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Everything posted by gregordunbar

  1. Sure would like to know why I am only actually being rewarded 4 points instead of the 8 I am supposed to be getting for Weekly tasks...this is getting to be ridiculous how horrible 7.0 is turning out to be and am really wishing I never subscribed to be able to access this update at all.
  2. Who actually believes these kind of troll posts are going to trick anyone into thinking this is true? I almost feel bad for even calling it trolling because a decent troll can be confused as being serious.
  3. What chance of failure? I still have not come close to dying except to Malgus, but combat is taking far too long for even trash mobs.. Time does not equal difficult. They gave mobs a massive amount of health but they are still too weak to kill you unless you are doing something wrong. Personally I would rather have an OP companion and cakewalk mobs than sit through combat so long and boring I have started watching shows on my second monitor as I drool through gameplay.
  4. 7.0 dropped on the 15th Steams numbers for each week. Feb14-Feb20... 19,054 Feb21-Feb27... 15,674 Feb28-March6... *10,616 Seriously, your pandering is gross and you are not going to fool anyone with your nonsense.
  5. No, Last 30 Days 8,009.6 -79.3 -0,98% decrease. Almost 1%, in less than 3 weeks from a major release. ANY MMO company would tell you that any DECREASE in under a month is not good. The purpose of an expansion/major update is to get a net INCREASE in players. And everyone KNOWS there was an exodus of older timers when the patch hits. Just stop. This number is going to jump over the next two weeks as we pass the 1 month subscription mark and even more as the few new players that came in find that new game shine wear off.
  6. Yes, that screenshot is far more accurate for someone AFKing, or leeching than in the OP. I always start out a GSF with instructions on how to vote kick someone flagged for AFKing now, because I have yet to do a GSF since 7.0 hit that did not have at least 1, mostly 2 and the most I saw...was 5. Yeah, almost half the team. AFK, not including actual leechers mind you. I dont mind noobs at all, we were all noobs once.
  7. The MINORITY. That is who you heard from. Its clear from the changes made you only listened to PvPers and Elitist OPS players by the changes made. Do you actually think the rest of us are going to read this nonsense and believe it? That we are just going to go...oh, yeah thats right, me and all my friends in game that were NOT doing that, were actually doing it and we forgot! No. This entire UPDATE, was a massive nerf against the entire population to get people to stop doing something SOME were doing. Just like the massive conquest nerf. It was a punishment to everyone, because some were doing something. A kneejerk reaction move and like all kneejerk reactions, has had wider effects like trashing GSF with people that dont want to do it to reach conquest goals but have no other choice and so either AFK, or just fly around ruining it for those there because they WANT TO BE. WANT TO BE...crazy thing in a video game ehh? A thing you GUTTED by trying to force everyone into a neat little box you want to try to control. The worst thing you can do in an MMO. SOME people CHOSE to do Hammer station over and over. SOME. Others CHOSE to do it via Conquest boxes. SOME CHOSE OTHER WAYS. Now, we have NO CHOICES. Congrats. 7.0 = SWG Combat Upgrades. It removed the FUN from the game and just like SWG, we have developers NOT LISTENING to the majority, just the minority.
  8. Umm, did you even look at your link? Last 30 Days 8,009.6 -79.3 -0.98% It hasnt even been a full month. Its rare for an MMORPG to have a lower playerbase in the first month of an...lol "expansions" release. If there isnt a net gain, that is called a failure as it means it lost the game players. Also, you saying "obviously the numbers will go down" flies in the face of the entire genre's history. Numbers only go down steadily on games that are failing. Not succeeding.
  9. They did the opposite of that...who are you trying to fool? They actually openly stated that only a FEW PEOPLE are having issues SMOOTH TRANSITIONING! https://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=1003579
  10. You and 1000s of others. The sad thing is, you wont be able to come here and post a laugh at those that are going to dismiss you when the game goes under. The games population has already dropped lower than pre 7.0 which was actually faster than even I expected and I knew this was going to bomb in November when devs refused to listen to what testers were saying on PTS. Now go look at the 7.0 follow up post put up today. They are not acknowledging anything other than bugs and are pretending only a few people dont like the update. The life remaining in this game will come down to how many cows remain because its clear they have not picked up enough new players to retain pre 7 numbers to replace the exodus.
  11. Please have at least some respect for your players intelligence. Every has noticed the games population drop back down lower than pre 7.0 numbers. Most of us know more than a few people that have quit right before 7 hit and just about everyone knows people that have quit since...and that is those that hated 7 enough to quit. include those with a LOT of disliking of the changes and you get to a high percentagethen, then you start to get to those that have had issues with a...smooth transition. You people need to start facing the reality that this is a major issue before your revenue drops low enough that you are no longer employed and actually start to listen to what they are saying and why they are saying it. Its bad enough you guys had an extra 2 months of PTS to TRY to see what was going to happen, now this **** is live and its driving players away, many of them long time PAYING players. Dont wait until the sudden influx of money from people who did not know what was coming and subscribed disappears...because its coming, in just a few weeks. Time is short and this post is another slap in the face to the playerbase that we are not being heard.
  12. Story has too much content for Smuggler/Merc/Agent/Trooper...the things you can find outside of Star Wars. You know what you cant find outside of Star Wars? Space Wizards. There is no Star Wars without Jedi or Sith. There is, without everything else in this game. In fact, this game would be far better with only Jedi/Sith. No need to try to appease players not playing the thing that makes Star Wars unique. No time spent working on things that is not focused on making force classes AKA Star Wars, even better. Heck, even Disney knows this which is why the Mandalorian show, relied on a BABY YODA and still needed Luke and Ahsoka to show up to help prop it up...
  13. And you just slammed the door shut on your credibility. The game was subscription only its first 16 months. You are not a founder and your posts contradict their own points. There is no way you never posted on the forums and are now here all the time just to defend the game with really bad arguments that make no sense. EDITED TO ADD: Any can find ALL posts from ANYONE. YOu have none before that date, its your first post...mine however go all the way back to them having changed over to the current forum system from their original which was used even during Beta 1...because that is how long I have been here, long enough to actually know the history of the game which you clearly do not.
  14. im going to take the months of PTR testing and live stats over yours. Its been proven that the current sets only have a power difference in PvP and OPS, outside the, your power is not effected. It will take the exact same amount of time to defeat enemies in 306 gear as it will in 326 gear. So long.
  15. Elitists were. The minority of the minority. Most people did not do ops or pvp and did not even ask about let alone aim for that. The point was, there was customizability, and its gone for a thing that once again does not matter if you are not doing OPS or PvP. There is no difference between having 318 or the highest IR outside of them, combat takes the exact same amount of time now no matter what you wear with this new horrible scaling change. No change = no goal = less reason to play. Why would anyone put in 100s of hours to increase a number for zero change?
  16. First post, 07.28.2021 You start out with how you barely played because you have done it all and was bored but now you are magically enjoying doing the same content as if its all magically new and different...something doesnt smell right. The content you are doing now is not different than before so where is this magical change that made it all better coming from? I am not doubting you saying you are enjoying 7.0, I am doubting the claim you are a founder and went 9 years without posting and having grown bored with pre 7 to magically find it great now. Its more likely you are relatively new to the game and are pretending 7 is the be all end all to upgrades.
  17. hahahaha, not these developers. If you look at all the changes they made, they are changes that undermine players need to play more. There is a clear push to FORCE people to only play certain ways. PvP, OPS, only a few FPs per week and even undermined conquest...it was almost as if they all got together and asked for ideas on how to shorten the life of this game as much as possible in one go. Heck they even made the UI look so bad as if they even wanted our eyes to hurt more to make us log out sooner.
  18. Its not like they gave us much to even spend them on...I find myself HAVING to go buy a piece of armor I do not want or need just to make room for 20 more so I can collect a god damn Seasons objective and be at the cap again...filled with a currency with nothing to spend it on. Its basically what 7.0 is, a near complete addition of **** that ads frustration and takes away fun.
  19. Did you just attempt to compare a sport to an MMO...you also totally fail with that piss poor comparison because no two games play the same. The possible variations of what can happen in a Football runs in the 1000s...every time you run Hammer Station its 100% exactly the same. if you are going to grasp far for a straw, at least grab a straw and not a cob of corn.
  20. No. I am doing a WALK through for my last playthrough until my now gone guildmates and I decide on a new home. I have managed to walk every quest on the first 3 worlds in going on 3 weeks now...the worst part about it is not the time its taking, its that I am actually watching shows/movies or listening to podcasts while doing it, even the fighting because of how boring it is. Nothing like combat taking twice as long on normal mobs because developers think longer = harder. I dont even need to look at the screen nor want to because of how mind numbingly boring it is watching that insane level of health slowly go down on them.
  21. Welcome to SWTOR 7 Where changes are made because, **** your wanting to have fun, this is a game!
  22. Kills are only one aspect. You highlighted people with over 20k damage or having a bunch of assists. You are as much of what is wrong about GSF as the AFKers and the fact you use "Sus" is proof of your toxicity. I would wager you never once bothered to look at the OBJECTIVE stat...you know, doing the things that WIN THE GOD DAMN MATCHES like defending...look at that one with over 600 POINTS! that person did more to win than YOU did and you do not even understand why... Also, all it takes is one single "team" of people that DONT work together to royally Eff up the stats of a Gunship by either constantly dragging the enemy out of range, or not doing anything to protect them. Get pissed at Bioware for making GSF such a large part of getting CONQUEST points, because that is the thing that caused it to skyrocket, not seasons...and who has not already figured out that gear progression is actually pointless because of the scaling *****how? There is no difference in power between IR anymore, the battles take almost the exact same amount of time outside of OPS and PvP and the overwhelming majority of players do not do those 2 things. Its all about conquest points.
  23. I dont need Steam charts to tell me what I saw early LAST WEEK. Star Forge is one of the more populated servers and it dropped lower than pre 7.0 already. They pushed out too many of the old timers with this expansion to remain "more popular" for long.
  24. Dont bother, he is either a troll or an elitist. Nothing exists outside his way of play. He cannot fathom that people do not always do the exact same things because that is how he plays....there are literally hundreds of RP guilds in this game with 1000s of players LIVING the game, there are dozens of planets and hundreds of activity's that are very different from each other and only someone that is only here to disrupt and dismiss others (read trolls) would pretend otherwise. Dont feed him. Post your passion and how its been effected and hope the community team see's it and passes it on. Dont let the thread be derailed so they ignore it. That is more than likely his goal anyway.
  25. I have enough to upgrade 5 pieces. I have not done so. There is literally no point in going from 320 to 322 or 324...or any other IR. The scaling is garbage. You will see zero increase in actual power. Combat will take the exact same amount of time. My friends and I timed it. One at level 75 put on 280 gear and fighting took the exact same amount of time as at 306, 318 and 320. This is not in Operations or PvP mind you. Open world combat, elite missions instance combat and Flashpoint combat...all the exact same. No benefit at all. Gearing no longer has any meaning for most of us other than perhaps a bragging point.
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