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Everything posted by shyroman

  1. These perks being enabled for nim ops is a mistake. You disabled them for pvp due to the competitive aspect (I'm guessing) and although nim ops aren't directly competitive like pvp, when a new nim op comes out, there is a competitive aspect between groups to kill it first. I expect the timed run achievement to be a real race between groups, and guilds that grind for stat boosts will have a definite edge over guilds that do not grind conquest. This edge will be even greater for future nim ops and guilds that don't grind conquest or new guilds will be left behind. This also punishes groups that aren't composed of members all in the same guild. The nim community is already small enough and stuff like this will hurt one of the big incentives for groups trying hard to complete the ops as quickly as possible.
  2. Snipers are one of the best dps classes for ops. Top 3 along with maras and pt's.
  3. Don't forget to checkmark the timer when you go to the timers tab. They are unchecked by default for some reason, and don't forget to click on display, I've forgotten to do that a lot and have wondered why it doesn't show.
  4. As far as a timer goes, just do this in the startparse timers and it should work. https://imgur.com/cCKpyih If you are mainly just not wanting to count from cauterize to cauterize, you can count from merciless slash to cauterize. The standard placement for cauterize is 2 gcd's after merciless slash so I just go merciless slash, could 1 gcd, and then cauterize. Makes the counting a lot easier.
  5. Yeah I noticed this as well last night. Also both tyth and A/E had their burn phases bugged with no adds spawning in tyth burn and no beams in A/E burn as well as significantly reduced damage done by bosses in A/E burn. For Nahut, we also couldn't knockback anything in first phase. Electricity in 2nd phase was normal for us. In third phase we also got 3 turrets initially and just tried to get them sucked in as fast as possible, we also had adds spawn with the 2nd set of turrets and we pushed into burn phase at like 55%. Still got it down but 3rd phase was significantly harder. Scyva was also slightly different with an extra bit of purple circling the room right under Scyva's feet so you couldn't just park right underneath her. Also the purple was smoothly rotating around the room instead of jumping to a new position every few seconds. Didn't get a chance to do Izax yet.
  6. Utility where force barrier resets cool down of force speed.
  7. Both deception and hatred are viable for all pve content if that’s what you’re asking.
  8. I like the idea of slowly releasing old rewards. Most people that played the game then have left anyways so few current players even have those rewards. Even though I already have the furious weapons, many current players that were not playing then love how they look more so than any other weapon set and I’d be completely fine with them being able to acquire those. Maybe players that don’t like the current rewards but love the old rewards will be more active in ranked thus increasing the ranked population.
  9. Because it is a way to enjoy the game with 1-3 other friends. Also, if we manage to get grouped up against another good group, it is a ton of fun (assuming there aren't 3 healers each side). I had a match yesterday where each side had 2 healers, 1 tank, and 4 strong dps in mid and it was a really close game, but not a complete stalemate. Myself and the other healer had to put out 9.3k and 9k hps and even then occasionally people were dying. Regs become not fun when as a healer I only need to put out 4k hps because there are 2-3 other healers on my team or the other team doesn't know how to dps. As a dps it becomes not fun when the other team has a ton of healers and my team has none, but balanced teams are still fun.
  10. With this idea, would it not be better to tie guard to defense instead of shield/absorb? Because right now defense is pretty much useless as well.
  11. What some people will never understand is that strong dcd’s are basically like healing yourself without consuming a ton of resources as long as they are used correctly. Take cloak of pain for example, 20% dr for 6-30 seconds depending on how much you are hit. Now if you are hit for 50k damage while that is active, you mitigate 10k of it, which has the same end result as healing yourself for 10k after the fact. The main difference that makes cloak of pain significantly better under most scenarios (since most of the time there will be at least 1 healer around) is that dcd’s like cloak of pain stop you from getting bursted down as quickly, you can’t heal if you’re dead since you have no damage reduction. That’s why a sorc with no barrier or phase walk will get blown up in a stun, since they can’t mitigate the damage to run away and heal up. The only scenario where healing is better than strong dcd’s is when there are no healers around and you are not getting focused at all. Even when there are no healers around, if a sorc gets focused, they will either die before being able to heal up enough to make it better than dcd’s or they will have to run away so far that they are effectively out of the fight anyways and the only thing that does is make the end scoreboard look better with less deaths. When they have to do that though, most of their damage will consist of dotting everyone without putting out any real pressure. Obviously there is a threshold where healing can be so strong where it is stronger than dcd’s *cough* 3.0 madness sorcs *cough*. Even for merc dps, their healing has been tied to dcd’s (their actual healing abilities are pretty bad for their resource cost) and they have been nerfed to appropriate levels. There’s a reason why marauders have been considered top dps class in pvp for quite a while now by almost everyone that knows what they’re doing in pvp and isn’t wearing rose colored glasses. Their dcd’s are incredibly strong when used correctly and they become gods when any competent healer is around them. Even snipers are still really strong when played correctly, although that is seen less since using their dcd’s optimally is harder than most other classes even though their healing in their utilities is not that relevant anymore.
  12. Another important thing for getting higher ranked is to know when to queue. Ride the ups and hop off of the downs before they destroy your rating too much. If you notice you are constantly getting paired with better players then you definitely don’t want to stop queueing but if you are constantly getting queued with players a lot worse than you against players that are a lot better then it might be time to take a break. I never played ranked enough to fully know how to do this optimally but my cutoff was usually 3 bad teams in a row or 4 of 5 games. This won’t help a ton since you still have to have the skill to climb and not be the cause of your team’s loss but it should reduce the amount of times you have a team that is uncarryable or has a very low chance of winning.
  13. I’m going off of grim’s original post, because all his other posts have been changing his argument because he either realizes he’s wrong, or doesn’t know how to argue. He has done this repeatedly in the past as well because he very often doesn’t know what he’s talking about. His entire original post can be summed up by these lines. He literally says these ranking apply everywhere, what do you mean he doesn’t think they apply to pvp, do you know what the word “everywhere” means? He’s constantly saying that, though it’s not perfect for pvp, it still applies which is objectively incorrect as many have stated. Single target sustained dps rankings are 100% irrelevant in pvp.
  14. The second vid proves you don’t know what you’re talking about (because I’m not going to watch a 9 min video for something I know doesn’t exist). The only time where all 5 shots didn’t go off was when you got interrupted, so the enemy died or you got stunned. The only time the fly text didn’t appear for all 5 ticks was when you hit it into the boss when he dodges every attack and sometimes flytext doesn’t always appear for that.
  15. I’ve mained a sniper for most of my time since penetrating blasts has been a thing and have never had this happen to me and marksman is my preferred spec so I play it a lot. The only time when I haven’t gotten every tick of PB is if I accidentally clip PB and don’t allow the full channel to go out.
  16. That’s why virulence is an amazing spec in pvp right? One of the best overall dps and has amazing uptime and very good survivibility. Oh wait it’s trash. When you try and explain the argument further because you don’t know why everyone else understands that it’s wrong and you make it even easier to show how it’s completely irrelevant to pvp. Pyro and lethality could both be given the same cd’s as mercs at 5.0 launch and they’d still be trash. It’s the nature of the spec that makes it bad. It has high sustained dps but bad reliable aoe do not much actual pressure and no burst. Those are the 2 things that make a dps class have any kill pressure in pvp. All a dps class needs besides that is to not be at pt levels of dcd’s and they become good in pvp, though sustained specs usually need better dcd’s to work than burst specs. It literally has nothing to do with single target sustained and that’s what you/grim don’t get.
  17. Neither has grim’s posts and it’s his own thread. People have been constantly trying to tell him that, and his rebuttles often have a lot of blatantly incorrect information.
  18. Your rotation and the one I posted end up being the same thing, yours is just a bit more explained while mine combines your 1 and 4 blocks. And yeah these are both just starting rotations and only function optimally on dummies or single bosses with no adds and little downtime. Good enough for everything though.
  19. Yeah dummy parses are super important when determining which specs are better, that’s why virulence (3rd highest top parse) so is much better than marksman (lowest top parse) in pvp despite being the same class. Oh wait...
  20. Here’s a good easy rotation to start out with Since this was said before the changes to energy a while back, in block 1 where it says dirty blast x3, just replace one of the dirty blasts with a flurry of bolts with for every block 1 and you won’t run out of energy.
  21. I assume you're talking about firebrand and stormcaller because that is the "hardest" part of the instance. Considering each dps only needs to do 6.1k each during the phases while on the tanks (so not including in the shields), I'd hardly call that a dps check. Also, that 6.1k is if healers and tanks are literally afk and doing no damage. Even if the tanks are doing a measly 2k each, and healers never dps, that's only 5.1k for each dps. Even sm should require some basic knowledge of the class, even though I'm pretty sure every dps could pull 5.1k just by randomly pressing buttons in unaugmented 236.
  22. I love 8 dps comps. My favorite ever was the 8 marauders back in 2.x (especially when they did draxus with 8 carnage https://www.twitch.tv/videos/47555087). Thanks for the videos, they are a lot of fun to watch.
  23. Because you brought up the example of terror, each tentacle requires around 21.8k total dps in phase 1 to clear before it enrages. So lets say the tank is doing normal tank stuff and doing 3.5k (could be a lot higher depending on gear), and the healers are totally slacking and doing 0 dps. That means each dps needs to do 9150 dps to clear the check. I'm not sure if that total dps involves adds and such (though it shouldn't matter much because the swirly orb adds a ton of dps when used correctly). Every class puts out way more than than 9.2k when it's only 70 seconds long (enrage for tentacle) when there's an armor debuff on the target. And that's not even taking into account the extra time you can have by having the tank eat an enraged slam, allowing even more time and making the required dps even lower.
  24. Marksman is plenty viable for every dps check as long as whoever is playing it is good enough. Lightning does about the same sustained damage as marksman, so as long as lightning has an armor debuff applied to the target, it can also do the necessary dps.
  25. And then you can take the cloud mind dr and unnatural pres dr and have 88% dr for 6 seconds lol.
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