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Everything posted by StephenReid

  1. We know everyone is very anxious to hear when Game Update 1.2 is going live. We'll be sharing those details with you very soon. A deployment of this size and complexity has a lot of moving parts, and as is our usual policy, we will not reveal dates until they are locked down. The good news is, we're really close to revealing that date. Thanks for your patience.
  2. Thank you to everyone who voted and commented in this thread. We're happy to hear more feedback, but the poll has now closed. If you'd like to vote and comment on James' feedback question for this week, please visit this thread.
  3. A feature that's in active development for a future Game Update. 'None of the above' isn't an option on the poll, as you may have noticed. Please keep your feedback restricted to the question and options above. I know it's a tough choice.
  4. Hello everyone! James Ohlen, Game Director for Star Wars: The Old Republic, is on the hunt for direct feedback once again. This week, he's asking for feedback on a general topic that I think you'll all have an opinion on! James takes feedback directly via his Twitter account, but if you're not on Twitter, we're going to reproduce his question here and would love to get your feedback here too - as well as your votes on a poll. As always, we ask you to limit your feedback to the question at hand and keep your feedback constructive as well as on-topic! Here is James' question for this week: Which Star Wars fantasy excites you the most? Full 3D space battles, vehicle combat (AT-ATs), pod/speeder racing or capital ship battles? You can vote in the attached poll. Obviously each of these fantasies are big, enormous ideas, so we're sure you'll have plenty of feedback to give! You can follow James on Twitter @JamesOhlen; you can follow our main account @SWTOR.
  5. Tempting as it is to continue the gag... ... no, a Ship Droid feature is not part of Game Update 1.2. This was an April Fool's joke and we hope you enjoyed the fun. (For anyone who was concerned the videos you saw as part of the update took up development time, it was all achieved through the magic of video editing.) Of course, part of any April Fool's joke is seeing how many people you can fool, hence our generally po-faced attitude on places like Twitter. Hopefully you can induldge us for one day out of the year. Spurred by the joke, a lot of people have expressed excitement over the idea of mini-games in The Old Republic. This is something that's always been a potential future feature, but we've got no announcements to make on that right now. We'd probably also try to ensure they were more fun than re-padding ship seats.
  6. Great feedback already; thank you for being specific and thoughtful. Keep it coming! Mostly I make it either/or for discussion, that's all. It's not a maxim. We hope we're letting you make more choices in Game Update 1.2 (and will continue down that path). That said, there will always be some players, I believe, who want to be able to wear the 'absolute best' or 'most rare' armor in the game - and we want them to feel that its default appearance is cool. Hence, this sort of discussion. I'm leaving the office so won't be as frequent in this thread, but keep the thoughts coming, people. Thank you!
  7. With all due respect, that's not entirely constructive criticism, but I see your point. Obviously, anything visual is going to be highly subjective, but we're not trying to be avant garde for the sake of it. Like I said, the team is listening and we want to hear which specific elements you may have an issue with, too.
  8. Here's an open question in regards to that. We always have to balance two things with armor. On the one hand, there's the gameplay requirement of "Make high level, very exclusive armor look like it's unique and powerful so other players can see that at a glance". On the other, there's the aesthetics requirement - to make clothing echo the simple, almost plain looking clothing that's seen on some characters in the Star Wars saga. That led, in part, to orange gear in the game, which allows you to have an iconic appearance that doesn't suggest your gear's statistics. The question is, how do you balance that? Arguably Obi-Wan's robes in Episode IV are very 'low level' in appearance. Would you want to see that as an armor set for a high level character? Would you not be concerned that players would see you as low-level? Or do aesthetics trump gameplay for you?
  9. We'd prefer to see links to inspirational sources, rather than "Make it look exactly like this". That gives the artists ideas. With that said, we've heard the requests for some sort of community interaction on future armor sets, and we're looking into that.
  10. Hey everyone, thank you to everyone who took the time to leave feedback. The development team are very aware of everyone's thoughts and we've particularly appreciated constructive comments which will always give us a better idea about how to change things in the game. Wholesale changes to the armor sets in Game Update 1.2 are not possible at this time. Creating new armor sets is a process with a long lead time, so changes cannot be made quickly. However, we're listening to your feedback and that will influence things going forward. We would also urge you to look at the armor sets in-game. With the new color matching options available in Game Update 1.2 and higher resolution textures, some of you might be more impressed by armor sets in-game. With that said, we'd like to make this discussion a bit more constructive moving forward. We understand some of you aren't fans of the armor sets as shown; that's fine, and we've heard you loud and clear. We've also heard the calls to make armor more 'iconic' and 'more Star Wars like' - and thanks to those of you who provided reference to your favorite armor styles. We'd like to see more of that, so feel free to provide more constructive comments on what you feel your end game armor styles should look like for your class in The Old Republic.
  11. Not really on topic - but yes, we'll be at PAX East. He's a very busy man and has minions who can handle that task (ie, me).
  12. Thanks for your feedback, everyone! James and the PvP development team appreciate it. James wanted more feedback specifically regarding Open World PvP, as it was most requested last week. To give your thoughts on that topic, and vote on a poll about Open World PvP objectives, please visit that thread! As we have more than enough feedback to chew on regarding PvP in general, I'm going to close this thread. As always you're welcome to post elsewhere in the PvP Forums to give your feedback, or in the PTS Forums if you're testing Game Update 1.2.
  13. Hello everyone. James Ohlen, Game Director for Star Wars: The Old Republic, is asking for feedback once again - getting into more detail regarding PvP. Once again, he's going to be taking feedback directly via his Twitter account, but if you're not on Twitter, we're going to reproduce his question here and would love to get your feedback here too. This week we also have a poll for you to vote in. Please limit your feedback to the question James wants discussed. Feel free to link to other threads and please keep your feedback constructive and on-topic! Here is James' question for this week. As Open World PvP was the most asked-for feature last week: What kind of Open World PVP excites you most? You can vote in the attached poll. Here are some more details on each type of objective: 'Raw' Open World - faction vs faction, with no faction population restriction mechanics AKA 'true' Open World PvP. Factions claim objectives. PvPvE balanced - bolstering the underdog faction through NPCs, turrets, etc. Factions claim objectives. Faction population capped - strict balancing in place between faction populations in objective areas. Factions claim objectives. Guild based - everyone is your enemy except players in your guild. Guilds claim objectives. Remember, you can follow James on Twitter @JamesOhlen; you can follow our main account @SWTOR.
  14. Thanks for the questions, everyone. I chatted with the events team and got a few more details for you. We'd like it to be a surprise, so we probably won't announce it in advance. Heck, we've said too much already. It won't just be a day, but we can't tell you the total length right now - mostly because it might be extended depending on popularity. That's fair. Knowing our community, I fully expect every aspect of any event to be quickly dissected and the details spread far and wide very quickly. In fact, it'll probably be tougher just to avoid spoilers! That said, we'll monitor the community reaction during the event and if it seems people are 'missing stuff' we'll try and ensure that the method of seeing (or getting) that 'stuff' is made clear(er) so people get their chance. Also, right now our initial event does not feature any 'rare drops', so hopefully that'll ease any RNG pain. I think you'll like our event plans then. With that said, I want to manage people's expectations. The events team has been working on this event (and future events) but they're a small sub-team of the main development team. So I'm afraid to say... ... that is a bit outside of their scope. We still think you'll have some fun. Roll on Game Update 1.2!
  15. We have a dedicated team within the larger development team that's working on in-game events. Our definition of 'events' are time-limited, game-wide events that hopefully many of you will get to see. The team has been hard at work putting an event together that will... manifest after Game Update 1.2 reaches the live servers. The event will be quite widespread and should be hard to miss. There are already plans for events in the future as well, but details on those will have to wait. We want there to be an element of surprise.
  16. Integration between social networks and SWTOR has been discussed. Of course, many things are discussed. If/when it happens, we'll try to ensure it's beneficial and complementary to the game experience.
  17. As mentioned by Blaine Christine (Senior Producer, Live Services) in March 2nd's Q&A, unfortunately at this time we're unable to run separate maintenance windows for different regions. All of The Old Republic's game servers are in the same service environment. The upside is that players have no restrictions on where they can play - something many players in Oceanic regions continue to benefit from. The downside is that we have to bring all servers down for maintenance at the same time. Our global maintenance time was chosen because it is when the lowest number of players - globally - are on the game servers. That said, bringing servers down on a Friday night in any time zone is not something we do lightly. In this case, there were several server-side fixes we had to conduct (see the brief patch notes here) to ensure continued stability of the game. While I know no-one wants to lose gaming time on a Friday night, I'm sure you also do not want to endure random server crashes that could occur at any time and with no warning. We always take unscheduled maintenances very seriously and weigh the pros and cons. In this case we felt it was important enough to conduct this maintenance ASAP. As soon as the decision was made, the maintenance timing was communicated. Again I apologize for the inconvenience, but for the overall stability of the service, this maintenance was required.
  18. Hey everyone! James Ohlen, Game Director for Star Wars: The Old Republic, would like to solicit some feedback from the community on weekly basis. He's going to be taking feedback directly via his Twitter account, but if you're not on Twitter, we're going to reproduce his question here and would love to get your feedback here too. Please limit your feedback to the question James wants discussed. Feel free to link to other threads and please keep your feedback constructive and on-topic! Here is James' question for this week: If you could make one change to PVP in SWTOR, what would you want it to be? Remember, you can follow James on Twitter @JamesOhlen; you can follow our main account @SWTOR.
  19. I just wanted to step in here and say 'thank you' to Draxxen (and his guild) for the excellent write-up here. The development team specifically cited this post as a great example of how to put together feedback on the game - constructive criticism, detailed examples and suggestions. Bravo and thank you!
  20. Hey everyone; class balance conversations can be inflammatory and easily spin out of control. I'd like to ask everyone to keep on topic here and not allow the conversation to become too vitriolic. Georg has posted multiple times on class balance and our views on the discussion of class balancing. As a general rule we don't comment too much on changes before those changes are playable, usually on the Public Test Server. Changes have been made to Imperial Agents including Operatives in Game Update 1.2, as Georg has mentioned before. You'll be able to see those on PTS before too long; we'll probably provide more detail on the rationale behind those changes after we see some feedback from yourselves based on PTS play. (And we would highly encourage you to play 1.2 on PTS. We're already getting early feedback from in-house testing, but the more we get, the better.) No class in The Old Republic is being 'ignored', but every class is examined and balanced with an eye to the overall balance of the game. As many of us play one class to the exclusion of others, it's easy sometimes to think that your class is being unfairly treated. It's not a deliberate strategy. Any suggestion that a class is being deliberately ignored in favor of another class (or faction) is unfair, at best. The development team read the Forums and act on feedback here (as well as many other sources, including a lot of data from within the game). Your feedback has helped shape Game Update 1.2 and it will definitely help shape the game in the future.
  21. Don't make assumptions, please. I said we're not currently working on a Mac client. That doesn't rule out the possibility of a Mac client in the future; as various interviews have stated, it's always possible. However, currently, there are no development efforts directed towards a Mac client. Unless it's being done in an underground bunker far from here by stealth-suited developers.
  22. The Heroic Ability Legacy unlock doesn't allow you to pick any ability you like; that would indeed lead to some balancing nightmares. There was very careful consideration over which abilities to allow as unlocks. With the limitations of the ability only being usable during your Heroic Moment (requiring an active Companion) and the cooldown on that, you shouldn't see too much 'Heroic Ability spam'. We see the unlock as a fun, limited ability that many players will enjoy. It wasn't designed to unbalance the game.
  23. Ilum is being deprecated in Game Update 1.2. The Open World PvP area on Ilum will still be present in 1.2, but rewards previously gained in Ilum will be available in Warzones and that's where we expect the bulk of PvP to take place for now. As we said during the Guild Summit, the PvP team is 'going back to the drawing board' with Ilum. That means they want to rework it to be fun and engaging. We accept there are issues with the current design and want to ensure that what we end up with is enjoyable for PvP fans. We have no ETA on when a redesigned Ilum might be available, but when we do have more news, we'll share it. The PvP team definitely monitors these Forums and would love to see constructive feedback on Open World PvP and how you feel it could be improved. They have their own ideas, of course, and they've read many of the posts here but more feedback is always welcome.
  24. There are no current development efforts to create a Mac OS client for Star Wars: The Old Republic (or indeed, for any other operating system or platform). No-one here hates Macs (in fact, many of us quite like them ) but development efforts are currently focused on expanding and improving the game for PC/Windows.
  25. David was trying to clarify the 'Future of Warzones' section of the PvP presentation, but that's caused a bit more confusion; apologies. I huddled with Gabe Amatangelo about this question and got a definitive answer. You can queue as an eight-man Operations group in Game Update 1.2, for ranked Warzones only. In the future, whenever cross-server Warzone queuing is possible, the plan is to allow people to create teams of eight which can be named, etc. The PvP team is aware of the importance of ranked Warzones and PvP rankings in general, hence allowing eight-man queuing. Apologies again for the confusion. We hope everyone's going to enjoy the feature!
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