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Everything posted by Jarvus

  1. Yeah, you may be right. I suppose my question may not have been asked if there were more republi-scums around to kill, but what I'm asking is for the ability to PvP with other Sith and kill them, nonconsensually. I mean, it wouldn't really fit the Republic's theme for that to occur but for reflexive fairness, I guess it would have to be enabled there too. Open world PvP conjured for me, especially with the warning when you choose a PvP server, that I could get ganked at anytime by anyone and really it's just only happened twice and I've played since day one of live.
  2. Yeah, they should fix that exploit in PvP where sorcerers use one buff to deplete their HP and then simply heal it back up. Results in really huge contribution amounts and I'm not sure but I think it even counts the damage. Regardless it's about as useful and commendable as afking and should be rewarded about the same. Much grats on 700k+, OP.
  3. When I rolled on a PvP server with open world PvP, I sort of expected to see more of it at more times and in more places than it actually occurs. Especially as a Sith, I have felt the need to kill other players in my own faction and I think if you're on a PvP server, you should be able to. Something like Control + (an Attack) to start it off, so that you're not accidentally ganking everyone you try to invite to party. Anyone salute?
  4. Well, I'm mad cuz I queue solo and despite high personal scores, the match is sometimes determined before it started because of a party of ringers. And if what you say is true then Bioware should just advertise that their PvP is guild-only. In guild v guild, what you're saying makes total sense.
  5. I signed up for three months after my beta weekend time. I didn't notice that they had a longer subscription option than that, dude. And, no I'm not trolling. I enjoy PvP and sort of half leveled in warzones, something I could only dream about in my previous game. Just would like to see PvP be more exciting and interesting, and not give major barriers to enjoyment for newbs. It's in the best interests of all of us who like to PvP to have PvP in this game widely well-regarded, even by those who don't consider it their main focus. My goal is that any time I queue up for PvP I don't have to wait even a single second for the popup window to start. There should always, always be rounds running.
  6. well, four trained, skilled players, often using vent, executing truly skillful plays to pull off a goal in a half minute or less is great. more props to them. it does show the ability to play the game and certainly is a demonstration of skill. no disrespect intended on the effectiveness of the strategy or the reasoning behind it. but actually most people who enter BZs are not partied thusly, it's less than half on my server. perhaps it is more than half on yours. and I reached this point of view after being the guy in my last game, for a time, who made those parties, who had the 90%+ win ratio, and realizing that engineering a win by comprising the team and preforming strategy is really unfair to the majority of people in the game (that's why you do it, after all...) and overall has a negative impact on the numbers of people signing up for battlezones.
  7. As Giradda the Hutt's translator slave claims, when half the players join in pre-made parties? How random is that? Bioware should remove the ability to queue for PvP in party. If these vent-using, practiced girl scout troops want to PvP in party, they should solicit Bioware to add guild vs guild to the game.
  8. Yeah, I've faced people in warzones that have the icon on their HP meter from the Biochem stim they were using. None of this 60 or 80 increase in stats, it was like +300... surge I think. so, tell me again please why only one crewskill user, but none of the rest, get to use pots that are so overpowered they're the same as creating another dozen or so gear slots out of thin air?
  9. Actually premade parties for PvP queueing is one thing I would very much like to see removed from the game, unless it's reintroduced for guild vs guild later or similar content. Just as much as the gear divide makes people more reliant on gear and less reliant on their own skill, so to does entering in a premade party of ringers who are almost sure to win. It's something rational people want to do, if they're in a position to, but it's also stacking the deck and taking the mystical notion of skillful playing in an MMO further and further away.
  10. Jarvus

    Competitive PvP.

    I agree that there's something lacking in PvP at the moment, but it isn't really the gameplay it's the lack of ranking. Most people who PvP, regardless of whether they admit it to even themselves, want to see a ranking of best kills, best wins, stuff like that, in the hopes that one day, oh happy day, they might get their name toward the top of that list too. I think competitiveness and bragging rights for such stuffs almost should be encouraged because it keeps PvP players interested and logging in for matchings.
  11. Because after strict pve'ers play out all their scripted content, they move on to new-to-them content in different games. It's pvp'ers and a well-regarded PvP system, or well enough, that keep logging in daily and opening their wallets monthly.
  12. Lets take a quick but accurate look at the gear and see why the variance is so big between pve geared people vs pvp geared people, in a pvp context: Expertise. This mechanic serves no purpose other than to widen the very gap devs now say they wish to lessen. They should think about that. They should remove Expertise. Simple. Removing the expertise has been already brought up a hundred times before, but would make pvp gear the equivalent of level 54 armor or something. Considering the lottery we've all had to play since the game's start with popping bags, and doing dailies just to get the gear, I do think nerfing the gear, instead of fixing the actual source of the crying is a mistake.
  13. lets transfer this logic, from page one of this thread, to potions and see how long it lasts. lets also consider the fact that most of the "end game" items crafters can make require components that are themselves Bind on Pickup and only drop from PvE raids/instances. Tell me again please why 400 Synthweaving should leave me shouting for Hard Mode pugs to finish my gear just because someone in development contemplated that I'd be willing to blow 200 Merc points and 200 WZ points on a champion bag or two a day, but no one thought I'd be willing to blow 100 points of each for a vial of biomemetic gel?
  14. Yeah, the ones I was thinking of were lvl 50 Zeyd Cloth Vestments, not the lvl 47 upper with similar name that the synthweaving trainer can teach. But they must have come from crafting ingame because of the augment slot, right? Maybe removed in beta, yeah. [EDIT: o0 no crafter's name listed in the item description]
  15. I have a 560 448. I'm running 2.90.53. The only really weird issue I had was that I had to remove my soundcard when I installed it because they simply wouldn't play well together. couldn't even boot. I never ran that problem down so I make do with my crackly onboard ALC888 sound currently. Tried an Auzentech sound card too. No joy. The card works great for this game and is more than enough. One thing you may want to do if you encountered performance drop after the 1.1 patch is what there are already a couple threads on which is delete your game's local settings, as seen here: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=193721
  16. I'm not 100% sure but I'd say off critical rolls from underworld trading missions. You can often find those crafting schematics on the trading network too. I believe that's where they come from though. [EDIT: oh, just saw that screenshot and those are amazing, so many many slots. yea, I've never encountered anything like that in game with that many slots for different things, though I have seen annointed silk vestments of one type or another listed in Crafting Schematics on the GTN and I think it was lvl 50 stuff.]
  17. Yeah, I'll agree with prior poster that it's not CPU bound on most systems. I read a very in depth review that tested the same hardware, but with various clockspeeds on the processor and found that after you get about 2.5 GHz on a dual core or better system, you've got 90% of what the people with overclocked i5 and i7s have. After about 2.8 GHz you've closed that gap in half again. The article's focus was solely on this game.
  18. The MMO I played before this one had an AH feature (which never worked there, lol) of searching on a particular seller's name, which is pretty cool because you find some sellers tend to maintain a high lvl of value and might be worth checking specifically. Another nice trading network feature would be if they could let you search all auction listings, without selecting a pulldown category, and then sort by time listed and, the reverse sort would be time remaining. And, an absolute requirement is the ability to sort armor pieces on the AH GUI, like you can from the synthweaving vendor, by waist, legs, chest, bracers, shoes, etc. Especially with so many different names (belt, sash, ok bad example on belts) but for the various pieces (vestments, chest, upper, robe, etc) it'd be a whole lot simpler for people who just want a new piece of armor they can use.
  19. Oh, that's one possible explanation, yeah. Then again since we had fifties less than ten days after game went live, another perhaps just as likely explanation is that a lot of those characters responsible for pulling down the average level are alts of people who already capped and rerolled.
  20. Look, I actually abandon probably a quarter to a third of my quests per planet, I was always 3-5 levels above recommended quest level, after the mid teens, and I played solo almost the whole time so it's not like I was getting party boost.
  21. OP is right imo. Leveling speed is way too fast. There is zero reason to form traditional grind parties, which I believe Bioware said was sorta one of their goals so mission accomplished if so. But the downside of that is that people hit cap fast, get bored, QQ here, and roll sometimes. Just halving the exp gain rate, or not giving rested EXP, or something would have helped people focus on playing the game to level as opposed to focusing so early on what's wrong with the game because they've already played out the content.
  22. Imperial. Hedarr Soong server. lvl 50 freshly today but haven't even seen Corellia or Ilum yet, though I heard 50s lamenting for a week about how their new bracket only ran every few hours. I've got nothing against rerolling. What I've learned, albeit not my gear, would come with me.
  23. When I saw an increase in this sort of topic about about a week ago at first I thought it was isolated but just last night I was on Voss and in a party with probably 8 people and there were only another 5 on the whole planet not in the same party. I chose the lowest population East Coast USA server on the day my early access kicked in, which I did because my prior MMO lagged like crazy and I didn't contemplate populations falling this quickly. I think they should make warzones interserver, as well as intraserver, that shouldn't be too hard. But I don't know what they could do for pve though.
  24. yeah, I do that too. I think Bioware's writing is just top notch.
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