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  1. The story itself is fine, but hardly as engaging as a single person rpg. I think the chapters idea might be a decent way to release content at a more steady pace, though I don't know if it's enough content to keep people playing. There seems to be a lot of people who like to play the game solo, so I hope they're having fun. I enjoy the fact that I can farm the star fortress heroics alone to get some decent/simple decos. However, I'm still extremely bitter about the lack of ops and don't know how much longer I can put up with the lack of end game content. Most of my friends have quit the game and the couple who are left just hop on to play the new chapters for a few minutes then log off again. Frankly, I probably would have left the game as well except I got subscription cards as a gift. Bottom line is I play a new chapter alone for 15-20 minutes. Compare that to an operation which I will play with seven to fifteen other people for hours and hours. So yeah, I miss multiplayer options. (Although I don't care one bit about fps since they tend to drop ugly, useless loot.)
  2. I sent in several tickets through the in-game server. I think I filed in under general/other since they don't usually get back to you for bug reports. If you don't get a response the first time, I suggest you keep ticketing. I had a friend who lost several customizations in one of the updates and it took him a few attempts to get those items returned. My latest service response was a great deal more courteous/helpful but still did not resolve the base issue.
  3. I know what you mean! I'm also a founder/been playing since beta and this is just the latest slap in the face. This afternoon customer service replied to me again: Relieved, I logged in to check my characters and lo behold... I am still missing legendary status. Sigh.
  4. I just got a response from customer service suggesting that I spend my cartel coins to transfer any missing classes around to get my status back. Frankly, it's incredibly insulting that they expect me to pay for their mistake. I already paid a lot of ccs to get my status the first time around since I play characters on a few different servers. Sigh.
  5. Same! He's my crafter so I am especially bitter. Figured he'd be safe from story bugs but they got him somehow anyway.
  6. Also lost my legendary status upon logging in after the patch. Says that I never finished chapter 3 of Smuggler.
  7. Also experienced this bug an hour or so ago. So much for playing over the holiday.
  8. 1. Cheap server transfers killed the raiding community on the server I was on. The raid teams I played with ended up splitting up between a couple of different servers and it became a huge hassle to do anything. After setting up all my legacy stuff, guild ships, crafting, and finding character names I don't really want to do it all a second or third time. 2. I'm sick to death of the operations we've been doing for the last year and there are no new ones in sight. 3. The level sync just sounds tedious. 4. A great deal of my friends have also left the game because they're bored with the old content. I'd rather play a different game with them than pug over and over hoping to meet someone cool. 5. Missing out on early access because I missed one of the required dates after subbing almost every month since launch. Sigh.
  9. I agree with what others have said. Although I've enjoyed most of the class stories (to various degrees) the agent is the only one that really blew me away. By chapter three I was just ignoring all my side quests and frantically doing class stuff to find out what would happen next. It's probably the only class that made me really question some of my choices as well. Massive kudos to the writer who made that story happen!
  10. I’ve played more than a few matches lately where someone solo or co guarding a node will run away the moment they spot incs. ><
  11. One more disgruntled balance shadow... Previous posts have covered all the points I think. I've played balance on my main since beta and now after 2.0 I basically avoid that character.
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