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Everything posted by PakaOno

  1. The Devs have spoken and Resolve is working as intended. Don't forget that this was extensively tested on the PTR! (which the majority of the player base was excluded from copying their chars over to) Like I have said many times before, these changes prove that the Devs don't even play their own game.
  2. WZs as a whole seem buggy as hell with 1.4! I'm not on my desktop so I can't post a screenshot, but my friends and I joined a new Civil war yesterday, game started we had 8 players. We get the "Not enough players Warzone shutdown sequence initiated" warning and then it ends a minute later with us losing and the 5 players Imp side all got the win. w...t...f...?!
  3. Bow down before the new JugGuardian Overlords!
  4. Please tune in to next week's episode of the "Gear Whisperer" with your host Cesar Mi-wan!
  5. 1.4 launched today which means my friends and I are on our 30 day countdown. We are giving BW a month post 1.4 to see how much things have improved. My friends have already purchased Mister Panda-mania and are going to play that but are giving BW/SWTOR one last chance. I'm not going back to Warcrak, but I'm not going to keep playing this if all my friends leave. I still can't believe how many of the complaints we had in beta over a year ago are still the same things players are complaining about now... When EA/BW look back and try and figure out where it all went wrong, I seriously hope they spend some time in the mirror. Because I know for a fact that the beta tester player base did our best to forewarn of what would happen. And sadly enough most of that has come true
  6. And judging by the subscription numbers, serious gamers don't play SWTOR either! /wakka wakka
  7. This point was hammered more times than I can recall during Beta, and the Devs/PMs just shrugged it off. Well I bet those same people are wishing they had a native Mac client now! People can't hate on Blizzard all they want, but there are reasons why WoW is the best selling MMO of all time. Purposely not excluding half of your potential customer base is one of those reasons.
  8. PakaOno

    DPS Mercs.

    I admit I'm biased against DPS Mercs/Commando. And it's not the player's fault. The blame clearly lies on BW's shoulders. And this is why: A heal spec'd merc/commando with equal gear/skill of a DPS merc/commando will always bring more utility to/have a greater impact in a WZ. For all of the reasons that have already been stated in this thread. And until that changes, DPS merc/commandos will be second rate citizens.
  9. Another missed opportunity, but I'm guessing that BW is limited technically by the Hero Engine. Cross server WZs would definitely help boost PvP. I would rather play against players from other servers, rather than facing my same faction time and time again...
  10. It's nigh impossible to drop combat in this game. People have complained about it since beta, but the devs obviously feel its working as intended since we are stuck with it. Actually it was even harder to drop combat in beta if you can believe that. Pretty much the only way to drop combat was to die.
  11. I'm not sure if it's just me but it seems like under the new system, a person can be stunned longer without the resolve bar filling. Is that really the desired result? Because that's not what people are complaining about with the resolve system... Again, these changes make me wonder if the devs really play their own game.
  12. I commented on the main thread and will do here as well. This change proves how out of touch the devs are with PvP especially in regards to class balancing. I def won't be playing my Sage if this change goes live.
  13. The fact that the devs spent time/money/energy nerfing Sage/Sorc knockback proves how out of touch they are with class balancing especially in regards to PvP. Just wow... I can't believe someone approved this with GW2 just released. Have they ever played a Sorc/Sage in PvP?! Are the devs trying to push their customers away? Because it sure feels like it. For the love of the game, this nerf should not hit live, because it's going to feed more fuel into the unsub fire. I already don't enjoy playing my sage, and this pretty much confirms that I shouldn't play it period.
  14. 1. Getting out of combat! Takes way to frelling long! This really needs to be addressed. 2. Cross server PvP 3. X-Wing vs. Tie Fighter like mini game/space combat
  15. In my experience only the baddies are opposed to damage meters since it would expose them as lesser players. Everyone else realizes that damage meters are just a tool that can both help/hinder, but how else is someone supposed to measure improvement if there is never any sort of baseline or tool to measure performance?
  16. I have been pimping 8/8/25 or 8/6/27 for a long time and don't really miss TD/AP at all! Yes it's single target, but you give up a lot of DPS increasing talents to get those last 3-4 points in Pyro/Assault. Since you are asking about PvP I would def not spec 31 points into Pyro/Assault.
  17. 90's?! More like the 80's. Descent was released in 1995 and XvT was released in 1997. Both fit on 5 floppies or less and were 3D flight sims I.e. not on rails. There is no reason why BW couldn't squeeze in a VM that ran XvT as a mini game within SWTOR.
  18. This thread is proof that people will complain about anything and everything. PvP gear is a lot easier to obtain that PvE gear. And everyone has the same access to obtain said gear. So why all the QQ? If everyone has full WH then gear is not a factor and skill comes into play. I fail to understand how expertise is a problem. TS obviously never played a MMO where there was no PvP gear and players got farmed by the top guilds who had access to all of the best gear.
  19. Only baddies don't want DPS meters because they know it will expose them as bad players. And I will check out MOX but man a 3rd party app that runs outside of TOR? Weak imo! How come WoW had functioning DPS meters in 2005? Yet SWTOR can't get them running in 2012?
  20. I play on Pot5 and I approve this message!
  21. Well thanks for the info. It def explains how a few opposing players were able to get across the map so fast in WZs. And now I can use it too!
  22. Did this really happen? Mad props if so!!! Nothing like taking the devs to school at their own game. I think it needs to happen to BioWare as well. It would go a long way towards balancing the classes
  23. The emergency maintenance/rolling restarts since 1.3 is getting ridiculous. There have been 2-3 unscheduled downtimes every week! Not to mention the completely unannounced mid day on Sunday restart that lasted 2 hours. When is BioWare going to compensate the playerbase for these service interruptions? The player base has been quite patient and accommodating, but enough is enough! The players have easily lost a day's worth of play time already. BW needs to give that time back to us!
  24. The PG slow is still bugged for Vanguards and that is the only known difference between the classes that I'm aware of. Other than that they are mirrors. People claim that heat is more forgiving than ammo, but I haven't really seen a difference.
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