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Posts posted by TiTaNsFaN

  1. Title. We are a melee class, with no gap closers and very little in the way of "utlity" abilities. Our basic stealth is a joke, as anyone can see us as well as non-stealthed classes (we are only really invisible for 8 seconds on a 60 second cooldown or when vanished on a 2 minute talented cooldown.)


    In huttball, for example, what is the role an operative fills? We cannot knock anyone away, are knocked around constantly like ragdolls by Sorcs/Mercs/Snipers etc. who then proceed to crush us from range.


    Everyone complains about our stunlocking, when we only have 1 primary stun, 1 aoe stun that released with any damage, and a taleneted stun out of hidden strike which is SUPPOSED to fill the resolve bar. Instead of fixing resolve however, the developers are just nerfing the talented stun into uselessness. I find sorcerers in particular to have much more potent CC.


    Prior to the PTR notes coming out I assumed the Operative/Scoundrel role was that of the eliminator, the glass cannon that could put out a ton of burst damage if not watched out for and then either escaping invisible or being killed.


    Since the class burst damage is being severely nerfed however, what exactly is the point of this class? What seperates us from Assasins, who have all of our damage capability plus a gap closer and extra cc remover? Why not roll another melee class who actually contributes to a team-based pvp game?

  2. This could be said about any 3 man combo...I'll try it.


    So nobody thinks the Ops/Sin/Sorc DPS spam is gamebreaking?


    So nobody thinks the Tech/Mara/Jug balanced 3 man group spam is gamebreaking?


    See? That's pretty easy. The 3 man team you speak of has little to no DPS and can be controlled by focused dps and smart cc/interrupts.


    Why do you need dps in objective based pvp?


    Ops sin sorc would be dominated by a tanky team.

  3. Make up your mind already!


    People should really try to learn about classes they fight before posting bs.


    Already been clarified through the thread.


    Nevertheless, geared powertechs are generally impossible to kill in WZ's. Most people just give up as stated several times above.

  4. Obvious lie is Obvious. Unless he was naked, the OP was max geared, had pvp buff, biochem consumables and stacked Surge with lucky RNG I don't buy it.


    Screenshot or ********.

  5. Let me clarify something for you


    Vanguard/Powertech have a grapple pull, but no knockback


    Commando/Mercenary have a knockback, but no grapple pull


    Commando/Mercenary have the castable heals, Vanguard/Powertech do not


    The tracer/grav spam spec falls to the Commando/mercenary.


    The self healing CD you are referring to heals for 15% over TEN seconds. At 15k health, I get about 200 something every second while it's active. That's about enough to outpace a dot, but will give me about 1-2 globals more of health. It's really only good for giving us some more longevity early on in a fight, pretty much useless as a defensive cooldown to pop when things are getting messy.


    The most common mercenary/commando will be tracer/grav round spec, the one that just sits and turrets into you. The way you deal with this is pounding them with interrupts, cc, and los them if you can't do either. They have almost no instant damage they can apply without chain casting, so if you repeatedly los, you will wear them down quite quickly while they do almost no damage to you.


    So what is the dome shield thing they pop and aoe slam that damages?


    They must have several cooldowns that mitigate damage, all the while doing massive damage.

  6. Why isn't this implemented in warzones? The whole pocket healer tank spam is getting old.


    Why does only 1 class have a healing debuff (that I never see them specced into anyway)?


    This heal spam makes pvp a joke.

  7. Vanguard/Powertech - if you are Sorcerer or Operative, faceroll him. If you are well geared Marauder, take him head on. If you are any other class, call for more friends.


    Mercenary/Commando - if you are Sorcerer or Operative, faceroll him. If you are neither, use interrupts, CC to disrupt them as much as you can, especially healers.


    Op/Scoundrel cannot faceroll an equally geared biochem powertech/vanguard alone. Does not happen without massive RNG help.


    Idk about sorcs.

  8. I think you are confused.


    Powertechs do not have knockback, nor any healing other than a *** button for 15% health over 10 seconds on a cooldown (i.e. much less than a heal pot). Their hitpoints are in line with the other tank archetypes as well.


    If you were referring to the Mercenary, your post still doesn't make sense. Mercenaries get heals, but do not have a pull mechanic. They have good sustained dps, but are also much squishier.


    They must have a pusback mechanic. Pull might just be mercs. That 15% must scale very well on those 19k powertechs/vanguards I see healing themselves with that dome shield up.


    IMPOSSIBLE TO KILL. Show me how a 1v1 fight goes when a powertech/vanguard is geared please.

  9. did you play wow beta? Mages had a similar stealth to rogues.


    Arcane Power + fireball + POM pyro + incenerate. All of a sudden you get two fireballs to the face and incenarated before you knew it.


    Yeah, and what class was the most OP overall throughout WoW?


    You guessed it!


    No stealth for ranged classes.


    For the record, the only reason operatives are facerolling right now is because of biochem and expertise stacking. When they fix that in the patch they will be squishy and crappy again, with zero utility for any objective based pvp (LOL AT OPS IN HUTTBALL)


    Surprised more people aren't ************ about Bounty Hunters / Troopers. Now that is an OP class.

  10. Now it is officially gimped to hell.


    Literally no point in taking cybertech. High end Grenades are even more useless than they already were (5 min SHARED cooldown on the GCD?)


    How exactly was it a "golden ticket" Bioware? Anyway, now I have to level biochem like everyone else in the game (LOL you think you nerfed it?)


    Not subbing this month for sure.


    This is why...


    A mage without its shield up got killed? No way! That never happens!


    Surely mages in WoW don't get owned by rogues either whenever they stand still without their defensive spells up.


    Same old complaints, same game. Rogues are OP! *cry*


    How about we fix the infinite healing in BGs first, the ridiculously broken powertechs and their trooper counterparts, glitches etc. etc.


    Then you can try and revamp the rogue mmo archetype.

  12. Or buff all of the other professions. At the moment everyone knows biochem is incredibly overpowered for both PvP and PvE.


    One could argue that perhaps the reusable gernades from Cybertech are more useful in PvP, but biochem is still dominant over every other profession. Nerf it, or buff everything else.

  13. 1. Implementing Diminishing Returns on healing. Endless healing spam isn't fun for anyone.


    2. Nerfing Powertechs. Ton of utility abilities, tankiness, and damage. What exactly is this classes drawback? Impossible to kill with gear.

  14. What about the folks that want to play with friends that had EGA and chose an existing server? Tough luck for those folks?


    And if you are going to say--the EGA folks can roll on the new servers with their friends--wouldn't that also be an option for you?


    They could wait out the 48 hour wait period.

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