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Everything posted by jontyld

  1. I think its funny to see the people who justify rolling on anything they feel like talk about entitlement issues
  2. don't get caught up with the color, just because its purple doesn't make it awesome. Flashpoints drop 126 rating gear for the most part aside from the last boss, and theres a pretty big gap between 126 and 136 stuff.
  3. PvP without quests is actually pretty poor XP. Getting out and doing quests at a good pace is the fastest way I've found. Space missions are awesome the first time you do them, but like pvp are actually pretty poor XP over time, so If you're not into them you don't really need to bother.
  4. I have legacy 22 right now, and it goes on.
  5. it doesn't. Your gifts may be too low, or you're affection capped, or you're bugged.
  6. To me and what seems like most other people its roughly this simple. My character contributed to this kill and will use one of the rewards. Guy who rolls need for companion contributed to the kill and wants to take the reward for a digital companion that he uses some of the time. To me thats someone (something) outside of the group benefiting over someone who was in the group. I don't care if the other person if the same class as me. I'm not trying to setup guaranteed loot drops, I regularly play with other assassins all the time, but that's a mighty fine conclusion you jumped too.
  7. There are established manners in our society. And I believe most people would agree that taking something away from a group of people where one needs to give to someone who is not there is bad form. When I go to someone's place for dinner, I don't bag up some food to take home until afterwards and its left over because its incredibly rude. But aside from that, is my opinion that companions dont actually need any flashpoint gear, but people want their companions to have it, which in my opinions closer fits the definition of greed. I really am curious though, are people just making a huge deal of this while leveling, or are there really people out there needing on energized/tier tokens to suit up their companions for belsavis dailys?
  8. If its going to be equipped I'll need. If i want to vendor, sell on GTN, give to a friend, strip the mods out, give to a companion or Anything other than equip to my character, I hit greed.
  9. I'd rather not see AC changes at any point. Lets be real, how soon before the people who wanted a one time change go "eh, I think I'd like to go back". I think the whole thing would remove the importance of ACs, and I don't want to see that happen because a bunch of people felt the grass was greener. If you want to find out what could have been, go ahead and level a new guy, in the grand scheme of things the time commitment for leveling is nothing compared to time spent at cap.
  10. I didnt mess with the datacrons at first, but by the time I finally did, I was taken WAY back to BFD in wow, and how many groups I had actually break up because someone didn't want to wait for someone to learn how to jump across the bridge.
  11. Absolutely not. It would not be ok to let someone level up as a jug and switch to marauder, or any other case where one class levels/solos worse than its AC partner. It takes 2-3 hours to level to 10, they give you ample time to pick which class you want to be. If you change your mind start over.
  12. he tells you like 6 times when you get him that he has no combat programming.
  13. I don't get where the people who think needing on stuff for companions is ok, think the line should stop. My sith warrior and his companions can equip pretty much everything, should I then get to need on everything? Why ever separate into need/greed at that point. I think like most people, if its not for my actual player character, I hit greed. If I get it, i can put it on a companion, and if someone else wins, they can do whatever they want with it. After level 50, your companions are no longer legitimate extensions of your character. They don't PvP, they don't run operations or flashpoints. It is absolutely not ok to take gear away from players that will use it meaningfully to make your companions look cooler while they craft stuff on your ship. Now people doing this pre-50, I would care less about the gear, but at the same time, I'm still going to consider them selfish, and probably put them on a list of people to never play with.
  14. I wonder if this isn't some people's problem. I was pretty annoyed to find out that every HMBT i did was giving zero social/lightside points because we were never actually finishing the instance quest.
  15. or you'll hit 50 and realize how little your companions matter anymore
  16. I'm not convinced that we need something that auto groups people, but I would like to see a better organized LFG system put in place. Let me check boxes for stuff i'm interested in, let people search for people with those checked boxes, something like that would be great.
  17. Companions are used for soloing and farming, both of which can be done in greens, so they don't really need anything more. Companions are not used in PvP, operations, group flashpoints and other actually gear intensive content. People shouldn't be needing on gear just because they want it. Either way I'd go by a more logical rule, if your companion is not helping you earn the gear, it doesn't get priority in winning it, to me its like rolling need on BoEs for your friends.
  18. legacy is tied to your server not character. Presumably if you moved a level 50 to a new server he'd have to start a new legacy over there.
  19. Ilum gives valor for kills. If you're talking about open world pvp outside of that, eh I don't think valor should be given to people who are more often than not ganking.
  20. You know i have to agree with the OP here. a game can never remove the grind, but they can hide it well. If you do the planet's main quests, and your class quests, its hard to finish without hitting 50.
  21. guild banks? don't care. AC switching.. No thanks. its 2 misclicks total before you train an adv class, and I'm sorry, you cannot level as a shadow and switch to a sage and that be cool. If you make that mistake.. take the 2-3 hours it takes to level a new dude.
  22. It would be kinda neat. but remember the story doesn't really end.
  23. I've had it. Continue on with your main story quest and you'll be able to do those.
  24. Its not Bioware's fault you misunderstood the service.
  25. Actually they said they predicted they would get to the last week of November, which could mean that the cutoff could have been around the mid 20s. I'm 11/30 myself, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed, but I dont think this quote at all implies that december will make it in today.
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