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Everything posted by Haeso

  1. Sage healing is getting nerfed too, commando DPS is going to be about the same. Unless you're suggesting all healers delete their characters?
  2. KC DPS reminds me of sage DPS. Consistent with small bits of burst. Not enough to blow someone up through healing. Feels very inflated by very high uptime and aoe. My sentinel in any spec can put more pressure on healers than my KC shadow could dream of, even if my sentinel doesn't get much higher on the scoreboard for various reasons.
  3. You're not very bright. The changes are made specifically to make PvE harder without forcing everyone to buy tons of medpacs for every attempt or be biochem.
  4. Haeso

    Marauders nerf

    Do you honestly believe it requires skill to play anything in this game? At most it might require you to be not completely brain dead. The most difficult class out of all of my 50s, that is every class but the gunslinger, is none. They're all equally mind-numbingly easy. You could literally have a macro do the DPS rotation for marauder in PvP as long as you start/stop it as needed and can keep a decent uptime. It's not complicated. Hell the shadow has a more complicated rotation because it relies on procs rather than a simple flowchart, it's a slightly more complex... flowchart. And you aren't going to try and tell me a shadow is difficult are you? What's so tough about sent, force camo after using sweep/Merciless slash to prevent damage while waiting on your CD, use awe to do the same thing/stop people from hitting the person capping, guarded by the force at the last second to not eat your own HP? I don't understand this business. None of the classes have a high skill cap. By it's very nature this game doesn't have a high skill cap. The closest thing to skill in a tab target MMO is situational awareness for knowing when to use CC/defensive cooldowns. I'm all for advocating ones superiority, but try and do it in a believable manner. I'd say finding three other competent players is more difficult than setting up an optimal rotation for any of the classes.
  5. Every character but one has full champion/columi or better. I'm judging based on playing them all with the exception of the gunslinger.
  6. Focus spec for sentinel is getting a massive buff next patch in the way of 30% more damage, 50% damage reduction on cloak, more centering generation, easier singularity stacking - it's all just incredible buffs. Prepatch I would agree a guardian simply does it better, not afterwards. Also, watchman is junk against a good healer. Sure I can faceroll a bad healer as watchman, but I've never died 1v1 to an anni on any of my healers - and I can still toss the occasional heal on friendlies while doing it, assuming a guard and or taunts I can shrug him off easily. Whereas sweep spec's ability to simply drop large hits, especially aoe which I can't as easily heal through? I don't want to fight rage marauders post patch.
  7. Each 50 takes less than 3 days played. I simply have excellent time management. You do not. To wit: I am typing my posts while playing on another monitor.
  8. 7 50s, sage is being benched, all my others will still see some play. Sentinel/Guardian/Scoundrel will see the most play.
  9. Haeso


    No class in this game has a high skill cap.
  10. 7 50s, I rarely play my sage anymore as is, Hybrid was the only decent DPS spec. Madness is nice and all - but other classes can do it better. Sage's one niche was poor single target DPS in exchange for solid aoe. Now anything it can do, someone else can do better. As far as healing goes, Commando healers will be more durable and Scoundrel healers will have more throughput in all but the most aoe heal friendly of scenarios.
  11. Which is fine since there was no fun in gearing up.
  12. Are you insane? Comparatively difficult, as in, it requires two working braincells instead of one? This game is easy.
  13. If we get to choose which debuff to dispell somehow or it prioritizes intelligently, sure. Otherwise hell no it wouldn't even be worth it with only one dispell 90% of the time with all the junk thrown around. If anything it should be 1 of every 'type' if not 2 of every type it can dispell.
  14. I had 6 50s over a full month ago, then got bored, or should I say more bored.
  15. Fine? We no longer have any sustain with resplendence nerfed in PvP. PvE will work exactly the same except on fights with tons of aoe damage. Throw on no 1.5 deliverances - especially when they're nerfing it so conveyance can no longer be doubled up on which all the good healers did - it's a much larger nerf than you guys think. We'll now be able to get one deliverance in the period we used to get two... Before you take into account interrupts. We're looking at around minimum of 30% single target healing reduction in a full rotation - more if you're low on resources and need to NS. Again before interrupts. This is a crippling change to sorc healing - it's a good thing I've got 7 50s already. Legacy 46, sup.
  16. Can you actually confirm they're not removing the cast time buff? "Redesign" suggests they are, it would make sense to add both of those on top of what conveyance already does, but many other changes say "In addition to". I certainly read it as implying the removal of the old buffs, once more if you can confirm this from the PTS I would be appreciative. I won't be healing on my sage without the speed buff on deliverance in PvP anymore, so it's quite important to be sure. Also, losing 10-13% HP every time on resplendence is not a minor nerf - if you're being hit by anyone rather than some passive PvE easymode it's a massive hit to survivability.
  17. You'll never be able to swap the set bonuses without keeping the expertise. The armoring that holds the set bonus has the expertise on it, didn't you know that?
  18. What you said and what you think you've said appear to be different. Perhaps my reading comprehension isn't the best - but your sanity is in question. You're flat out wrong on the eHP with any form of healing involved, yet make no note of it - you mention none of the downsides and only the positives - what you believe you've said and what you've actually said are different. You can't say "Here is why X is better than Y, but X isn't better than Y" and expect anyone to take you seriously, especially when you're wrong.
  19. You only have more effective HP without anyone healing you, if you're PvPing without any form of healing - you're bad or solo queuing. If you want to argue there's an infintesimally small advantage to wearing PvE gear only when solo queuing and no healers on your team - you go right ahead. But lets not pretend it's anything else. As soon as you factor in any healing, eHP is vastly superior with expertise.
  20. The only difference between PvP and PvE is the armoring and set bonuses. The armoring is budgeted at the exact same level but it trades endurance and main stat for expertise.
  21. I've already shown you three methods to deal over 10k in under 1.75 seconds. Two of which are instant or very near instant. You're just bad at the game and refuse to get better -shrugs-
  22. BM really doesn't take a long time, especially if you do your ilum daillies/weekly. Throw in the occasional time when the imps decide throwing nearly a hundred players at a turret with a full resolve from dueling tank sitting on it, and it's pretty easy to get tens of thousands of valor in an hour.
  23. You have no idea how to manage your time - The vast majority of my play time on all but one of those 50s is post 50, not pre. It takes less than two days played to hit 50, try not being so terrible. I don't even bother PvPing in the sub 50 bracket at all. Probably less than 50 warzones total sub 50. Want to know the best part? The majority of my time is spent winning solo queues, not even dominating with my guild's premades because my play time is sporadic due to work and life. You're welcome to ask the people on Helm of Graush who know of me how many 50s I have and their valor ranks lol.
  24. Actually yes. One of the force sweep specs does it instantly, Both of the trooper builds that can do it, do the damage instantly. The force sweep spec does not require any chance at all. The vanguard build that does this has over 50% crit chance, you can get to almost 60% iirc. Plastique-> Stock -> High Impact bolt. This damage occurs within 1.75 seconds of each other. No castable damage ability worth mentioning so you can't combine a ton of damage into one GCD, but far more reliable burst if a slightly larger window. The commando build works in a shorter window, but less crit chance so won't break 10k as often. Sticky -> Grav Round -> Demo Round Sticky/Plastique is delayed damage, Grav round is a casted ability so the demo round that follows it lands on the same instant that sticky/grav hit. The bare minimum damage from this combo without crits is over 5k. There are more builds, and if you throw in AoE centric builds that sages have, those are pretty nasty. 3k+ each on 5 targets, followed by 3k+ each on 3 targets. Takes about 1.75 seconds for those unless you cast the tele wave normally, in which case it's a little less damage (20% on tele wave) but occurs in a split second, less than .25 easily. Oh and as far as what I play most - I play a shadow, kinetic, the most. I have 7 50s, all but the gunslinger. Soon to be three battlemasters (Majority non-ilum minus the daily/weekly.) I rarely play my sage anymore as either healer or DPS as he's already fully geared. My commando and my shadow are probably my strongest DPS classes, with the shadow also being a fine tank. Sentinel is probably the most fun DPS, but bad against organized groups unfortunately.
  25. If they're guarded and you're taunted? Absolutely it should take a team effort to instantly kill someone. It doesn't take a full team for me and my four man premade to kill two healers and a tank + DPS much less one healer a tank and 2 DPS. But we aren't needing to do it instantly, we use CC on the tank to pull him away then force lift, we use CC on the other healer - and if they both break their CC's using the two minute timer we go defensive for a minute till our CC is back and do it again while their timers are on cooldown then it's 4 DPS vs 1 healer and 1 DPS. And if it's only one healer and one tank 2 DPS it's even easier. 4 healers vs 2 DPS and healer/tank or 1 DPS 1 tank 2 healers - the 4 healers will never kill us either, so it's a stale mate unless we can put out enough burst to instagib someone. And if you want to talk potential burst - I know of three classes/builds that can output 10k in a split second window individually - I said EVERY class can do 4k. 8x4 = 32k bare minimum, almost enough to kill a guarded healer. Assuming any of the people on the team are decently geared and know how to spec anywhere near competently, they'll be able to push out over 40k damage in a short window quite easily. Not to mention they could just pick one of the healers that ISN'T guarded, or the tank himself as long as his defensive cooldowns aren't up. Just because you're terrible and can't figure out how to kill healers and tanks, doesn't mean there's something wrong with the relationship between healing, damage and survivability. My four man team has a few setups where we each run a class/build that can put out 8k+ in a short window, we have another build where we each can deal 5-6k ranged AoE damage with all four and focus on bursting the tank by targeting the healer when the tank is within range of the same AoE ability - they take 50% of the squishier target's aoe + 100% of their own damage, which ends up being about 125%~ of what you could do to a non tank (The tank's higher mitigation ends up making it less than the 150% you'd think at face value, but still higher than hitting just the tank.) There are plenty of ways to counter defense oriented teams - the easiest being to force a stale mate by having even one tank and two healers out of 8 players - that'll completely shut out a 4+ healer team. They won't have the DPS to kill you if you spread them out and vice versa - so it'll be a matter of who can best utilize CC to complete the objectives.
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