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Everything posted by Samyrius

  1. I have to agree with this. UI is not functional enough for this level of micromanagement. (Talking PvP here, where frantic movement is a given.)
  2. I'm grinding PvP gear for my KC/balance hybrid shadow, and it seems crit is less of a priority for KCs with Particle Acceleration. Some of the (Sage-oriented) Force Master pieces have less crit and more Willpower than the stalker equivalents, particularly the bracers ( http://www.torhead.com/item/gydjGqq/champion-force-masters-bracers vs http://www.torhead.com/item/5496TQW ). Should I pick up the low-crit Force Master pieces when I can? (Obviously not the ones with Alacrity on them.)
  3. Actually, the reason you can't keep up with people is because Misdirection does not stack with Sprint, which means you effectively get no benefit from it while out of combat since the larger bonus takes precedent. In combat, it works just fine and makes you a little harder to kite.
  4. This is the reason aesthetics are so important. Double Strike's animation is slow, weak-looking, and boring, and it finishes quickly so your character looks like he's just standing there for a little bit before you can use it again. It really makes combat a bit of a drag, especially when you combine this when ability delay.
  5. What? Shadows are the WORST class for AOE tanking. The other concerns are mostly subjective but I agree with the majority of them.
  6. Defense/shield/absorption don't affect force/tech attacks, which are the majority of attacks you'll take in PvP. (The only attacks that you can shield/deflect/parry against are attacks with "weapon damage" in the tooltip.) Until they change this, it's not worth gearing for defense/shield/absorb in PvP.
  7. Survivor gives a pretty good amount of defense/shield/absorption that's not particularly useful for PvP, however.
  8. Thanks for the feedback, maybe I'll just stick with what I have. One correction, Slow Time's radius is 10m, not 5m.
  9. I'm currently 23/0/18 but I'm seriously considering respeccing to 27/0/14. I lose instant Force Lift, instant Mind Crush proc, and 25% DS crit damage, and gain Harnessed Shadows. Thoughts?
  10. The animation is silly, but the mechanics of this power are even worse. Refreshing a buff every 20 seconds is an annoyance, not good gameplay.
  11. I thought it was common knowledge we had worse mitigation than other tanks. I also thought that our defense/shielding/self-heals made up for it... but what you're saying is that they don't and we still come out behind? That's rather distressing.
  12. The fact that it is counterable doesn't make it any less an exploit. People shouldn't be able to cap while stealthed, period.
  13. If this is true, then Sentinels should all be dual-wielding vibroblades... this doesn't seem correct.
  14. ^^^^^^^ This. Also, if you're worried about PVErs coming into PvP and steamrolling you, maybe you should get better at PvP so that you don't get owned by PvErs? Why do you need expertise as a crutch to beat people who barely know how to PvP in the first place? There do not need to be two separate grinds. Nobody as of yet has provided one compelling reason why they should be.
  15. So, here's the question: for KC/balance hybrids in PvP, shield or focus?
  16. Watchman is a Jedi Sentinel skill tree. I think Shadow is a rather fitting name for a class that can stealth.
  17. The biggest problem I have in PvP as 23/0/18 is keeping track of all my procs while maintaining situational awareness. That's partially a fault of the class (see: Kinetic Ward) but mostly just a problem with the awful buff UI. Chin up, it'll get better when they improve the UI or allow addons.
  18. I think we're just arguing semantics. Currently all melee/ranged attacks say that they do "weapon damage" in the tooltip. Obviously this tooltip notation could be subject to change in the future, but nobody can really speak to that. It's a handy way to determine what defense protects against a particular attack, since there doesn't seem to be any other way to distinguish them that I know of (barring white/yellow flytext). As a sidenote, even if they did implement that hypothetical melee elemental attack, it could easily still read "deals weapon damage as elemental damage" in the tooltip, continuing the trend.
  19. The only attacks that are melee/ranged are ones that state they deal "weapon damage" (which is not one of the four damage types, but implies that the damage type of the attack is determined by the weapon you're using). Anything else is force/tech.
  20. This is all wrong. Misdirection increases your speed while in and out of stealth. However, it does not stack with Sprint, so it only really gives you a speed boost when you're in combat.
  21. So seems like most people are going Stalker + Survivor shield. Is it worth trying to grab both 2 piece set bonuses?
  22. Is Force/Tech resistance in this game binary? And also, do we have any way to increase our resistance to Force/Tech besides Shadowsight?
  23. I'm 400 Cybertech, and debating switching to Biochem for PvP... thoughts?
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