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Everything posted by OldVengeance

  1. Well OK, that makes sense, but the thing is, I know the game forces you to be mean to her about it but are you really in a position to force her to do anything? All you actually do is to encourage her to do one thing or the other. Plus there's another quest in the Tatooine Bonus series where you get to decide if a militia gets to help you fight off some geonosians or not. the Lightside option is to tell to leave and get patched up while you handle the fight by yourself. It didn't seem that different to me. The only difference is there are people begging you to do both, so I'm always forcing someone to do something they don't want.
  2. I do get the impression that Force sensitives can live somewhat longer that normal individuals but not but enormous amounts unless in extreme circumstances (such as with the Sith Emperor or Arden Lyn). The reason Yoda survived as long as he did was because he was a member of a long lived species. Yaddle was also centuries old and she was a relatively young person by comparison. I think Sith Purebloods do live considerably longer than humans (didn't Mark Ragnos' reign alone last at least 100 years?), 300 years feels like it just might be pushing it though. How old we he in the Revan novel? But yeah I agree with those that said that including Revan at all was pointless, especially in light of what they did with him. I guess they were going for the idea of "WOW! You're so powerful you beat the legendary Revan!" to give the player a greater sense of accomplishment. And I guess I do kinda see what they were going for there but it's still an enormous storytelling blunder, IMO But honestly they should have just left him be. I thought the point of making the story 300 years in the future was so they didn't need to do stuff like this. They could have just left hints of his legacy around the galaxy like the cult on Drommund Kaas and left the player to decide how they felt about it. Heck, in that case they could have done this with both the Exile and Revan and left their genders ambiguous enough to leave fewer playthroughs alienated. I was not happy when they canonized either of them. so yes. Not only is having Revan involved at all unfitting but rendering him as a mad dog to be put down makes everything so much worse.
  3. What? I've only completed Act 1 but every lightside choice involves something like sparing people's lives or preserving peace or curing mentally ill people instead of killing them. Either that or getting vital information without bullying the people who have it.
  4. But how do I know this isn't the last one? Should I just assume that any non flirt option is unromantic, even if it's telling her I care about her "too much"?
  5. I've completed Act 1 with my Sentinel and I've gotten to the point where Kira makes her move on the Knight and you have the option to have a "fade to black" moment. I've been hitting her with a few flirts as we've leveled up but I haven't wanted to be super blatant about it because I thought taking it slow would be more interesting, so not all of them. The MMO style has taught me to be very cautious about proceeding with NPC's stories so I want to be sure exactly what my options are. I know there will be a point where the opportunity to peruse a romance will end. I could tell which conversation that was going to be in the Vette-Sith Warrior conversations for instance. In that case it was fine, but I don't want to be stuck without being able to continue the romance for the rest of the game. Is this the last chance for the Kira romance? There's an option to say "I care about you too much" or kiss her or to reject her entirely. She gains approval for saying the first one but it also for all I can tell it might be a friendly way to "break up" with her for good. Is there another way to continue the romance down the line or is this the make or break moment?
  6. I've been playing all 4. I liked each of them. They are pretty different though so it's hard to compare.
  7. I'm fairly confident it's the Jedi Knight storyline in which she's most important. I've only completed Act 1 with each and She semi-regularly appears in both though.
  8. Are we talking the Avengers from the movie? Because I get the impression that in the movies they were portrayed with a little bit less of the totally ridiculous levels of powers they have in the comics.
  9. When it comes to which side has more logical choices I think it's impossible to generalize, I've seen many times where lightside options are just foolish and other times where darkside options are totally foolish. Sometimes a lightside option (one of them) will be letting a dangerous enemy go free (such as Watcher One) other times a possible darkside option will be to kill an ally for no reason (like FimmRess). Both sides have had their share of stupid sounding decisions.
  10. You know, even putting aside the debatable issue of whether you can use positive emotions to fuel the darkside, why is that what the Sith code "should" be? According to whom? The Sith Code was invented in the EU long after the Sith were, and the Sith were long established to be a power hungry morally bankrupt group of megalomaniacs and there was no point in history when that was not the case. There is no record of these "old school" Sith in history. I don't seen any reason to think that the code was misinterpreted by the modern Sith Order into something different from what it was intended to be, rather it's part of an explanation for why they are as evil as they are (which was something long established.) In fact the interpretation you just described of the Sith Code is not one I've heard espoused by any Sith anywhere ever. Your version applies exclusively to the self, which obviously no Sith do. And there is nothing in the code that says it was intended to be.
  11. The humans are already at war with the Killiks. It's not like it's an unprovoked assault.
  12. Even if Hutts were slugs, wouldn't the amount of salt required to kill it be impractical to carry around? It seems like with that amount of salt you could kill anyone with the right circumstances by crushing them with it.
  13. It doesn't force you to fight him. That decision is seperate and comes later. That quest was kind of weird though. Killing her immediately gets darkside points, but gloating and then killing her a few seconds later despite TImnns' protests gets you none.
  14. I didn't think that the quest implied she would survive for thousands of years longer than her normal lifespan in the prison.
  15. I generally feel like I have a good handle on why some most choices are lightside or darkside. The only time I really felt like they should have been reversed was on Alderaan when one Organa military leader asks you to rescue his daughter from House Rist. The Lightside option is to continue to allow an untrained young woman to help your war effort despite endangering herself and her father's protests and the darkside option is to tell her to get to safety.
  16. I had gotten the impression it was something that he did after the events of the first game. Maybe it's because reading his journal gives the impression he has a better understanding of the applications of the technology behind the Star Forge and the dialogue during his confrontation with Malak in the climax of Kotor I implies that he didn't have that understanding at the time.
  17. Wasn't that so the animals would stop killing people?
  18. I didn't mean as in they weren't noble enough to be Jedi, I just meant their manner, personality don't really come across as one conventionally imagines a Jedi Master like. If they alone taught the next generation of Jedi I don't see the formality or strict adherence to rules being quite as prevalently passed on.
  19. I always believed there were more Jedi Masters in hiding that returned after the Sith Civil War ended to help. The game implied there still were some out there and I get the impression that if the characters trained by the Exile were all that was left of the Jedi then they would have created a very different Order than the one before. None of them (except Micall and maybe Brianna) fit the traditional Jedi mold, which is what made them so interesting. And we know from Tor and other stories set in the Old Republic that they didn't so drastically change until Luke Skywalker's era.
  20. I have to agree vehemently with the sentiment of your post. Revan seems like the most infuriating character to discuss because there's always hordes of people who think of him as the greatest smartest most powerfully invincible force user ever and those fans who beleived that he was completely weak and useless like a backlash to that. Both sides get on my nerves. This also invariably leads to talk of the Exile as well, isn't really supremely different as a character but who also has the exact same , except maybe the ratio of fans to haters is somewhat inverted. I get a little tired of people arguing over which one of them was more powerful when their respective strengths and weakness were supposed to be different. But the fact is, both of them ha to be pretty strong in the force, they were both PCs after all.
  21. I do remember he talked about both Exar Kun and Nomi Sunrider, but I don't recall his exact dialogue. I might be wrong, especially with Kun, but I don't think he compares either's strength directly to Revan's, but I think the gist of much of his dialogues is to give the Revan PC some perspective. Kind of essentially to get over themselves, in some ways. Because he knew Revan was neither the first nor the last person to be kind of a big deal for a while, so he was basically telling him that Revan that he wasn't as unique as he might have thought. In fact in both Kotor games, many characters treat the legends of the past with more reverence than the heroes of the present. In the second game Kreia tells the Exile that if they were to face one of the ancient Sith Lords in combat they would be no match for them. One of the mandalorians on the mission to Dxun describe Freedon Nadd as being "worse than Revan and Malak ever were" according to the stories about him. In Nomi's case, I seem to remember Jolee saying Revan reminded him of her somewhat. And I think he talked about how Exar Kun shocked the Jedi by being as successful as he was turning their own against them.
  22. I had a response typed up last night but the an error erased it so I went to bed. This actually said it better than I would have. The main other thing I wanted to add was that I don't think that igniting a lightsaber is the equivalent of squeezing a trigger with intent to shoot. If a Jedi were to prepare to defend themselves with a lightsaber they would still ignite it, because it's fairly useless as a defense otherwise.
  23. I never ever got the impression that Revan was supposed to be more powerful than Exar Kun. If anything, to veterans of the Great Sith War still around in Kotor, Reven and Malak were still in Exar Kun's shadow. The rodian on the Yavin IV station actually witnessed Exar Kun personally and, as Dark Lords go, he doesn't compare you favorably to him.
  24. So a thief or a murderer or a warlord should never be brought to justice unless they personally attack a Jedi first? The Sith Warrior is already pursing a dangerous agenda by hunting a young Padawan with orders to murder her. Darth Barras is already attacking the Jedi Order and the Sith Warrior is the instrument by which he does so. I'm still on Tatooine with my Bounty Hunter character.
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