going for F5 looking for a quicksave.. go figure
  7. /signed It seems to happen at certain times on all the servers I've played. Volume must be playing a part. HATE dying to the lag beast of no control...
  8. You can look around while moving with the left mouse button.
  9. Thank you for your constructive & informative input
  10. They ran out of money for the voice acting...
  11. Well.. it would be nice to be able to talk to other players who are nearby. Who has the chat window open when they're on a mission? Would've loved to say something to the guy who nicked my treasure chest just as *I* killed the elite guarding it...
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