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Everything posted by Axvil

  1. Without reading through all 12 pages, I totally agree! We should be able to hide our companion's headdress as well. Though it should be something we can click on each companion, not just a generic option. Some companion might have neat looking headdresses (?). As of the OP's comment regarding Kira, tell your hubby to go to Hoth and for a measly 12 commendation, he can pick up an orange (moddable) circlet for Kira. Then just upgrade the plate/mod/enchant in it as needed, and voila Kira no longer looks silly..
  2. shouldn't you two be making this post on some WoW forum? I mean, clearly you're done with swtor.. so what do we care about your.. anything..
  3. Sometimes, I can craft and deconstruct 10+ items and still not get the blue version of it.. and sometimes, it happens on the very first try. My crafting level and the item's level/difficulty also doesn't seem to have any bearing on this. Anyone has any info on this?
  4. I know that some green items can break down into multiple types of blues.. as in, I was trying to unlock a blue belt once, so I was mass producing the base green belts. Ended up with 4-5 greens, and on the first deconstruct, I unlocked a "critical" blue design, then on the second deconstruct, I unlocked a different type of blue design.. The armor rating was the same, but they had slightly different stats. However, I don't think you can unlock different types of 'blue' armor plates from the same green.. I could be wrong though
  5. I just got my sith sorc to lvl 10, made it to the fleet and about to pick my crew skills. Should I go for the Artifice lineup (artifice, archeology and treasure hunting), or the Synthweaving one? Artifice would keep my lightsaber top-notch (I got 45 Sentinel doing that on another server) and also give me decent off-hand items. Synthweaving would take care of all my armor needs.. Except, crafted (dark-side, light) armor looks the way it looks, with skirt bottoms and hood-up chest pieces, and I am not a big fan of that particular look. Are there any pros to synthweaving?
  6. If the mobs are 5+ level higher than you, then you probably should not be in that area..
  7. Also, purple gear looks the way it looks and there is nothing you can do about it.. On the other hand, orange gear offers a wiiiide varity of looks, from slave girl bikini to.. whatever, as long as you got the appropriate mods in it. ps: yes, I know that only light armor users can get away with using social orange armor
  8. While regular content update is a must when it comes to any MMO, I'd also like to see BW dealing with ongoing issues. People have been asking for a number of things they would really like to see added/fixed, and I bet they'd prefer to see those sorted out before any new Flashpoints.. Personally, here's some of my issues -Jedi robes, the hood should be optional. My lvl 43 Sentinel has been wearing a scoundrel chest piece since level 20-ish, obviously using the proper armor/mods, just to I don't have my face hidden under a hood. -Synthweaving, every leg armor should come in 2 types, pants and "skirt". Chest armor should have a hood/no hood version. -Companions using skills (knockback) should not aggro additional mobs. -Disabled companion skills should stay disabled.. -Post char-gen customization options (makeup, hair style/color) -Dare I say, same gender romance options.. Obviously, other people will have different priorities, still.. somehow seeing another Flashpoint being added just doesn't really do much for me..
  9. Good old Corso keeps using his harpoon attack to pluck enemies out of a group, and bring them to me for some reason.. Like when a dog brings you a dead mouse or a bird.. Thanks Corso, but I'm a gunslinger, I prefer my enemies at looong range. Also, manually turning off his skill only works till I zone, or mount/dismount my bike etc.. And then there's Boowdar, who in his own way, uses his knock-back skill just as stupidly. He runs into a group of enemies, scattering them just as I toss a grenade or use my other AoE skill. Not to mention that knocking enemies into another mob aggroes that group as well, so suddenly I'm fighting 6+ enemies. Guess I'll just keep my fingers crossed for the next patch, or the one after..
  10. If I were level 50, I would try it for you man.. Sorry about the lack of response from everyone else
  11. I hate the hooded look as well, which is why my Sentinel is using an orange Scoundrel armor chest pieces, obviously remodded with the proper plates etc.. Hopefully, BW will eventually do something about the perma-hood complaints
  12. You pick your eyebrow "shape" under the cosmetics option, but there no way to pick its color.. which is strange. I think it should automatically match your hair color.. I got a char with blonde hair and black-ish eyebrows, looks kinda weird and I'd love to be able to match the two.. Maybe in some future patch?
  13. In some other games, you can actually click on the individual character/companion helmet and select to hide it.. Hopefully, BW will add something soon, cause of those headdresses are just horrible to look at..
  14. I made the mistake of creating both Rep and Imp chars on the same server.. It's a long story and I don't want to get into it, but now I would like to split them up. Does anyone know if it's possible to have some of your characters moved to another server?
  15. I don't buy it, Ahlin.. If these people really just want the game to get better, then they should not be cancelling their subscription. Heck, I want the game to be better! I could list a lot of minor to ridiculously huge issues that I want fixed -yesterday-, but I don't 'threaten' to cancel, I will wait for BW to get back from their Xmass thing and start working on patches etc. also, many of you are right, using a gym membership analogy might not have been the best
  16. Is this "type funny day"? oK, havE yoU trieD pressinG thE X buttoN yet? iF noT, theN dO sO! youR characteR wilL immediatelY siT dowN! yoU can alsO usE thE chaiR oN youR ship'S bridgE aS welL..
  17. when you cancel your gym membership, do you go down to your ex-gym every day, sit in the lobby and tell people coming in and out why you decided to cancel? do you make up posters and plaster them on your gym's walls? If not, then why lurk these forums after you cancelled your swtor subscription? No one cares why you feel let down by a game that's only been out for 14 days (including xmass and new years).. -so long, and thanks for all the fish..
  18. I'm human, wishing that I could put my hood down!
  19. I am keeping my fingers crossed for a no-hood option in tomorrow's patch!
  20. Lucky for you, there are 5 potential companions for each class, some being evil and some being good.. BW gives you a choice to be a good Sith and have a companion who doesn't hate you for it..
  21. Yes, this is not the first post asking for this, hopefully BW will add the option to hide companion helmet soon.
  22. Glad to see I'm not the only one who feels that gaining social points can be a pain unless you have a steady group of friends you can quest with. I think social points should be gained automatically when you're grouped up, as long as the party is in the same area, and no one is AFK, etc.. Also, social points should be account, or at least server based, not individual character based..
  23. Yes, neutral gear would be nice.. my IA and BH are both trying to stay in the mid-area..
  24. If you hold down both mouse button, you will run forward and turn in the appropriate direction.. hope that helps.
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