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Posts posted by TiTaNsFaN

  1. This seems more of a reactive cry instead of an application cry. Get out and pvp again, instead of 8k crits you get 6k crits, which is still moar that most people could dream about.

    I cant imagine you can still faceroll light armor wearers, but tanks will be significantly tougher to kill, as it should be.



    oh yeah








    No one ever got 8k crits scrub. Highest I've gotten post-nerf in max gear with expertise buff and trinket (surge/crit) was 5080. I crit for less than 3k on juggs.


    Anyway, this type of nerfing without damage data is begging for unsubs.

  2. Someone please tell me what (a) an Operative dps brings to a raid and (b) what it brings to a warzone.


    Zero utlity. Crap damage. Sounds like a great class Bioware.

  3. Rage spec juggernauts burst, thats all they have.. take it away and they have nothing. blame it on bioware, honestly i coulda balanced their classes better in a week.


    Funny, because operative's burst is all they have too... guess what happened anyway

  4. The point of this thread has been made several times over. All dps classes are capable of ridiculous burst (surge stacking yay!) and are broken in different ways.


    The Op is being nerfed into oblivion (not because of the stun nerf but the damage nerf). I've unsubbed because I forsee a Blizzard-like trend on these reactionary nerfs.

  5. I've seen a 7k aoe crit from a jugg.


    But operatives damage is OP. Not sorcs who easily get 12 medals and 400,000 damage in wz's consistently. Not tracer missile spamming mercs from above who knock you off if you get in interrupt range.



  6. I'm an Operative in full champion gear who was just hit for 6k and then 3k consecutively by a juggernaut who took next to nothing in damage. I believe the 6k move is an aoe damage move too (smash?)



  7. I got the ripper nine because of the extra cunning on it, but i currently am using the columi offhand, Cloaked Eliminator because of the massive amount of crit/surge on it.


    So is the Rakata offhand broken basically?

  8. So the tier 2 offhand blade for Imperial Agents (dps) is called the Cloaked Eliminator linked below:




    The tier 3 offhand is either Ghost or Ripper Nine, both linked below respectively:





    Which knife should an operative DPS choose? "Ghost" actually has -12 cunning, -72 crit and -48 surge, replacing those good stats with 82 power and a little weapon damage. I don't even consider that an upgrade.


    The other option, "Ripper Nine" has slightly more cunning, but instead of crit and surge gives alacrity... a useless stat.


    So what rakata offhand are IA's supposed to use???

  9. So the tier 1 offhand blade for Imperial Agents (dps) is called the Cloaked Eliminator linked below:




    The tier 3 offhand is either Ghost or Ripper Nine, both linked below respectively:





    Which knife should an operative DPS choose? "Ghost" actually has -12 cunning, -72 crit and -48 surge, replacing those good stats with 82 power and a little weapon damage. I don't even consider that an upgrade.


    The other option, "Ripper Nine" has slightly more cunning, but instead of crit and surge gives alacrity... a useless stat.


    So what rakata offhand are IA's supposed to use??? I've heard this is a problem for a few classes with respect to offhands. Are they all bugged?

  10. So the tier 2 offhand blade for Imperial Agents (dps) is called the Cloaked Eliminator linked below:




    The tier 3 offhand is either Ghost or Ripper Nine, both linked below respectively:





    Which knife should an operative DPS choose? "Ghost" actually has -12 cunning, -72 crit and -48 surge, replacing those good stats with 82 power and a little weapon damage. I don't even consider that an upgrade.


    The other option, "Ripper Nine" has slightly more cunning, but instead of crit and surge gives alacrity... a useless stat.


    So what rakata offhand are IA's supposed to use???

  11. There really isn't much point to them anymore.

    I'd suggesting retiring it and just rolling something else.


    That's likely what I'll end up doing with mine. I'm not interested in healing.


    *shrug* At least the class story was good.


    Loved the story... guess i'll join the bandwagon and roll a sorc or merc next :/

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