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Everything posted by OldVengeance

  1. I remember when I first tried Galactic Starfighter, I was completely clueless. I could barely do anything. It takes practice. After you learn the mechanics, you can get better. It's actually one of the most fun things to do in the game for me now. I'm sometimes one of the best players in any given match. Not too long ago, I killed 20 opponents in one match (even though we lost 46-50). Occasionally, when my teams come up against pro groups that completely destroy us, I've managed to become the best of the worst. There were a couple times we lost 50-1 or 50-2, and I was the one who got the one kill to prevent a sweep. If you're terrible now, that doesn't mean you can't be better later.
  2. Jaesa defaults to unromanced Dark Jaesa. For Inquisitor companions, I believe it defaults to Khem Val, not Zash, but I'm not 100% certain. It's also worth noting that I think Vette defaults to having never taken the collar off.
  3. I believe Vaylin has definitely possessed the body of Satele's student. I'm extremely confident that we will be seeing her again, especially in light of the email Senya sends where she is worried that Vaylin's spirit will never rest. My question is what exactly they are going to try to do with this development. There is precedent for a Force Ghost possessing the living, such as Terack Morrhage, but if Satele's student is dead, are they trying to suggest she could permanently replace her spirit and suddenly have a new body? That doesn't really make sense to me. One would imagine that a Force Ghost possessing the body of a dead Jedi is unnatural, and would not be a permanent solution. I think a body hoping story for Vaylin's ghost would be interesting.
  4. So do you have to be a subscriber when you log in to get the Steam Flair?
  5. That's not a bug, that's how companions work now. The companions you get back after Kotfe are mechanically different ones from the ones you lost after the Class Stories. They don't have the same dialogue or approval gains programmed into them as the original versions.
  6. Yes, you can. So far as I can tell, the dialogue and opportunity to flirt is actually specific to female Troopers. Unlike the Jaesa and Nadia new romance dialogue, which is available to anyone who didn't romance her in the class stories, Elara can only be flirted with people with by males who already romanced her and females (she even has married and unmarried variation for male Troopers). The equivalent is true for Vector I think.
  7. A lot of them have been fixed. Although Nadia still is silent during combat. I suspect there was a bigger programming oversight with that one.
  8. Hmm, that did seem to fix my immediate problem, but we'll have to wait and see if it continues to stay fixed. Thanks.
  9. And even now, it isn't fixed, after the latest patch. I cannot continue to pay a subscription with a game that has a chance to not even let me play it.
  10. Ugh, this is STILL happening. I'm trying to play the game and literally can't.
  11. It's a pretty long, action-packed, and involving cutscene too.
  12. I've thought about this a lot too, but the inescapable problem at the end of the day is that it doesn't make sense for them both to stick around afterward unless it's with the Jedi Knight. Kira should never be okay with helping an Imperial Loyalist PC. Scourge seems unwilling to kill his own kind in the absence of a greater threat or purpose. Even if they both survive, one should logically want to leave anyway. Maybe letting the companion terminal bring them back is a good solution.
  13. I'd been able to log again with my characters with no trouble for a while now. But now it is gone again. I guess it was just a coincidence.
  14. No, the only difference is minor dialogue (and email) changes during Kotet and War for Iokath. The decision on Iokath is the only deciding factor for that part of the storyline.
  15. I thought their first estimate for release was August.
  16. Apparently this is the same thread I already posted in back when it first appeared. Least Favorite: Dark Inquisitor I play my Sith as Darksiders, and I find this just doesn't fit the Inquisitor story. You're forced to take a Jedi Apprentice that always thinks you're a Lightside Sith for some reason, but is also perfectly happy to help you kill her former comrades, despite still somehow thinking she's still a Jedi. It has, by far, my least favorite supporting cast. Khem Val is the best one, and he'd be kind of middle of the road for me in any other companion groups. The story hits several of the same notes as the Sith Warrior story, yet somehow does them all worse. The main villain is barely a character you get to know and the beef between them and the Inquisitor doesn't even really feel personal. The entirety of Chapter 1 of the Warrior story sets up the importance of Jaesa Willsaam and pits you against a powerful Jedi adversary. The Inquisitor story has neither. The Warrior storyline even seems to explore the intricacies of Sith politics better than the Inquisitor, which was supposedly about intrigue and betrayal. I can't say I didn't enjoy certain parts of it, but I'd put it as the one where I found myself the least interested and invested in the plot. Most Favorite: Imperial Agent (I guess she was technically Lightside, but definitely not an average Lightsider) I really loved this one, in part, because it's so different and innovative. It doesn't seem to have an iconic Star Wars trope that it is based on (the closest I can think of is the X-Wing novels by Michael Stackpole?), so it seemed to be able to go in less predictable directions. The circumstances allowed me to play some very uniquely nuanced characters. It's also easily the most reactive story in the game, becoming the Hand of Jadus is still probably the decision in the game with the most different content associated with it (or close to it, at least). Easily the most fun I had with the class stories, it was the only one out of the eight that I didn't feel any lull in Chapter 2 whatsoever. It also has the most endings, but that's the one major criticism I had, some of the endings are things you can accidentally cause without warning.
  17. Aaaand... now I'm back to not being able to select them again.
  18. Yeah, now that I can play my characters, I've noticed this with my female characters too. My consular suffered it while she was clicking on collecting codex entries on Corellia.
  19. And for some reason when I tried again the next day, I can now log in with my characters again.
  20. Yep. Me too. I also just discovered I have this problem.
  21. I love Darkside Jaesa. She's devoted and fanatically loyal. She also has a love of crushing her enemies that matches any DS Warrior's. She was perfect for me, but only you can decide if she'd be perfect for you. Lana is very likely to have more content from here on out, though.
  22. I do agree that Arcann and Senya should play at least a small role in the story. This definitely feels like the type of thing that they would be interested in and relevant to. It would be really cool for them to interact a little with Kira and Scourge because they both dealt with different incarnations of the same villain. This will be the first time they might have met Vitaite. Since this is supposed to be the epilogue for this plot, this is presumably the last time that we'll have the chance to have the Vitiate related characters and the Valkorion related characters compare notes. Plus, Kira and Arcann seem like they would have stuff to talk about. One is a literal child of the Emperor, while the other is a figurative Child of the Emperor.
  23. Jadus was never explicitly killed in any of his outcomes. The only three outcomes he can face is being imprisoned, escaping, and voluntarily going into seclusion. I definitely agree he should come back. I do think he could become Emperor, but I think it would be better for him stay in the shadows, at least for a while. That allows them to use him without considering the the different possible worldstates from various player choices. He has a tendency to try to wield influence from hiding, so it would definitely be in character for him. I kind of hope they keep him around for a while if they do bring him back, so I don't think it would be a good idea to make him the main antagonist of the game. Especially since, there are Agents that sided with him.
  24. Yeah that only applies to that first cutscene. Everything from here on will be her darkside model and customized armor. I'm assuming that you still had Darkside Jaesa dialogue in that scene?
  25. I believe they are just treated as human. Purebloods weren't written with being a Jedi in mind, so there's no race specific dialogue for them on any Republic class.
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