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Everything posted by Testdept

  1. But song is not about waiting, btw RIP C.R. "Death & Burial Of C. R." Who killed **** robin? I, said the sparrow, with my bow and arrow, I killed **** robin Who saw him die? I, said the fly, with my little eye I saw him die Who caught his blood? I, said the fish, with my little dish I caught his blood Who'll make the shroud? I, said the beetle, with my thread and needle I'll make the shroud Who'll dig his grave? I, said the owl Who'll be the parson? I, said the rook, with my little book I'll be the parson Who'll be the clerk? I, said the lark, if it's not in the dark I'll be the clerk Who'll carry the link? I, said the linnet, I'll fetch it in a minute I'll carry the link Who'll be chief mourner? I, said the dove, I mourn for my love I'll be chief mourner Who'll carry the coffin? I, said the kite If it's not through the night I'll carry the coffin Who'll bear the pall? I, said the wren Both the **** and the hen We'll bear the pall Who'll sing a psalm? I, said the thrush As she sat on a bush I'll sing a psalm Who'll toll the bell? I said the bull Because I can pull I'll toll the bell All the birds of the air Fell a-sighing and a-sobbing, When they heard the bell toll For poor **** robin.
  2. Gief more wawes into floppy hard discs!
  3. Bored in mighty new BW trademark called Queue.
  4. You have lose your bet. Im playin tetris cuz i cant get my arse into SWTOR. BTW let the bricks be with you!
  5. Still waiting for response abou that bullyouknowwhat.
  6. Are u mad? First of all i want play with my guild, or you want to force me, my guild, my guild allies change server?? It is over then 700 doodes. And i can repeat, when i and my guild have coose server the serwer population has been marked LIGHT.
  7. But game is not aviable for playing. Servers capacity is not my problem. My problem is to pay for internet and game. My part is done.
  8. Position in queue 1731. BW has no balls.
  9. Getting error while waiting in queue.. have pushed back to end of the line.
  10. And again cuz i have nothing to do.
  11. Yes yes, all guild after your post will reroll on another server and ally guilds too ********.
  12. When that censored will be fixed? Im login in after 1.4 hours waiting, after 1 hour iv got graphic issue and what a surprise disconect with error. And now i need to wait again 1h 40m... . When im joined to my server the server has been marked LIGHT. +i have been charged for preorder so now im pay for waiting?
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