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Everything posted by Appletaz

  1. I think I've already posted in this thread, but I'm not sure I really miss having a damage meter. Like someone else said, if you miss the fly text, you actually miss the damage you did and how are you supposed to add all those numbers up as they fly by? The tool tip says that a skill does so much damage, but when you add points to crit chance and other things, it always does different amounts. Sometimes, all of a sudden I'm dead, and I'd like to know what the hell happened while I blinked! Or if my skill crits, I'd like to see how much damage it does. That just helps the player. I don't have any problem with a player analyzing their own performance. I do understand that raid leaders/guild leaders would like to run their guilds like businesses and have tools to evaluate their members' performances so that they can get the results they want in raids. They want to analyze, rework, and refine their groups so that they win more. Personally, I steer away from guilds like that. That kind of analysis makes the game not fun for me. I find it sort of invasive for other players to analyze my performance. I think that releasing SWTOR without damage logs and other UI functions was probably a choice made by BW while they paid attention to other phases of the game they thought were more important and that the playerbase would just work with the UI until they got around to putting some real thought and design into it. It's time for that now.
  2. Yes, this system is another unsophisticated system in the release version of SWTOR. The vendor items are listed in the weirdest order I have ever seen. There is no verify button. If you are trying to click to see what it looks like, invariably you end up buying the item by mistake. If you do this with a commendations vendor you get credits back if you return it. There is no reason not to have a return timer for a full refund (and of course, it cannot be bound). There is no reason to not have a verification button. There is no reason not to have the items listed in an orderly fashion and by stats. I know there are those who like to say it's just fine as the system is set up. I suppose they should just never use the return system if they prefer to teach themselves to be "careful".
  3. I would just like to point out that assuring us that you are reading the forums closely and monitoring topics is NOT a form of communication...
  4. Bioware has already established that they are hands-off when it comes to the forums. They issue PR posts to address complaints in a sweeping fashion, promising their attention. I am afraid they will not change their ways. It is a shame. I watch the forums a lot and I watch threads posted with the same theme over and over. Very little response comes from BW, so they continue on and on -- mostly because the player base kind of think it is an issue that they haven't been made aware of and they would like it taken care of. Or, if there are enough people complaining about it, they will finally do something about it. Many times I have thought, if only BW was more hands-on. All they would have to do is post in these threads that they are not going to do anything about that or that they are going to do something about that, or even explain what the obstacles are to an immediate fix, and the threads would begin to diminish. Even though this would mean that sometimes you can not please everyone and that there would be outrage about something, there would be a lot more understanding from the playerbase. I mean, after all, there already is a lot of outrage. Why not decrease it by simply interacting on the forums with their player base? It seems that these forums are only for us to chew the fat with one another and for them to make announcements. They are not meant for everyone to communicate with each other. Those of us who understand about customer service can see that their chosen path is one that sows unrest and complaints.
  5. Well, from my experience tonight, it is not a sanctuary city. If that was their intent, they forgot to implement it. And I suppose it might even be fine if the player base was willing to come to the aid of someone stuck in my predicament, but they were not. And, yes, I did submit a ticket. If there is supposed to be no fighting of any kind in the city, then we all should lose our flags. But I didn't even try to change my flag. I will check that out and see if I can make my name blue.
  6. Why is it a Republic level 50 player can toot around Voss Ka freely, while empire guards with lil white and yellow stars next to their names saunter around them with no response? So I had to log out tonight and couldn't play because a single player could camp me (6 levels below them) and follow me around our home city without any protection from these hundreds of guards walking around? I'm not talking about a remote outpost. I am talking about our main city here. I was killed 5 times. No players were interested in coming either -- which is their choice. But the game has provided guards to give us a safe haven. And no guards responded. So how was I supposed to continue to play? Wait until this Republic player has had their number of kills for the night? I'll let them get their jollies off some other Empire player silly enough to travel to Voss-ka. Is this a bug? I certainly hope so.
  7. Mako also wants you to always make sure you are getting paid the most money possible. So always select that option
  8. This would be a nice Legacy function. It does get tedious having to mail your alt things. Though running to the warehouse to pull things out is more tedious than finding a mailbox, since they are so prevalent and cargo holds are not. And to the poster up there, it is not too hard. Other games I have played have had this as an option from the beginning of release.
  9. This happened during the last beta build as well. It was reported by me and many others, so they've known about it for a while. I am pretty sure it has nothing to do with your mouse. It's true, it seems to happen at the most inconvenient times, too! So I suggest to continue to report it, so it becomes an issue to them.
  10. I guess you all missed out on a lot of fun ... cuz competition for the world boss loot is pretty fierce in other games, and adds a nice dimension to world pvp. Also, the time it takes to get a raid group together and to take the boss down, it should have a reward, and this game does not offer one. Actually almost impossible to get a raid group together for these world bosses cuz no one wants to waste the time.
  11. Just a stab, but perhaps it was an episode of something like The Outer Limits, or something like that?
  12. At the OP: I don't see anything wrong with this. This is the way a society works, and the playerbase is a society of its own making. Leaders often gather together to decide things for the people they represent. Also, being a guild leader is an art. It's no easy task, and they make decisions on the guild and its direction every day, and receive and act upon input from their guild members every day. So they have a much broader understanding of the game from a player's standpoint. Guild Leaders -- or their appointed representatives -- being invited to a Guild Summit, I think is a great idea. In this age of the internet, it is too bad it has to be a physical show-up instead of an online summit, as it will limit the number of people who can take time out of their lives to attend. This is a unique action on the part of BW. Good luck to them with it.
  13. I cannot relate to the WoW references in posts simply because I never played it. The game I played the longest was Lineage 2, (I reached endgame, but it took a long time. L2 is a grindfest) and I tend to compare the things I loved about that game to every game I play. I think it is a natural response. Since then I have played Aion to end game and I have played Rift to end game. Since I take my time leveling up in SWTOR, the game is still interesting to me. I look forward to the endgame content, and I pay close attention to the posts about it on the forums. I know many people who were pretty focused on leveling to 50 as fast as they can and regard it as a great accomplishment when fellow players hit 50. You become a member of their exclusive club, and they are a little unhappy about it. I think BW is scrambling to produce content to keep them happy. I will say I had great disappointment that SWTOR was released with so many unsophisticated UI features. This gives the overall feel of the game a clunkiness that is tedious at best. The GTN is just unpleasant to use. So much work has to go into finding something you want or something you want to list, that many things get missed as a result, which makes the economy suffer, and a good economy in any venue is vital. Chat preferences, being able to move and/or resize UI elements, combat logs, the ability to make your character totally unique through your ability to wardrobe your character, a bare-minimum LFG tool, no training dummies, no arenas, crafting that had meaning ... all these things add up, and no matter how brilliant the VO and cinematics are, no matter how beautiful the worlds are, they get overshadowed by these things. If you want a great and excellent LFG tool model, look to Aion. Theirs was excellent. It allowed choice of party members. It allowed an automatic ad in general chat with a link to apply to the group and the party leader had a link to accept or deny the application. It gave the party leader information about the class and level of the player. And you were rarely ever forced to play with anyone without choice/input... plus there was a list of parties forming that you could choose from. These are the biggest mistakes that I feel BW made, and they were given many warnings from the beta players about them. And then BW has chosen the route of little or no community interaction. Hype and rhetoric in general posts about the game does not equal community interaction.
  14. I am ignorant in the ways of creating a game, and I'm sure that there is so much detail it would blow my mind apart. I used to create websites when the internet was in its infancy, teaching myself simple html, and I know how a whole page would be screwed up by one missing slash or bracket. And then finding it was another nightmare! So I can just imagine about the coding for a game, which utterly has my deepest respect! And I had no idea who Bioware was or EA, so their reputations did not precede themselves with me. What I was the most impressed with as a Beta player -- or rather the least impressed with -- was that Beta players were asked for their input, but were basically never replied to. Though I guess I understood that they just wanted our input and were not required to use it or even tell us what they liked, disliked, or had no feelings about. It just was pretty bad PR in my mind. But then I see that they follow the same rules once the game goes live. Lately there have been "save the game" PR posts and such, but still the basic problems that have been spoken of over and over are left as unspoken. I'm just talking about things like the UI controls, the wardrobe options, things like that. I also have found that there isn't one phase of the game that is not bugged or glitched. It's as if you can log in and go play and not trust the game to perform, and that is a shame. Many of the people that bought this game come from other games. They have a certain sophistication to them. The basic things that are unsophisticated, like the UI, like not being able to correct a buying mistake, and other things of that nature, they should have been attended to and they were not. And BW was given plenty of feedback about that before the game was released. Don't get me wrong. I'm happy enough with the game that I plan on continuing to play and I have patience enough for them to take a few months to add the sophistication to the game that is sorely needed. But for it to take more than 3-4 months, that is going to not be a good indication. Yes, I think the game was rushed out. But, you know the only thing that was needed to save it was good PR. And there was none and has been very little. And that to me was a shame.
  15. I like the Legacy system as is. I like it as a last name. I like it as a Legacy 2nd line.
  16. @ the berry theme: How about Cobbler for a legacy name?? @OP How about Pasture or Pastoral?
  17. Actually I do, haha. While I am waiting for whatever, like a loading screen or something to craft, I usually click and read my email or the forums or Facebook or something (like right now, as I am waiting for Belsalvis to load). But that is my habit. I'm just wondering why would an email work for you, when the forums and twitter and Facebook doesn't, because you don't click out of the game ever? And sometimes the demand to personally cater to people is overwhelming and expecting too much I don't know why a quick fix requires a 4 hour downtime either. I am sorry your raid was ruined, but sometimes stuff like that happens.
  18. Perhaps checking the forums are a learned behavior. I also think they have twitter notices and Facebook notices. I understand you are disappointed. But I think you need to learn to check the forums more often.
  19. The only people I think have the right to decide this is Bioware. It's their game. They wrote the rules of behavior. It's their judgment. Why even have rules, if you are not going to enforce them. You are in their realm. Live by their rules. If you require freedom to express your wonder about body functions and parts and what can possibly be done to them and to other people in your imagination, start a blog. Make a website. Express yourself! I'm all for it. The feral environment of Dromund Kaas should be attended to by Bioware. It is abusive and lewd and it doesn't stop, so your famous "ignore button" is rather useless. Turning off /1 is more appropriate and pretty much is what most people have done. It prevents a large number of the players from actually engaging socially. I just can't imagine a public company who would approve and encourage this, especially with their rules published, and do nothing to enforce them. This is the only game I have played in 7 years that allowed it in their chats without issuing warnings and temporary bans. @Imperial Rebel. Good, I'm glad we are done. And thanks for the spoiler tags, so I didn't have to read the diatribe
  20. Let me clarify for you: I made a post. You decided to lecture me on what you decided it meant. You assumed the authority of a teacher for me, but you had no cause. You informed me of your offense that I had dared to post when I had not utilized the tools that BW has given us to self-police chat. You did not read my post, because, if you had, then you would have known I had used all the "tools" that Bioware gives us to use in these circumstances, and you wouldn't have felt the need to lecture me about it. So that reduces to the idea that you didn't read my post. There are degrees to everything. I, like Brosephine, have a very dirty mouth. I cuss like a sailor. I tell off color jokes. I laugh at off color jokes. This is not the issue for me. The issue for me is that this General Chat channel, in Dromund Kaas particularly, is absolutely gross. I would like Bioware to take its ToS and EULA seriously and moderate the ingame chat as voraciously as it does the Forums. I think it is warranted and I think it is necessary, because obviously, left to our own devices, we quickly sink into the gross and lewd with such ease that there are people like you that think it is just absolutely okay. I think that worries me more than anything else. That I have had to spend so much time explaining a simple concept of appropriate behavior in a public crowd. AND I am not asking for anything more than Bioware to step in and put their money where their mouth is. You are gonna make rules... if you don't enforce them, why bother?
  21. And aren't we glad you aren't the one in charge.... but apparently Bioware shares your view. As do a few others on this thread. Sacred Cow General Chat. The very concept of attempting to require a modicum of decency on this chat threatens the very timbers of free society and free speech. I wonder who it is that needs to grow up?
  22. Honestly, buddy, it is my advice to you that you go out, get a beer, play some ball, or otherwise relax. Your enormous posts are just overworked and not necessary, as I look at the wall of text and can see you have missed the point and want to hone in on details and dispute them, when I don't give a rats about it or what you think of it, so I don't read them. Why? Because I don't have to. Just like you keep telling me you have the right to say anything in chat that you want to, without scruple, without responsibility, without anything. You can just say what you want and no one has the right to approach you about it. You and all those other mealy minded kids spewing their imaginations all over it. I get it. You don't agree with me. You think that Bioware is completely in the clear and can give us rules that we must live by through the ToS and EULA, and they are not obligated in anyway to enforce them. Why, they don't even have to ever pay attention to them, according to you. I'm saying that's bad business. And I'm saying General Chat is their responsibility to moderate. And you don't agree with me. Big deal.
  23. Yah, Rin Tin Tin. In fact, there was just a segment on Rin Tin tin on the CBS Sunday Morning show. Yes, Wishbone (Paul Brinegar) was the cook in Rawhide. Dobie Gillis' girlfriend... Zelda? Was that it??
  24. I couldn't have said this better myself. I would love to see the level of moderation in the forums extended to the General Chat channels in game, specifically Dromund Kaas.
  25. Yah, this definitely needs to be reworked. And there have been plenty of threads about it as well. BW says they listen to their playerbase, however there has been no response to this (listening and knowing that you are listening are two different things, btw) so we have no idea what they hear and what they don't hear.
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