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Everything posted by Testdept

  1. Lol about this, if BW need shut down servers for hours to do small hotfix... how many days BW need to apply Oo THE PATCH!
  2. Runing as a healer with our team, tank 10 medals, dd 9-10 medals, me as healer 3 medals. If i want some more i need to do some dps, 2.5k single hit or something else. But problem is when premade goes vs premade for healer is no time to dps od do something else, no heal = match lost. So what i need to do spit on teammates or spit on medals?
  3. Didnt got title for max dark side, for story ending... .
  4. Well if server mail system didnt work and some other things too then it is not hard to understud server need to be restarted. But w/o warning thats sux 2x.
  5. An yes, regrouping after each warzone match... this bullpoo pisses me off too.
  6. Issue is only 3 warfronts in MASSIVE mmo, + no brackets, + premades vs pugs where on first 2 minutes your pug team can see it is game ower. + warfronts is buged as hell. So i dont want to say anything bad about players who goin afk. And yes, i hate hutball, in premade it is routine, in pug it is 100% loose.
  7. This thing realy pisses me off. Many times when im press join warzone button i have kicked to character seleckton screen. And login back cut off 1/4 of my gametime. I know BW dont care about non important bugs like this one, they better recolor some pets from gray to pink cuz its more important. Yes, im CENSORED angry.
  8. +1001 Warfronts for fun w/o reward Open world PvP rewarded!
  9. Plz dont tell me swtor is another instanced pvp/pve easy mode grinding game. And then plz explain me where is differene between PvP and PvE servers?
  10. I know on "paper" its look simple. 1) only 9 rewarded (exp, cash, valor) warzone matches per day for one person. 2) rest warzones for fun and training w/o any reward. 3) add unlimited valor, cash, and itiem rewards for open world PvP. So warzone fanatics can continue what they do at warzones if they realy do that only for fun how they repeat and repeat on forum. And i dont care about PvE servers, leave them how they are. P.S. sorry for ugly english .
  11. /signed Warzones for fun w/o reward and exp. Open world PvP = rewards, ranking, and exp.
  12. Remowe rewards and exp from warfronts and welcome to open world pvp, simple and easy.
  13. Ehh ehh, grind generation is winner in this beautiful game too. There is no Light vs Dark anymore in this story, just grind vs grind. /sit
  14. Ask BW close warzones on pvp servers. All "PvPers" grind like mad warzones coz it is chep and easy.
  15. Why pvp servers need warzones with insane exp bonus and gear reward on PvP servers? Grindfest, nothing more.
  16. Testdept

    True PvP servers.

    The right way is to close warzones on PvP servers and add PvP rewards for open world PvP. Or leave warzones just for fun without rewards on PvP servers. Other way is open warzones only for lvl 50 players with high PvP rank enought to join warzones as a tournaments for titles and some shiny nice looking epics. And yes warzones without reward can be for lvl 10-49 for trainig and fun ofc, to check some skills and abilities. Currently PvP servers is only brave but false name. PvP shall be honorable challenge but not grindfest for exp and epix.
  17. 9 hours in work, 6 hours in queue, tomorow for me is another working day... and now i can say F*ck that, i need goin to sleep. What a wonderfule game, with beautiful graphic on select server screen, awesome.
  18. Im waiting 4+ hours. 2 times kicked from queue with error and started waiting again. I got 2 warning messages from forumcerbers with reasons that make me and my guild mates rolling on floor. So im waiting whats next. Again error and again 2h 10m waiting time? Early access.. lol.
  19. Ha ha ha gaaaaahhh. Got disconect WT 2h5m, after 1h got erron in queue and again 2h10m. You are happy with 45 min.
  20. Blizzard have made full servers! It is conspiracy!
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