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Everything posted by djmurloc

  1. Companions will break stealth if you are an assassin and force cloak to drop out of battle. They will still get aggro'd causing you to go RIGHT back into combat... even when they are on passive, have no dots on them ect ect ect...
  2. So complaining about complaining is improvement? fail.
  3. Shield ratings... when will this ever be fixed????
  4. Cross server LFG system will not be in placed. Too many people abused this in wow causing some very poor behavior. In the guild summit video they did mention they want people's reputations to be liable for their behavior online. LFG PVP -- cross server is something they are interested in.
  5. When will tanking companions be buffed? Currently they are quite squishy especially for non healer classes. Khem needs love. Xalek needs more love and his shield ratings fixed.
  6. Sith Inquisitors: Xalek's shield ratings STILL BUGGED He's essentially the worse companion in the game with at least 1000 less amour and Khem and even less survivability. Tanking companions are BAD enough for assassins. At level 50 while doing dailies, if you have Khem out and are attacking a standard elite.. Khem pretty much is either dead or at 4% or less health on any standard fight unless I blow all my cool downs. He's well geared in many level 50 epics -- all tanking. I'm surprised to see how he can't be made useful to non-sorcs. Bio -- When will this ever be addressed?? Suggestion -- give assassins either 1 decent healing ability or some improved passives that benefit our companions.
  7. For Sith Inquisitors Xalek's shield ratings are still bugged and not adding in bonuses from gear. Significantly worse tanking companion compared to Khem -- Less defense and more squishy. --- Tanking companions in general are VERY underpowered especially on assassins who have no way to heal or keep their companions healthy. It makes them completely unreliable When will tanking companions be buffed to aid the leveling of assassins or general usefulness in end game? Even in full t1 unless I blow my dps cool downs they tend to die to any elite lvl 50. I'm not even talking champions.
  8. Art already has something unique. Rakata grade trinkets. Good luck finding anything better than that for a long... time.
  9. As an assassin myself. (7 PVP cen/champion gear) I actually find myr damage bit weak. If I get lucky on crits then I can change the course of a battle quick. Anything extending past 12 seconds I'm prob dead. Everyone has heavier armor than me and I don't have a lot of defensive cool downs as a DPS. 1 actually. Maul isn't that high damage and often when the PVP battles are little intense it's hard to figure out if I'm behind my target or not. Even then, it doesn't hit all that much harder than volt slash. Lot of energy drained too and for some reason.. Maul misses quite a bit. More than any other skill I have. I really can't go toe toe with any any other melee so I have to be quick. I ESPECIALLY hate healers. It's sad but they can outheal my dps and b the time I'm wearing down their bubbles or mana pools usually a Trooper/BH takes me down pretty quick. They seem to do a lot more damage than anyone else save a good sorc. To be realistic -- Assassins are not nearly as OP as you'd think. While I can still average 7-10 medals a battle, I usually have pretty low end damage. Most of the medals are from when I switch to dark and keep a shield on one of our healers. (3-4 medals right there). Not because I'm some ace pvper
  10. Maul does not dual wield in the movies. His saber chopped in half, he goes single saber.
  11. Other interesting companion bug -- ranged damage. -- damage shown on ranged tab usualy is 100% higher than it really is. Khem does accept shield stat bonuses as well as any other standard tanking gear quite nicely. Xal who's in my tanking gear and has 18k hps does not. Khem has 4k armor Xal - Less than I do in DPS SPEC. 2900. Xal really is useless and a mule at best.
  12. The deception assassins feel your pain.
  13. Deception assassins are all about the crit and surge. Taking away a large chunk of damage off our top end doesn't make the class unplayable. It makes it a lot less fun.
  14. It's bad enough Assassins are proc and build up based to reach max dps. The surge nerfs really do take a hit out of the spec that specializes in high damage big hits. I've had a lot of complaints of being in HM's that I'm squishy as it is. the large hit to my surge rating will take quite a chunk off my damage and give a lot less people to want me in their HM groups even more so than before. This class has enough mechanics issues to now become even less fun to play.
  15. I have to agree. Slicing nerf went a little to far..
  16. I was severely disappointed by a lack of female companions for the SI as well as terrible romance story for the one we do get. 10k affection and all her story lines completed and... just meh.
  17. I've always wondered about the game play for the assassin. I have one @ lvl 50. Done both tanking and dps. You'd think way back when we chose our AC how the quest NPC gave us a choice between the force and martial attacks that the line would be more drawn. 1. Many of the attacks are NOT melee oriented. In fact in tank -- force lightning becomes a staple for you due to his proc stacks and healing. Did you see Darth maul concentrate on using dots on dots or lightning? Sure it's nice to have supplemental abilities in case ranged attacks are needed but we should have more melee than force abilities. 2. Lack of an alphastrike (non-proc or 30% life) - Our front load damage output isn't nearly as strong as it is when we are behind a target. Most pure dps AC's know this and if they get into a straight up punch out that we won't do that well. Forcing me to change directions to throw my enemy off so I can get another high damage maul in place (speaking of-- cost for this ability is too high. Should be lowered..) 3. Crowd control. This is where the assassin starts to shine. We have some fantastic options available provided we spec for them. Being able to break out of combat is handy too though sometimes it doesn't work all that well and your companion still aggro's due to dots. -- I'd consider this a major issue. 4. Melee in general- I'd expect larger backstab damage to be honest. I think our melee abilities like thrash and maul aren't all that impressive. Thrash animation is very boring to look at and lacks the agile fighting style you'd expect out a famous sith like Darth Maul 5. channeled dots -- Not very useful. In madness spec you won't use this unless it's off a proc. 2 seconds casting is 2 seconds you're not using force builder to recharge for another painful shock. 6. Less focus on agility -- assassins should be agile and quick and not rely on getting hit or as much focus on shield generators. Parry/Avoidance tanks is really what they should be. Just a few thoughts.
  18. Ya... till then I have to depend on RGN on drops or if I'm REALLY lucky GN..
  19. As a Assassin tank... do you how much I'd love to see some sexy shields that I could craft? No.. I see AIM... and STR shields but... No will power. Why would anyone with AIM want a artificer considering it's mostly light saber hilts and enhancements???
  20. I'm all for a recount function. As a guild you can then analyze your teams performance and improve where as in people will keep doing the same thing over and over not realizing they are causing the team to not do as well as they could. Yes, it's a tool and YES it's useful.
  21. sounds like a L2P experience. I had zero trouble doing this quest as well. Take a look at your strategy or your gear. My suggestion is sit back.. study your abilities. Your spec. Adjust your play style accordingly. FYI -- Madness is better for leveling.
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