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Everything posted by Malox

  1. When they come out with the new GSF battleground in 2.7 they need to make sure that the capital ships fireing at eachother can hit players too if you move into the way of a shot. And make it so players can only fight there not in some safe corner. Make it challenging...its what is missing from GSF....not only are other players a danger but so is the environment.
  2. site for reference http://www.torstatus.net/shards/us/stats just from dragging the slider....I see a trend and it does not scream "I LIVE!"
  3. But I have given feedback, it is just feedback you don't like so would rather attack me rather then find concrete evidence to counter my arugments. - You state that the game is not dying yet we have had two server merges since launch. - At launch we had over 1mil subs thereabout (according to press release). - The game went f2p due to massive loss of accounts - yes the game's health stabilized for a time after it went f2p - yet we had a second server merge after the f2p option became available - Staffing for the game has been reassigned and or let go (and that info is from a guildmate that works at EA) (we only have one person last time I checked 8 months ago that did balance changes) - At peak times last night and on last friday when I logged in at 7pm central only one server registered as heavy while the others were standard So from observation....no the game health is not great....it is rather poor specially when compared to other mmo style games that are available as the only thing separating this game from the masses is the the ability to use a glowstick as a weapon. And to point out...on bastion we have 133 people on imp fleet at 1309 central time. That was the way it was a year ago before the second merge....so that tells me that yes the game has declined in population. That number should have increased exponentially with the merge.
  4. LOL its called feedback...white knights are the worst kind of people to devs as they do not give honest feedback as they never see anything wrong with the game and can not give an honest opinion about it. They are complacent and don't want anything to change which causes stagnancy. And when an opposing view is presented, they attack it with "then leave" or some other meaningless twaddle while not offering a productive counter argument.
  5. Speaking from experience, continuous grind with no real point gets old quickly. Fun for a time...then monotonous. Adding depth to it takes away from the monotony as we then have a reason for doing what we are doing day in day out. It is why we did those story quests more then just once. The story...it kept us company on those long boring level grinds even though we had done the world quests numerous times before. If we had no story/depth we would just be grinding things out in a daze killing object A a million times to get to max level. That sound like fun? Maybe for a time...but not for long. At least in ground pvp you have more objectives and interaction with the environment instead of to crash or not to crash.
  6. I don't see its addition as negative..what i see as negative is it's incompleteness. Something that has plauged this game from day one and continues that trend. Why should I praise something when it is incomplete and adds so little to the overall game play? It doesn't add to gear progression. It doesn't add to the story line. It doesn't add to the depth of the overall game in any meaningful way. So what is it your opinion that we should praise about it? Its a cute little side game but in the end there isn't much wow factor going on with it. Yes there will prob be some additions but in keeping with BW trend of things....it will be 6 months or more before we see any kind of true mechanic changes. But the bottom line still remains....it doesn't add anything meaningful to the game as a whole. Granted pvp has always been more of an afterthought for the devs so I can't say I am surprised.
  7. Then you don't remember them rushing to add more servers
  8. funny thing....those 50 servers used to be full.....now we are down to 8 on NA side where only one last night at peak time said heavy and the rest said standard....thats depressing
  9. Yes quite a bit has changed since the game came out and I was a preorder. Lets go over the history of why I mean the game has become decrepit. - At launch was lauded for selling over a million copies (there was a press release to this..google it). - A month later players starting leaving in droves (unfished game product at that time, thank you EA, if you had only waiting 6 months) - Legacy system at that time was laughable even when it came out fully in march of that year - Severs started becoming ghost towns and players wanted server transfer abilitties - Server merges were first to come prior to server transfer - Free to play came out due to falling sub numbers - Subs still get more bang for their buck than being free to play (so not really free to play if you have to pay more then subs to get teh same experience) - PVP was stagnant when it first came out (stun locks.....wave at IA/smuggler) which has gotten better spec after bolster came out granted still has people abusing the system which comes back to how blind the BW staff are to their own game - We get money sink items more often than more thought out story lines (spend less time on cartel packs and more time on game experience....items don't bring depth to the game...they are vanity and the shiny wears off quickly). - somewhere in there we got another server merge but was gone 6 months so happened in that time - we have a half baked addon game that again doesn't add much depth to the game as it is the same thing over and over....BW if you want an idea of how to add depth to teh game via space content look at SWG jump to lightspeed. I know many of you played it so with the tech today you could actually make it better...yet we get this......crap. Yes it is fun but grinding it over and over and over and it will get boring fast specially when you go 0-50 matches or go 50-0 matches on a regular basis. Oh and don't forget bugs that have been in since launch....but i guess those cartel packs take priority:rolleyes:
  10. Que times would be shortened by cross server implementation but then we run into the same problem of having no brackets. One way they could implement brackets is when you que up you choose the ship you want to use and that dictates which bracket you move into depending on how many upgrades are on that ship. Most of us end up choosing to upgrade offense and defense first and then utility which allows us to pubstomp new players. Sorry but this is the first iteration ground pvp for swtor part dues. Same issues that happened there that caused people to get angry there (then we got the bolster system that ticked off the guilds that liked little competition). I understand this system is new and is still in the works.....but don't halfass a publish....I mean yes I am aware that is what BW has done from day one but holy hell man....
  11. I'm speaking in terms of GSF...when you tend to start seeing only the same players match after match after match....tends to raise a few eyebrows. and in terms of overall game health....from where this game was two years ago...yeah.....its def become quite decrepit. Not to mention they have cut staff to this game and I know that from one of my clanmates that works at EA.
  12. One thing I wish they had done is actually tie the different game types together but not make playing them a requirement. PVP in this game has always been an afterthought for BW and continues to be so. I like your ideas as they tie things together with other game modes. Ion rail guns are more for bombers due to high shields (granted the slow from it def comes in handy when going solo and scouts get to the back line (me)). Another thing to add to your list of things that are wrong with GSF is the capital ships...spawn camping is def not ok. I have done it and thought it was funny the first time.....the next ten times it gets boring. If I am hovering over a capital ship that is not my faction I should be getting shot at.....not playing pattycake with it while I blow up people respawning.
  13. yes cross server would help things quite a bit but BW never was good at planning ahead when they first make something. Would def spice things up with different people because to be honest if I am running with a group I don't like seeing the same people because crushing them several games in a row till you stop seeing their names gets a little disheartening. Or I am playing solo due to my guild not being on, seeing the same names over and over and over. I have seen it from both sides and something needs to be done.
  14. Warhammer flopped pretty quickly as well. Wow has less servers than it did two years ago but they continue to have more servers than they started with if memory serves correctly. And to point out, the same issue arose before brackets were implemented in normal PVP. If brackets were implimented they would allow for newer players to go against newer players instead of running into the same issue that PVP suffered from. Why do you think bolster was implemented? And requiring someone to group up to do even remotely well is poor game design as if you have played any games that like to try to push the group mentality, a lot of people push back (warframe is having that issue as well for instance). And if you were around the first month of game release like me, you would remember the press release from BW and EA saying they made history by having the most subs/games sold in a month upon release....and a month later people left in droves (for numerous reasons). SWG was successful (till SOE signaled its death knell) Lineage was successful, Eve online was successful. Wow was successful. Ultima online was successful. How many server merges have we had in two years? And I don't think group ques are bad, it is just a huge advantage to them as is most likely they are on a voice server that allows for greater coordination than is normally present in solo que. If your team is able to go 50-0 or 0-50 in a match on a consistent basis, you find yourself with less players because they get discouraged specially since requisition is not easy to come by if you are on the side that scored 0 the entire match. If that is happening consistently then there is a problem as players won't play it. Or am I imagining all the hate threads for GSF in this forum?
  15. When I first started playing, this game had over 50 servers that had a que to get in at most times (hated those days thank you preorder). Now we are down to 6 or so (NA) servers (8 for NA...had to count rather than glance). One would think that since BW pretty much placed their entire intellectual integrity (which isn't much since they sold out to EA) that they would not make the same mistakes over and over and over. Yet we have GSF that exhibits the same problems as PVP did when it was first brought out. Again we don't have brackets. Again we don't have separate ques for solo players to play against other solo players. Again we don't have separate ques for group players so they can only play with group players due to the unfair advantage they pose to solo players. For a game that was boasted as having the most subs in a month to later become a running joke in gaming communities, one would think BW would actually want to do right by their game and implement things right the first time.
  16. Oh lovely..I can be a *********** peacock. Art department....you are the weakest link...Goodbye.
  17. I've been around waiting on this game for a long time (Nov 2008 was when I joined the forums) and have watched this game from the beginning. I pre-ordered and started early. I watched Operative get nerfed into the ground because enough people screamed that their backstab was hitting too hard (then came resolve (oh the days of the stun lock), which they were able to burst down even with it due to how long someone was stunned) so they nerfed acid blade (which hurt them more in operations) then they nerfed a few more of their dps abilities and stun abilities. They should have done just the stun abilities. I left a little after legacy came out due to the game dwindling in players as each server (if I remember right there were 30 for NA alone) had become a ghost town with an overabundance of dps and sorc healers and very few tanks (well good ones). Sorcs were getting nerfed right as I left but have been watching and keeping up with the forums and update notes to see how low BW can go (I think they are sinking this game faster than Sony did with their NGE fiasco that got SWG subscriber base from 6mil active accounts to 1 mil within a year). To be honest i am not happy with the way the state of the game is with a lot of things. They have a low response time in correcting imbalances (GW2 does it faster than any MMO I've ever seen and has a separate system to keep PVE stats seperate from PVP.....HINT DESIGNERS AT BW....HUGE *********** HINT!) which has continued to cause issues. If BW actually cared about their player base they would fire the idiots that are currently making the decision as they appear to be innefective leaders in their respective fields so either they need to grow some balls and step up to the plate and deliver on a quality game that was promised years ago, or find someone that will because gamers are flighty and easily distracted by other games and we can always throw money at other F2P mmo's out there and have better results (GW2 has been doing pretty solid last time I played). Maybe now that Disney owns the rights to Lucas Arts, they can use their weight to actually get someone in there that can do the job they were hired for. God knows If I was disney I would not want my name attached to this game due to the fact that disney prides itself on quality and there are bugs still from *********** beta (couldn't keep the tiny sateel bug...NOOOO not something that was actually mildly entertaining but HAD to focus on that bug...guess they were worried about cosmetics instead of actual game breaking bugs). BTW why isn't this game a 64bit process yet? oh yea....the sateel bug was more important...then came other cosmetic bugs (still never fixed the whole flying through buildings in the cut scenes when leaving star ports...if you are gonna focus on useless things start there). To OP sorry I derailed your thread a bit... TLDR: I agree this game has gone down hill (coming from someone that watched the train wreck from the beginning) and until new management in the development and live balance departments is made you will continue to see this lackluster product continue on down the tracks into the oncoming train.
  18. Subscription....Canceled. Sorry but I can't play a game that is a single player game 90% of the time due to server populations and actually pay a sub fee for it. I paid for a MMO...not just an RPG
  19. I would have to rate it at 2/10 Reasoning: Poor customer service (Huge one as this is a customer service industry) Poor game performance (Everyone remember that error code that was said fixed but really isnt?) Server Populations are way down (was on repub fleet at 8am Central and only 4 were on fleet, 30 or so on imp) Game update 1.2 (should have been in at launch added very little to the game overall in quality of life for game) They seem to have no ability to balance portions of the game, nor disable an aspect of the game should it prove unstable (many games have this feature for a reason) I have been waiting around for this game since its announcement as you can see from my join date to the left. I expected better from Bioware and am not impressed with the game in its current state. You would think for a company with such a stellar reputation, they would produce much better quality games than this current incarnation of the SW series. I'm very dissapointed.
  20. Not sure if i have voted as of yet so if I have and my answer was yes...please change it to No. The game engine was poorly implemented. Features they are adding in 1.2 should have be in during launch (even if that put back the golive date), server instability, bugs, low populations, low replay value. Not worth the 60$ and the 15$ a month fee. I've told all my friends to not play this game till they fix many of the current issues. Most of my old guild has unsubbed and no longer plays this game (we play LoL instead). The concept behind this game is great; However, the game engine problems makes it near impossible to play in its current state. Over 30 subs may not be that important to BW, but thats 30 subs someone else is getting because of your lackluster product.
  21. On my sniper, shots are not hitting even though I get the animation, thought the dude just deflected/dodged it no doesn't even get teh popup saying they dodged/deflected it. Happened several times throughout the WZ. Knockback animations going off but no affect to those around me. Really annoying. Have 8 days till resub and don't think i'm going to extend it. I'll go back to LoL and DNDonline. Atleast you know what you are getting with them. THey may be free to play but they tend to be more reliable than this POS they call a game.
  22. If the game has trouble rendering 2d images what do you think would happen if you had addons in game that are taking up processing power and memory? Their game engine is horrible. It isn't even taking advantage of 64bit environments which most players run on. The game engine was poorly thought out and shows the ignorance of the BW technicians to this front. You will burn up your graphics card before they fix their engine (which with the ammount of rescourses this game takes to run and keep running for periods of time won't be long).
  23. Not to mention they either need to scrap their game engine, or tweak it to where it actually can run in a 64bit environment and take advantage of that. I've told all my friends to stear clear of the game until its fixed. Its not worth the money as it currently is. Not unless you want to burn up your rig do to the amount of rescourses it takes to run it.
  24. they should have had these features in game to begin with. I find it very annoying that they are now just adding them in. If it took holding off on publshing the game for a few months to get them in, they prob wouldn't have had so many people quit the game after a month of subs.
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