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Everything posted by irishdrunk

  1. Lol you don't even have to pay moderators, there are so many fanboy's in this game. You did just piss off a whole mountain of trolls to I'm guessing. Everybody was gearing up to make "@SoandSo" posts soon! In all reality, we do need server forums, and you're already showing the community that Money Factory > Features Pony up
  2. You can see how much time by typing /played into the chat bar. The people that are much higher level than you are those of us that have been in the beta for a looooong time, and have already seen every quest, our entire class story etc etc. We know where everything is, and how everything works. Game is derinetly worth the money just for the single player RPG feel. Don't even worry about being 50, the fact that you have 7 more unique class stories should keep you playing for a long time.
  3. In a nice team, tanks in pvp rock. Watch tank rack up protection points with a pocket healer and control the entire battlefield with ease.
  4. Because that's what wowkids do.
  5. Healing isn't weak at all. You just think your healing should be able to keep your friend up with 3 enemy dps on him. One healer doing 300k in a match is an auto-win
  6. A thread whinging about whiners whining?!! +1
  7. Ya, A REAL PvP game like DaoC right? Where you are CC'd for 5 minutes straight? You're just not doing it right, trust me.
  8. So does every other server in the game. Posting this in the PvP forums isn't tricking anyone into believing anyone on your server is older than 12.
  9. Omg what are you doing playing games, don't you have a class to teach?
  10. I'm more concerened that you think Anchorhead will be a freakshow, and not a server populated by a bunch of win trading fotm wow arena players. Seriously man? I mean I know I stabbed at you before, but c'mon. Anybody that's been up the WoW ladder knows what goes on, there are just some of us that left as it started instead of rolling around in it for the next 4 years.
  11. exactly the point I made previously....Thank GOD your vid's prove otherwise, or you'd be all over this forum claiming you were a game testing GOD that was hired by Bioware to train noobs.
  12. You can dodge truth and play with words all you want, I'm sure your groupies get a kick out of it. You have mediocre pvp video's from a beta where nobody knew who you were, because you didn't stand out at all. You know only like 60% of glad's from WoW go to AJ, because that scene is full of whiny 20 somethings like yourself that would rather win-trade and gimmick then pvp. You can smell your own farts all day long bro, or take turns in a room with your AJ groupies, but you know EXACTLY how it went down in Beta and the only reason you're here is because everything about the beta was wiped so nobody that doesn't know the truth can call you out. For your sake I do hope they implement and arena system, because teamplay and a UI without 40 addons to tell you when to do everything aren't your strong points.
  13. LOL There was nobody even CLOSE to that high on my server last night, 25 I think was the highest. All this seems like, is maybe there is to much exp given out for little effort in Warzones. People are not EXPLOITING, they are trying to que for warzones and not enough people are making it happen. Get owned by metrics
  14. I have a feeling fake e-sport burstcraft matches that get decided inside of a global cooldown are the only games that meet his approval. Thank god you can't win-trade in swtor or we would be screwed.
  15. HAI. Still clicking Meditate and Stims and such? Not throwing a single shield on a teammate? You're BROGOD playstyle should do well in this game, as soon as somebody develops 4 years worth of addons for you. I sure hope you weren't the Nahman assassin I slapped around like 5 times today.... Maybe if you get some arenajunkies to come in and ride your jock your posts will magically make more sense. On a lighter note its nice not to be on the verge of a forum ban.....O.o
  16. Considering all the carebear protection mechanisms and the whole 'balance by symmetry' idea, you're probably right. Also considering a lot of WoW players (especially arena junkies) use multiple addons that have been being developed for years as a giant crutch, who knows.
  17. If you want to play Hutball against your own faction for the next 6 months, goto Fatman
  18. Point proven from above post
  19. If Jimmy gets taken, I'm sure Jimmylol will be available. There will be much lol and qt on this poor server
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