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Everything posted by shyroman

  1. Or maybe something kinda similar to that, but instead suppressive fire acts like every tick also applies weakening blast. So on a target that has both dots, if you suppressive fire that target, for each tick of suppressive fire, you get a 2 ticks of weakening blast on that target because it has both dots.
  2. A tactical item could be that it changes Energy Burst so that the stacks not only scale damage, but also energy spent. Each stack makes it cost 5 more energy (so 4 stacks remain the same 20 energy). I don't remember the math off hand, but I think it still does more damage as a filler at 2 stacks than Mag Blast while costing a bit less heat. So it would be a juggle between sustained damage vs burst but also making sure we'd use all 4 stacks if there is still an autocrit mechanic tied to it in 6.0.
  3. A tactical item that reduces the cooldown of annihilate back to 2.x values of 6 seconds would be interesting. Especially with extra abilities we have now and the ability priorities, the rotation would feel very different while still keeping its core identity.
  4. A possible tactical item could be making Fury feel like pre-3.0 Fury a bit. Make it an aoe monster, significantly increasing the damage of smash. With lackluster sustained damage.
  5. Remember that there are different threads for all the different specs, might want to move this over to the engineering thread. At least for the spec specific suggestions.
  6. A set bonus could be that all mainhand crits (to avoid differences between snipers and slingers) reduce the cooldown of sniper volley by X seconds. This would make the rotation feel very new and different while also keeping the core identity of the spec the same. Maybe in addition to that, getting a crit with penetrating blasts reduces the cooldown of laze target by X seconds. Those 2 in combination with each other would create an interesting multiplier to themselves. More crits equals more sniper volley which equals more penetrating blasts which equals more laze targets which equals more crits.
  7. One part of the pyro rotation that most people don't like it just how many auto attacks you have to use compared to every other spec. A set bonus that makes explosive fuel vent a significant amount of heat, maybe 3 per second while it is active, would really enhance the enjoyment of the spec while also making the rotation feel a bit different. That would make it viable for all PT specs, but if you wanted to make it pyro specific, all dots that tick under explosive fuel could vent heat, and make the heat venting similarly balanced to what I mentioned above. That way although it could still be used in AP, it wouldn't be nearly as impactful as in pyro.
  8. A tactical item that changes ferocity back into a time based ability instead of stacks.
  9. I don't know how feasible this would be to implement, but making ambush somewhat like a straight line aoe ability like dual saber throw would be kinda cool as a tactical item. Surely a shot that hits someone so hard in the head would go through them and have collateral damage to other things in the line of fire. Perhaps making it so that all other targets that aren't the primary target selected get hit with reduced damage.
  10. So this isn't entirely for everyone, but does apply to a lot of specs, specifically dot specs. As a tactical item, I would love an ability (could just be an entirely separate ability), that instantly does all of the dot damage on all targets at once. For example, if I applied a scorch to a target and used this ability, all remaining ticks of scorch that would have hit the target over the next X seconds would be applied instantly and scorch would be removed from the target. I would really make dotspread classes pressure with aoe too. If a madness sorc dotspread with deathfield and then immediately consumed every dot on all the targets that they spread to, it would apply immense pressure and would create some very interesting gameplay. For balancing purposes, it might be worth making it so the ticks consumed with that ability cannot crit, so you'd be trading off overall damage for more burst and to prevent too high of damage hits (imagine if an entire scorch crit all at once). Also making the cooldown of this ability decently long, maybe like 1.5 minutes to make using it feel more satisfying and not just a rotational ability but still often enough where it doesn't feel like a 1 time ability like adrenals, kind of like recklessness. You'd want to use it as much as possible, but you'd want to time it correctly.
  11. Ok fine, those last 2 sentences were me not reading the original post in 3 months, but by the wording of the original post That simply states cleared those bosses, which Amethyst has clearly done. They're not trying to claim a certain ranking of the first 4 bosses, just 4th izax. So claim first Izax while clearing all 5, still will put them at 4th. He has also said this So the 4 unique members for the first 4 boss clears should still be relevant as far as using them as clears along with their 4th Izax kill with 5 unique members. He also previously had an understanding of there being only 4 unique members in that group when there are actually 5 right now. Either way, I'm done here.
  12. Did you not read any of my post lol, literally my first 3 words reference to us believing that your kill was 100% legit. The rest of the post refers to their place in the standings. The way every other kill in the post has been listed rankings wise, is by the most recent kill. Even if the first 4 boss kills for amethyst were taken off the board, they’d still be 4th in the rankings because they were 4th izax.
  13. Not at all, he's saying that the rules haven't been applied to the letter at all so why start doing that for 1 team 3 months after the thread was created. They were the 4th unique team to kill izax, and the way the leader board has been listed the entire time, whoever has the most advanced boss kill the most recently is listed top, that's why the 1st team to kill A/E isn't still first among the izax list because other teams killed izax first. Team Mango killed Izax after Amethyst so they would be listed right after Amethyst. The reason why the rest of their achievements are posted is because it would be silly to just leave that blank with the Izax achievement linked, doesn't change the fact that they still killed Izax 4th. If Team Mango happens to get timed run 2nd then it won't matter that they were 5th Izax since they would be 2nd on the most advanced achievement.
  14. Let's see how fast each weekly takes in a best case and average scenarios. 8 medals: I don't think I've ever spent more than 2 matches to get those medals, even when healing or on a mara. Best case, you can get it in like 6 minutes for most specs, some even faster. Worst case, it'll take about a half hour. Ops: Let's say you do 1 full run and then start doing last boss lockouts, because let's be honest, last boss lockouts are forming all day all week. 1 full run shouldn't take anymore than an hour for most raids, and form up let's say is 15 minutes since they form pretty fast those weeks so 75 minutes at worst. When you just need to do a last boss, only takes like 20 minutes to form and kill. MM FP: The absolute fastest way is by using stealthers through red reaper with a friend, and to get it on non-stealth toons, you just have them swap and zone in while 1 person stays in the instance. When done perfectly, it can be done in 6 minutes, though easily done in 10 minutes with 2 stealthers, give a few minutes for swapping, and let's say it's 12 minutes per run, 40 minutes for the mission, 32 minutes at best. If you have no stealthers, you can still do it pretty fast, but it'll probably take more like 20 minutes per run so 80 minutes for the mission. I'm not adding queue times for this since if you want to be efficient at all, you'll find a group capable of clearing a fp and stick with that for the entire weekly, advertising on fleet if you don't have guildies around is pretty quick. GSF: 3 wins, each match takes roughly 15 minutes, let's say queue is quick and is 2 minutes, I don't play gsf so I don't know the exact queue times, but I doubt it's much faster than that. Even if you win all 3 matches, that's 51 minutes. Now what if you win roughly 50% of the time, but it goes win, loss, win, loss, win. 5 matches, or 85 minutes. That's even worse than a full op. Best case scenarios, you've got 6 minutes for pvp, 20 minutes for ops, 32 minutes for fp, 51 minutes for gsf. It's pretty clear that gsf is by far the worst, and that pvp is by far the best. Even just changing to 4 matches/2 wins for both of those should even it out pretty well compared to the other 2, and would encourage people to stay for the full match. Average scenarios, you've got 30 minutes for pvp (honestly this is much worse than average, but still better than all the rest), 80 minutes for fp, 75 minutes for ops, and 85 minutes for gsf. The spread isn't nearly as extreme as best case scenario, but the time for ops and fp are much more static when getting to worst case scenarios, where pvp really shouldn't take anymore than an hour even in the absolute worst case scenarios, and gsf can get far longer than the already longest 85 minutes if you simply don't have experience in gsf, which certainly doesn't entice people to try.
  15. This is the best news I could’ve hoped to hear. Thank you Matt and the whoever else helped make this fix possible. I just expected to have to reclear for a later achievement date.
  16. Check out the codex entry for the geonosian queen when you log in, I forget exactly what it says but it explains it, something about mixing species.
  17. Will players that previously killed nim izax be getting their achievement retroactively added or will we have to kill it again? Or is that something that will be fixed by submitting a ticket and it getting fixed through that?
  18. 15k is probably possible with 258 MH (I already have OH), I've gotten openings to 2.5mil parses that were 14.5k so 15k is probably possible if literally everything important crits.
  19. Going off of the tank POV, only thing I'd change in that pull specifically is to kill 1 more set of adds before going into burn. You still had like 30 seconds left until enrage on that pull and you had an enrage lance and a ton of guardians destroying the tank. With that lance dead and a couple of the guardians dead (and there was an enraged justice in there too), the tank should be able to survive long enough for the dps to burn down the boss. You were also at such low stacks going into burn that killing that extra wave of adds wouldn't hurt stack management either.
  20. No, can only trade in for the exact 258 upgrade. If you get a 252 ephemeral mending relic, you can only trade that in for a 258 ephemeral mending relic.
  21. I mean I'd love to see someone push the limits of fury and do as much or more dps than anni (and somewhat carnage for moving bosses), but in my experience in nim ops, both anni and carnage give a lot more rotational flexibility and consistently do more dps. I'm not just theorycrafting that in my head, that's my experience from playing it and talking with other who have played it in nim ops. If you or someone you know can do that, I'd love to see it (not saying this sarcastically, I genuinely mean it). Even players that I know that are very good at fury will consistently do more dps in the other specs. Yes you can move around abilities, but the optimal rotation is extremely rigid, and deviating from that a lot significantly decreases dps, this goes for all specs, it's just that fury is one of the most punished by it.
  22. The problems with fury that make its dps lower on most bosses are 2 things. The first issue is obliterate because it repositions you and locks you from moving anywhere else. On bosses that move, especially smaller faster moving ones, you cannot always move with the boss and will lose a gcd or 2 depending on how far the boss moves. Brontes burn is a pretty big culprit for this (though fury can still possibly do well there depending on how many knockback you resist). The reason this is an issue is because you cannot move with the boss like other specs. Sure for a couple specs you could stand in front of where the boss is moving, but that can’t be done for all fights if there is a frontal aoe or you can’t because of positioning requirements. Obliterate’s repositioning can also be very punishing for bosses that require strict positioning. Nothing quite like obliterating into fire on tyrans or a pin on nahut. The second issue is how strict most of the rotation is. Often times when you lose a gcd to the reasons above or other reasons that are melee or mechanic specific. For other specs like anni, they can just start back up with their priority system so their main abilities coming off cd faster means they can use it sooner. For fury, you can’t just skip abilities because your main hits are off cd sooner. If I get interrupted between raging burst and furious strike, I can’t just use raging burst several gcd’s earlier or else I could seriously mess up the rotation. Doing stuff like that can mess up the amount of rage you have which is very punishing (fury is less important in ops since you usually get plenty extra). Overall I think fury is in a rather balanced state, I think it should be one of the higher dummy parsing specs because of how much its dps falls off in fights compared to other specs. There’s a reason why you don’t see Fury parses at the top of the leaderboards for ops bosses and it’s not because nobody plays it. I’d still play anni for sustained fights and carnage for burst fights, but fury is still very good for burst fights (I just personally prefer carnage), and fury still puts out enough plenty enough for sustained fights. The best mara pvp spec for dps (I think their dps is fine for pvp, it’s just all the mara dcd’s plus fury cc immunity makes it a bit over the top) plus being plenty viable for ops makes fury dps in a pretty good state. If they just changed obliterate to not move you if under 4m like how low slash is different in melee range, I think fury would become a lot more preferable.
  23. Though certainly more difficult than the imperial heroic (the imperial one is a joke), Hold the Line is not too difficult. Some classes are better equipped to solo it for sure, but I'm sure any spec can with the proper companion. Even a healer can do it with a level 1 dps companion. You just have to kite around a lot, like people used to have to do when soloing heroics at level without overpowered comps, people are too used to rolling over content. Heroic did not always mean soloable by literally everyone, they used to require groups but someone could still solo if they knew what to do and played to the strengths of their class.
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