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Everything posted by Crimson_Paladin

  1. Seems to me like there's something wrong with the fact that the optimal choice is to take all the mods out and put them in Rakata. I wish there was another way to transfer set bonuses besides getting Campaign gear.
  2. Support. As things are now unless you can get War Hero or Campaign gear you can't transfer set bonuses and have to settle for Battlemaster and Tionese/Columi/Rakata.
  3. I think it'd be interesting to play as droids because of how the world could look at you how you would act as a result. It could deal with droid ownership, override commands, self-destruct mechanisms, and how you cope with such things. And instead of your race you'd get to choose your manufacturer.
  4. I'd like if they made Droid classes. You could choose your manufacturer instead of race (Duwani, Czerka, Balmorran, Huttese, Empire, and Republic) instead of race, resulting in differences in chassis. Republic could have Juggernaut War Droids (similar to bounty hunter) and SAS infiltrator droids (similar to agents), while Empire could have assault droids (similar to troopers) and assassin droids (similar to scoundrels). It'd be interesting to see the galaxy through the optics of a droid.
  5. The most immediate problem I see is that until someone can get themselves Campaign gear, they've no way of having the set bonuses without wearing the ridiculous looking Tionese/Columi/Rakata gear.
  6. I wish it was easier to get gear with transferable set bonuses.
  7. Support. It'd greatly increase replay value. And I'd love for the chance to go back and do it all again.
  8. It's pretty sound by Warhammer 40k standards.
  9. I'm not sure if it'd truly count as "manly" but the Jedi Initiate and level 50 Prototype Primeval consular gear looks pretty good, and the Primeval gear includes this cool-looking mask that looks almost like something the Sith Inquisitor would have. It's also fully moddable and buyable on the GTN.
  10. I do too. Being able to tank, stealth, and cc a non-droid enemy for 60 seconds is a great combination, especially when soloing. And we get a healer who I find not only immensely amusing but comes with a very handy cc of his own.
  11. I think it would be nice to be able to replay the entire story without rerolling. Maybe a hard mode, that'd be cool.
  12. No need to make such accusations. Hybrid, properly specced, does have higher overall DR and is able to get Sonic Barrier up more frequently, in exchange for 4% shield chance (which I think is only good against white damage, which Hybrid resists more of) and a 100% chance to reduce enemy accuracy.
  13. Forgive me but I'm still a bit confused as to how hybrid sacrifices survivabiility. The loss in 4% shield chance is more than made up by the 4% gain in kinetic and energy DR from Deafening Defense (and I don't think shield activates for internal and elemental damage, which is the same for both builds), and the loss in rage gain doesn't hinder survivability, since the only two abilities that cost rage and improve your survivability are Force Scream (which a hybrid can use more frequently than a pure Immortal) and Enraged Defense (not necessarily that useful when tanking but still superior for a hybrid than for a pure Immortal). Ruin can make up for the loss of Revenge, and Improved Sundering Assault and Impale make up for the lack of Crushing Blow.
  14. It'd be cool to see Zaalbar again. Especially if it meant we got to see Revan again.
  15. Support. I'd love to go through the story again without all the grinding involved.
  16. Immortal offers many excellent talents that improve survivability. The problem is, most of them are on the lower-to-mid part of the tree. Many of the higher up talents, such as Thrown Gauntlet, Revenge, and Sweeping Fury, do not particularly improve survivability, although some do make it much easier to maintain rage in Soresu. Vengeance also offers a number of survivability-improving talents, such as Deafening Defense (which I'm surprised is on a DPS branch rather than the tanking branch, given how solid a tanking talent it is), Vengeance (works good with Sonic Barrier on Immortal tree), and Unstoppable (great for enemies that like to use CC or pushback). That said, the comments I've been reading suggest that properly played, Juggernaut Immortal is quite adequate in endgame PvE.
  17. How does one take more damage as a Hybrid? If we're talking purely about defense, an Immortal/Vengeance hybrid loses only a 4% additional shield chance and 5 extra seconds of Endure Pain, yet gains 4% white damage DR, an extra 15% DR when Enraged Defense is activated, Unstoppable (admittedly more useful in PvP than PvE, but still handy at times), and a reduced cooldown on Force Scream. From what I've read, this is in fact something that some people seem to be upset about, that one can be an effective tank by putting most of their skill tree points in a DPS tree.
  18. It'd be worth being able to replay my story. I want to be able to redo it without having to make a new character and do all the grinding that comes with it.
  19. I've done fine running HM flashpoints as a hybrid tank. With the upcoming nerf to Crushing Blow, I'm not seeing any reason to switch back once threat is fixed.
  20. He didn't leave his robes, and most importantly, his signature mask, when he disappeared. Seems to me like he probably survived. For now. It's a pretty sound and reasonable plan by Warhammer 40k standards
  21. I wonder what headgear they'll be hiding in 1.3. I've got a Miraluka in Pilot social gear and he's got no clipping issues with his helmet. It would be a real shame if they made it invisible.
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