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Everything posted by OldVengeance

  1. Yeah, I experienced the same, even though I banished him.
  2. Doesn't the weekly conquest give you different missions for saboteurs or loyalists?
  3. Yup, this would be it for me. We've finally been reunited with our companions, after all these years. I want to feel like we're actually all back together again.
  4. OK, so first the game wouldn't launch and now it's installing an 11 GB patch? I had to uninstall a bunch of games for this to even work. What's going on? Should I uninstall the game and redownload?
  5. People keep saying this, but I'm not sure it's true. One of my characters was in this position and still was able to get the Lana romance. The thing I noticed is that there seems to be some sort of common bug in Chapter 8 where the romance doesn't trigger properly. But it can be fixed by restarting the chapter before it's finished. The way to tell is whether it's working is whether Lana kisses the Outlander in the beginning of the Chapter or shows up to save them from Arcann at the end. At least that's how it worked for me.
  6. Malgus might be a threat to both Republic and Empire (or at least the Empire's leadership), but the last guy literally tried to eat the galaxy. I can't really imagine Kira looking at what Malgus is doing right now and think thinking to herself, "No matter who he is, I *definitely* need to help the Hand of the Empire and Empire's Wrath take this guy out." At least not without some very specific circumstances, like, the realizes the only way to save the Jedi is that she needs me to destroy Malgus for her and then betray me by ferrying the Jedi away. I mean, no offense to Malgus, but right now my Wrath still considers himself a greater threat to the Jedi Order and the Republic than Malgus.
  7. That's true. I was thinking more along the lines of Jaesa being excited about him being destroyed or Vette being relieved that he's gone or maybe Quinn musing about how their relationship to the Emperor has gone full circle. If they only have the resources for one Alliance Alert, then maybe the Warrior companions are ones that should be saved for something they're doing in the future. Honestly, I don't think Malgus or Heta Kol qualify. The type of threat that has required Kira and Scourge to team up before is something on the scale of Vitiate or the Eternal Fleet. As in, they'd need to be threats that necessitate the Republic and Empire put aside their war and work together in order to survive. That wasn't the type of threat Malgus posed on Illum, and so far he's not become that type of threat now either. Heta Kol right now is mostly just a threat to Shae Visla. Getting involved in a Mandalorian Civil War seems like one of the last things I would imagine Kira and Scourge would prioritize. Frankly, I don't think Kira and Scourge should necessarily even be considered equivalent. Scourge is someone that I kind of doubt would even know what to do with his life, at this point. He devoted most of his unnaturally long life to stopping the Emperor, he doesn't seem like the type of person who would have been focused on whatever came afterward. Nobody he cares about from before he became the Emperor's Wrath is even alive anymore, presumably. Kira is different. She still has ties to the Jedi Order and the people of the Republic. Jedi Knights aside, Scourge is obviously still loyal to the Empire, but in a world where the Republic and Empire are at war, eventually his friendship with Kira and his loyalty to his home will come into conflict. It kind of seems like their story is intended to be over, though. The letters they send kind of reminded me of the opposite faction letters you get after Jedi Under Siege. You can kind of mitigate this by picking certain dialogue options, but yeah. It felt weird that the friendship dialogue was something that wouldn't feel out of place in a romantic scene. My Consular is a compassionate gal, but I would prefer to be friendly towards Lana without feeling like Lana is the center of my Consular's world or that we're inching closer to having an emotional affair or something. Maybe it is a plot point that Lana has feelings for the Outlander, no matter what? That could be a nice way to accommodate people who missed the chance in Kotfe. You know, I notice that they will occasionally put in romance or class specific references in strange places where most people won't see them. That is really unfortunate when they seem to have limited ability to include them at all. Just yesterday I learned that the one and only class specific line of dialogue that Vette has with unromanced Sith Warriors in the entirety of Kotet occurs on Iokath, but you have to be mean to her to get it. If you're an Imperial Agent, it's also the only way to get one extra line about romancing Kaliyo.
  8. I kinda like the date night idea, hopefully something with more dialouge.
  9. Or at least emails from the the LIs who's story was sort of connected to the Emperor, like the Knight and Warrior companions. Well, I was actually going to say the same thing about Kira and Nadia, but I try not to focus exclusively on what I want to see. Seriously, though, Nadia and Kira together in a story would be awesome. To be honest, there are a lot of characters' who's future's seem uncertain, yet still seem to have a lot of room to explore further stories, Kira included. After the defeat of Tenebrae, you'd think she'd either return to Satele or the rest of the Jedi Order. Apparently she and Scourge still plan to focus on threats to the galaxy, but for Kira, wouldn't that be the Empire? It makes sense that she'd stand by my Consular, but what about the Imperials? It was a huge relief (as a Kira fan) when Scourge told my Sith Warrior that Kira still categorically refuses to harm the Republic, but even still, it's weird how she's sticking around at all. My Wrath is every bit the monster that Darth Angral was, the next biggest threat to the galaxy is me. I was going to comment that I don't think there are many people clamoring to romance Sal-Deron, for example, but apparently there are some. I still can't imagine they'd be very many who would prefer to prioritize resources for that over our classes companion romances or the "Knights" romances. What's strange is that they did write alternate romantic and platonic dialogue for her, but even versions of the non-romantic version of the scene made me start to wonder if this was the right dialogue when I first heard it. It certainly felt weird that my most emotional scenes are with Lana and not the people I'm actually closet to, like my girlfriend.
  10. I think there is room for at least some class specific content in the game. They did do that with Elara and Vector after all. Not all companions even make sense with all Outlanders, and even with people like Elara, a lot of her content is based on her history with the Trooper, so it makes sense why only they got the Alliance Alert. One of the other things I find myself hoping for is that other people comment on your romance, even if only briefly. I remember hoping that maybe Tenebrae would maybe threaten to go after them at some point during some of his story missions. Sort of like "And when I'm done here, maybe I'l lvisit that [iNSERT LOVE INTEREST NICKNAME] of yours." Maybe Vaylin could still do that at some point in the future. I know they seem to be working on some romances with characters like Anri, and Arn, (and maybe Rivix?) but there comes a point where if they have to choose between giving us more content with our old ones, I hope they put a hold on newer romances. If they keep adding new ones, does that force them to spread all of them thinner? Well, when people would say this before, it seemed like an exaggeration. I thought maybe she had an unspoken attraction, at best. Now, though, her non-romantic dialogue (and performance) seem to be loaded with almost the kind of emotion you'd expect from a romantic scene. I almost started to wonder if there was a bug or something. There's actually quite a contrast to how she behaves around the Outlander in early Knights of the Fallen Empire compared to say, the Nathema Conspiracy. Maybe that's intentional, to give people another chance to romance her in the future?
  11. That was a little weird, yeah. But I guess the idea is that Lord Ziliss was just kind of an arrogant idiot. I can see a Sith in her position seeing the person who destroyed the Sith Emperor as a chance for glory, but she didn't even seem to know or care who you were. And she continued to call you "worm" even after you defeated her in battle. And that sort of started to seem like she was also unknowingly insulting herself, if she was defeated by "a worm".
  12. Yes! This. This is kind of a big part of why I bring this up. Nadia told my Consular that we didn't have to lose any more time together, and that was the last thing she said to me, two years ago. It also stands out because the Nadia/FemConsular romance is still in its early stages compared to an already married Nadia. Not saying there shouldn't be differences, but it would be nice to eventually be able to hear some of those marriage lines as a female Nadia romance. Unlike any version of the Jaesa reunion romances, starting a new romance with Nadia also doesn't feature either partner say "I love you" to the other yet. It feels like there's still a lot more Nadia romance left to see. It's even more pronounced with the newer same sex romance options with Dorne and Vector. And Jaesa herself is a character that would seem to be *super* useful to have around. She could help the Warrior uncover treacherous Sith OR hunt down the Jedi OR even wading into battle on the front lines. I think there's sort of the potential for an interesting dynamic with her and Lana being around. There would probably be a bit of tension given that Jaesa tried to kill her before. And I can almost picture Lana being a little bewildered with her being around, especially given how much her attitude towards the Warrior would have changed since the battle they fought on Iokath. And the bottom line is that I'm still bitter that they made us wait all those years for her to come back only to ruin the reunion with that stupid awful hood they made her wear in the cutscene. I keep hoping we'll get another romantic moment together now that I've given her proper gear that won't make her look bald. Knowing Dark Jaesa, she actually probably would have quite a bit to say after the defeat of Tenebrae. Given how attracted she is to power, how devoted she is to the Wrath, and how much she loves destroying her enemies, I genuinely think the Wrath destroying the most dangerous being in the galaxy would be a massive turn on for her. It would have been nice to get an email about how excited she is to be back now, especially since she missed the first time Vitiate was destroyed.
  13. Here's the thing, I think Onslaught actually did a lot right in this regard. A couple years ago I made a thread about how we still don't seem quite like we're apart of our faction after Jedi Under Siege, and Onslaught really addressed most of my concerns. And it did so in a way that was inclusive to different players' desires to either stay independent or rejoin their faction. I especially liked how the Imperial version gave you the option to respectfully bow to Acina or not. I thought we were on the right track with the Jekiah Ordo segments too, because he specifically asks you what he should address you as. Personally, I think clearing debris or blocking paths with explosives is not a big deal. It's not hard to imagine that might be faster or less taxing for the Force Users to use it that way. I actually disagree about Rivix. He came across more like the idea guy, rather than the leader, if you pick the less friendly options he get to boss him around a bit. Even Krovos does a little bit of that. Gnost-Dural said The Jedi Consular is the first member of the new Jedi Council, besides himself presumably, and since the Jedi Order's leadership is still being rebuilt, it makes sense that Gnost-Dural would be the de-facto leader. My main problem is that the other two Jedi you meet (are they even on the Council?) treat you more like an outsider than one of the most senior members left in the Jedi Order. I mean, okay, maybe Vinyor Tesh doesn't trust you if he hasn't met you, but still, one would think his reaction to a Smuggler that Gnost-Dural befriended would be different from a fellow Jedi.
  14. That's a good point actually. Especially since this very mission gave you the option to know who Aryn Lenner was or not.
  15. 1. I wouldn't have thought I'd say this, but I'm actually quite interested to see where this goes. There's definitely some loose threads from Echoes relating to Vitiate's family. It think it's pretty clear that Vaylin has some sort of scheme for revenge. Now that Tenebrae is dead, she's presumably going to go after the Outlander now. I'm almost certain that she's possessed the body of Satele's student. One big factor in this whole storyline is what role Senya and Arcann will play in the whole thing. If they're alive they will presumably be Vaylin's main targets. But if they are dead, it's implied they still seek revenge on the Outlander too. It's possible they'll try to join Vaylin in her revenge. 2. I don't think his storyline has anything to do with that weird wound in the Force stuff that Kriea was rambling about in Kotor 2. I think that would make him too much like Vitiate, anyway. One thing that I did wonder about was the emphasis both sides put on the history of the unethical practices at the Jedi Enclave during the Jedi Civil War. Maybe Malgus plan involves repeating them? 3. I actually thought the same about the Mandalorian Civil War, even down to wondering if Darth Jadus was secretly behind it. Mandalorians seem like small fries compared to the type of plans that Jadus gets involved in, though. If he's involved, it would only make sense that he'd have a larger agenda. 4. I expect this to be mostly about introducing new characters.
  16. It's true that there's precedent for unqiue force talents and for abilities that hide one from others' senses, even in this game alone, but the problem is that Malgus wasn't trying to hide. He was actually trying to be followed.
  17. I know this is an old and oft repeated request, but I really think we should be seeing more scenes from our returned companions, especially in situations where they logically would or should be involved. I think the fact that it's so often requested is a sign of how important it is. I think most of us are still feeling pretty starved for content from our love interests, and there's quite a lot of them. I don't have a problem with interacting with Lana, but it's starting to become really awkward that I'm having these emotional goodbyes with her instead of my characters' actual wives/love interests. I'm legitimately starting to wonder if the implication is that Lana is in love with the Outlander, regardless of relationship status. Shouldn't Jaesa or Vette or Quinn have something to say before or after we finally defeated Tenebrae? They were all there when the Warrior became the Emperor's Wrath. What about Doc? He was there when the Jedi Knight struck him down on Dromund Kaas. Or the Consular companions? Fighting the Emperor's Children was an extension of fighting him. But it's not just Echoes of Oblivion that I'm talking about here. Shouldn't the Jedi companions be involved in Task Force Nova's quest to rebuild the Jedi? Shouldn't the Republic/Imperial soldiers have comments on the progress of the war? Shouldn't the Sith have comments on the state of politics in the Sith Empire? I've said this before, but, at the very least we should get emails from our love interests. Are they really that hard? It seemed like they were doing that for a while, but I don't think they've continued those since Umbara. Speaking for myself, there was a split second where I was excited that maybe Nadia was back because Sal-Daron had Nadia's new haircut. I'll admit that this is one example from my own biases, but I think if you're looking for a character that could be present for all Republic characters, Nadia fits the bill. She was right there alongside Tau and Gnost-Dural on Ossus, she theoretically would still be working with them, one would think. I know that Consulars can reject her, but she presumably goes right back to the Jedi Order if you do that. Not saying that she should be a companion for everyone, but couldn't she at least be present for the Jedi Order/Task Force Nova scenes?
  18. I didn't quite grasp the extent of it until Master Vinyor Tesh sent me an email apologizing for getting off on the wrong foot. It seemed a little weird he would be trying to apologize to me like that for trying to exclude Aryn Leneer, only for me to realize, this email was probably meant primarily for Troopers and Smugglers who he would have also tried to exclude from the meeting. And when I went back and looked at the meeting with the Jedi, even Sal-Daron was nice to you in a very generic and unspecific sort of way. I know they must have a limited ability to make class specific references or dialogue changes, but surely other Jedi should acknowledge that you are one of their own, especially if there is still so few of them. Heck, the Jedi are trying to determine Malgus's plan be searching through obscure Jedi lore. Shouldn't the Master of Hidden Knowledge be more directly involved in their search for hidden knowledge?
  19. So I enjoyed Secrets of the Enclave, but I couldn't help but notice it almost seemed written from the perspective of a non-Force user, with a couple of Force Sensitive related lines tacked on. Why is my Jedi Consular so mystified and astounded by the fact that Aryn Leneer can sense Darth Malgus? Why does Aryn need to explain to me how echoes in the Force work? Why does Vinyor Tesh react to me like I'm the hired help, and not on the Jedi Council? Why can't my Wrath can't sense the echoes of violence and pain left behind in the Dantooine Enclave? Even Darth Rivix was surprised by that. I mean, sure my characters might not have as strong of a connection to Malgus as Krovos or Leneer, but why couldn't we sense Malgus at all? Aren't we supposed to be powerful in the Force? Previously, we were able to sense Valkorion from lightyears away. We could sense the suffering of the Iokath builders even after thousands of years. They seemed to be getting better at this stuff since Onslaught, so this felt especially jarring.
  20. I remember when I first tried Galactic Starfighter, I was completely clueless. I could barely do anything. It takes practice. After you learn the mechanics, you can get better. It's actually one of the most fun things to do in the game for me now. I'm sometimes one of the best players in any given match. Not too long ago, I killed 20 opponents in one match (even though we lost 46-50). Occasionally, when my teams come up against pro groups that completely destroy us, I've managed to become the best of the worst. There were a couple times we lost 50-1 or 50-2, and I was the one who got the one kill to prevent a sweep. If you're terrible now, that doesn't mean you can't be better later.
  21. Jaesa defaults to unromanced Dark Jaesa. For Inquisitor companions, I believe it defaults to Khem Val, not Zash, but I'm not 100% certain. It's also worth noting that I think Vette defaults to having never taken the collar off.
  22. I believe Vaylin has definitely possessed the body of Satele's student. I'm extremely confident that we will be seeing her again, especially in light of the email Senya sends where she is worried that Vaylin's spirit will never rest. My question is what exactly they are going to try to do with this development. There is precedent for a Force Ghost possessing the living, such as Terack Morrhage, but if Satele's student is dead, are they trying to suggest she could permanently replace her spirit and suddenly have a new body? That doesn't really make sense to me. One would imagine that a Force Ghost possessing the body of a dead Jedi is unnatural, and would not be a permanent solution. I think a body hoping story for Vaylin's ghost would be interesting.
  23. So do you have to be a subscriber when you log in to get the Steam Flair?
  24. That's not a bug, that's how companions work now. The companions you get back after Kotfe are mechanically different ones from the ones you lost after the Class Stories. They don't have the same dialogue or approval gains programmed into them as the original versions.
  25. Yes, you can. So far as I can tell, the dialogue and opportunity to flirt is actually specific to female Troopers. Unlike the Jaesa and Nadia new romance dialogue, which is available to anyone who didn't romance her in the class stories, Elara can only be flirted with people with by males who already romanced her and females (she even has married and unmarried variation for male Troopers). The equivalent is true for Vector I think.
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