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Everything posted by ReiKai

  1. The Force itself is not magic, but has been used as a source of power for magic like Sith Sorcery and the powers used by the Nightsisters in the TCW series.
  2. Well a few things. For one, the warrior doesn't join the Dark Council. SW is the Emperor's Wrath. Technically, that puts him above the Council. The Inquisitor offed Thanaton who was dragging the Sith Order down with aged philosophies and would turn away Force-Sensitive Slaves because he used to be a slave himself and hates it. This, along with the specism in the Empire, just lowers their numbers and makes them weaker. Oh yeah and the Sith War offs an Imperial Moff who was suffering from dementia and was screwing up military operations everywhere. So that was a good thing. Although the Sith have a bad habit of killing their soldiers for making one mistake. Then you see what happens, you just killed an experienced leader and replaced him with a less-experienced and now fear-riddled replacement and expect better results. If they'd stop doing that, the Empire would've won the war already. As for Revan not warning the Republic or Jedi. Would anyone have believed him without Evidence? He beat Malak and destroyed the Star Forge. Far as the Jedi were concerned, that WAS the threat of the Sith. And the Republic was already on near collapse from the Jedi Civil War. Warning them would've been meaningless since they didn't have the power to fight back if Vitiate had started the war three centuries in advance. Revan and Co were damn heroes for stalling Vitiate for 300yrs. Gave the Republic a fighting chance instead of letting them get steamrolled. Also note that when Revan left to fight three centuries ago, there were less than a Hundred Jedi still remaining. As for the Treaty of Coruscant, Revan's influence did make Vitiate feel is was the best course at the time. Without that, the Republic may have been destroyed that day. And because of that and the Emperor's silence following that, all the Dark Council members and other Sith started slap-fighting each other in power struggles because they had nothing better to do now. And btw the slave revolt was caused by Baras because he's a ***** and other Sith perpetuated it for their own ends. And btw Kas City isn't the only city on the planet, just the only one that matters. As for the Specism, Imperial Intelligence did make aliens part of their operations because of their abilities. Even if still seen as "lesser", their talents made them useful and so they treated them as assets. As far as a self-destructive culture goes, the Republic is just as bad in its own way. Crime isn't just rampant on Coruscant, it's a way of life for everyone not on the very upper levels of the city-world. Coruscant looks shiny and pretty on the surface. Then go down a few hundred meters and it's nothing but rot and grime. A corrupted government. Half the senators will try and do good, and still mess with the criminal element. The other half are all greedy slobs doing whatever they can just to keep their positions. It was no exaggeration when they said the Republic was bloated and rotting. Unilaterally inviting every sentient and world into the Republic may give you numbers, but makes it infinitely harder to regulate and see to every species specific needs and wants and 90% of them end up ignored, and still get hit with the human prejudice like they did on Taris three centuries ago. Republic or Empire, humans are still specist jerks.
  3. The "most powerful Jedi ever" still doesn't mean anything to an alien who can move hundreds of times faster than light and reduce a planet to a charred husk with heat vision. Luke dies the instant the fight starts.
  4. There's still a lot of other things they have to do as well and being stuck with a smaller staff means trying to get all of it done with less people in a limited time frame. It's not fun. Still supposed to be getting Cathar this summer and no specific date as of yet. Though Cathar was just said to be "One" new species being input, which makes me think we may be getting more than just them. Maybe not much more, but 2-3 species this summer beats just one we've been waiting almost a year for. But again, these things take time.
  5. In the words of Imhotep (The Mummy); "Death is only the Beginning."
  6. Because like all Sith, our Spirits will Never Die! That is our Master Plan.
  7. The end of the Sith was when Ka'an was killed on Ruusan with the Brotherhood of Darkness. About a century before that was Knight Errant and the Republic was at war with a conglomerate of Sith Lords (a number of them family members fighting amongst themselves) and the galaxy was split again, the Republic erased coordinates of hyperspace routes so these Sith couldn't follow them back to Republic space and were stranded to fight each other. Darth Ruin may have been before this, but everything is up in the air right now.
  8. But it's like any game of Sabaac. You could be losing pretty damn hard...and just then...*Bam* the one card that dropkicks all the others, and you win the whole pot.. It's certainly possible. There is no telling how the story will play out. There may even be a point in the war where both sides must hold a ceasefire to deal with a more immediate threat to both of them. Like the Dread Masters and the Cthulhu lookin thing from TFB.
  9. That may not entirely be true. We have had some hints from TCW. Mace and other Jedi had talked about things that haven't been seen or used since "The fall of the Old Republic".
  10. So it'll be called "Doin the George Lucas" and it'll make people stop enjoying the game?
  11. I haven't even touched Makeb yet (still doin some other stuff for fun first). But the way I see it, it'll be rather hard on the Republic. It's like "Citizens! We're gonna win the war! The Empire is driven back! All we need is one good push an-" "This just in! The Republic Senate has been lying to its citizens for years! The Cathar are in an uproar! A Jedi in the Republic SIS got hundreds killed trying to settle a grudge match with a Sith! And they spent trillions building Doomsday Weapons that were stolen and used to kill billions!" *the Republic Senate stares with mouths agape* *an angry mob storms the senate building* *The Imperial Agent walks away after 'delivering' this intel and whistling a jaunty tune*
  12. We don't see Malgus die exactly either. We knock his bald *** down a shaft (ala Sidious) and then everyone has to escape before the station explodes (ala Death Star). We suspect Malgus is dead, but there's always a chance he had a way out and is just waiting to see what happens with the Empire on Makeb. Will it fall and be defeated by the Republic? Or will they get their act together and stand stronger than before?
  13. I take my starship and blow things up. So much better than the bus. But anyway, even being straight as I am, doesn't mean it wouldn't be interesting to see how SGRA's would develop in game and how they might affect other choices and interactions as well. I think it'd even be amusing to have a flirt option with Darth Lachris on Balmorra with a Female PC and watch her get a little confused and flustered by the approach and not know how to deal with it. Some may look at that reaction like "ew it's a gay!", but I see creeping out a Sith Lord to be rather humorous. Even if it was just to mess with them or tease them. Then be like "Oh I was kidding. I mean, who'd wanna sleep with a woman who has varicose veins on her face?" And then get shocked or choked for it.
  14. Well a lot of Jedi were killed too, and some really messed with. BH took out a few of them, so did the Agent. You kill both of Ashara's masters on Taris when getting her. And Taris may be a bigger win than some realize. Remember the Warrior storyline? That special chemical compound that can only be derived from Taris? The one that can make your blaster rifle as powerful as a Turbo Laser. Yeah, that would be nifty. Also, the Republic has wasted a lot of resources and potential super-weapons. The Empire went through a couple of them because of Jedi and Trooper class stories, but still have a good one with the Silencer. Corellia is a loss for both sides. The Jedi had to commit any army of their members to take it back, and some of them turned out to be helping the Empire too. Which further leads the Republic to distrust the Jedi, since a traitor or Sith could be amongst them at any time and no one would know.. As for Balmorra, well...that was a hard win for the Republic. They had to put in a tremendous force to take it back and would've been screwed royally were it not for the four main classes coming in to do all the heavy lifting for them. The Star Cabal was screwing both sides and was gonna try and take over the Galaxy til the Agent put'em all down. Doing that also shut down many influential leaders throughout the galaxy who were part of the Cabal and now a lot of worlds are confused and leaderless, including the Twi'leks on Tython. And let's not forget how the Republic messed with the Cathar on Belsavis. Imprisoning their prince and his followers for not joining in the "Hate the Empire!" chorus. Which I suspect leads many of the Cathar to join the Empire soon, despite the events on Taris. The planet was a toxic dump and the Republic was pouring trillions of credits into trying to rebuild it. Not only did their efforts fail, but they ended up leaving all those Cathar and Nikto and others stuck there, fighting for their lives and homes against both the Empire and Rakghouls, only to be wiped out because the Republic said; "Don't worry! We'll protect you!...but first you need to work for us, build things, grow crops...construct weapons of mass destruction behind closed doors." Malgus wasn't entirely wrong. The Empire needs the support of other species in order to grow strong and survive. The way he went about doing it only further damaged the Empire. And one thing though. While Imperial Intelligence may be officially disbanded, all of its members, officers and agents are being incorporated into the Imperial Military. So for now they just can't work as they normally could. And with the Agent free to move about, that can spell a lot of trouble for the Republic. The Agent knows everything about the Star Cabal. Its members, whose helped them, every deal, every place, every dirty deed and play they've made for ages, all within the Agent's hands. That information alone could cause the Republic to collapse if used properly.
  15. Once you Romance one of your Companions, you can't romance another. So if you're a Male Sith Warrior, and you want to have a "guy friend", then you have to turn down every advance with Vette and Jaesa, and wait for SGRA's to be admitted into the game with a new companion. Vice versa for females wanting some girl time. As it stands right now there is no date set for when they will be added. BioWare has stated they Will be added as a Post-Launch feature. And we know it's already been more than a year. But, it's not so huge a thing that we need to get upset about not having it yet. We got Makeb now and plenty more things coming our way. They've had their cutbacks thanks to decisions out of their control and are doing their best to give us what we ask for. We ca only hope it'll be sometime this year.
  16. We can say the same thing with how often Sidious was brought back in the EU because nobody could think of a better villain (something that shouldn't be that hard!!). But in all honesty, anything can happen. We don't see Revan die, which means they left a plothole open in which they can use to bring him back if a good story can be made out of it. The same way we know that Vitiate is killed, but since he exists as Essence, there's always a chance he can come back in some other form. Ultimately, they want Revan to go out a Hero, not just another crazy jedi. Probably something along the lines of Vader turning on the Emperor at the last second, but even more masterfully done. Like, say, Revan is wrestling with the Dark Side again, but this time is instead saved by the Sith in a FP, and at the end he fulfills his destiny to stop the Sith Emperor by taking him into the Force completely in a moment of true sacrifice, forever binding Vitiate. With a final scene of Revan's passing soul being greeted by Meetra Surik alongside Bastila Shan and her son, the child of Revan whom he never got to see or hold even once, and there to finally become one with the Force. ... And then...with the Emperor gone, a throne held for nearly fifteen-hundred years...who could ascend to it as the new Dark Lord of the Sith, the Sith Emperor?...well, who else could it be...other than the Sith Inquisitor, the Heir of Kallig and Tulak Hord, the Force Walker who has bound the souls of the dead within himself...and even...a piece of the Emperor as well. His fragment...the Voice...taken and bound. Darth Nox/Imperius/Occulus ascends as the True Emperor. *cue Sith theme*
  17. Carn'a can craft Campaign Relic of Dark Radiance. Free with Mats: 2 Synthetic Energy Matrix, 10 Primeval Artifact Fragment, 4 Molecular Stabilizer, 12 Upari Crystal, 8 Corusca Gem. Member of Shadow Council. Woot!
  18. He seemed to be keeping things as vague as he could on that. Vitiate may yet still be around in another form, or it was his Voice Body killed again and he's resting. No matter how ya look at it, it seems that Vitiate was weakened in some way when the JK showed up. I believe they made mention of this in the SW storyline.
  19. That's what the Dread Master's believe, not what is actually true. When the Voice was killed they may have Believed the Emperor was dead, leading to their rebellion. What had happened is that Vitiate had retreated inside himself to recuperate until a new host for his Voice could be chosen. Especially when you consider he had two of them killed in around the same time span; One by the Jedi Kight and another by the Sith Warrior. Basically, Vitiate is taking a vacation while building his plans to eat everything in the galaxy.
  20. Revan's finest hour was probably when he was fighting Malak. Despite having to hack through an army of Sith Acolytes and StarForge droids, it was quite impressive. However, Revan was not in peak form when he fought Vitiate. Revan had spent about 5yrs in a Sith Prison, being constantly drugged to keep him from focusing the Force where he was constantly interrogated at first and then repeatedly picked at by Scourge who was fascinated by him. Revan had been without training and ill-fed for years before Meetra found him and Scourge released him. While Revan may have regained his full memories with his Mask that day, he was far from being in prime condition. Despite this and knowing what may occur if they didn't take action, Revan, Scourge and Meetra left the next morning after Revan's escape to take on the Emperor. Either they'd succeed and save the Republic, or fail and make Vitiate rethink his course and thus delay him long enough for the Republic to completely recover and be able to defend itself for when the Sith Empire would attack.
  21. It was said. Revan actually fought Vitiate, whereas the JK only fought the Voice. Even the Sith Warrior fought and killed the Voice, yet the SW alone couldn't face a weakened Revan. In fact, Revan wasn't even at the top of his game when he fought Vitiate either. Revan at peak condition would slaughter the JK.
  22. Of course, Bane tries to kill Revan, fails. Revan is caught by Jedi, mindwiped, then retrained as Jedi, becomes more powerful than ever, comes back, kills Bane, then goes out and smites Kaan.
  23. You're forgetting a number of key factors. For one, Kaan's Sith were largely WEAK. And Revan treated his followers well, which included Aliens. And they had a Power Structure. Kaan didn't. And there weren't "20k Sith Lords". He had that many 'sith' under his command, but not all of them had the Lord title. Only a fraction of them did, because only a fraction of them had the capability to become Lords. Kaan isn't nearly as charismatic as Revan, and the problem with Kaan's plan is quite simple; if all Lords are equal in status to Kaan, why should any of them listen to him at all? One of the primary reasons why all the Sith and Dark Jedi follow Revan is because they Know, without any doubt, that he is powerful. He's proven it. He's demonstrated his unparallelled skill. He did what no one else could do. What did Kaan do? He got angry at his Brother, cried, ran away, and made his own club to get back at his bro for picking on him. That was basically it. Also, you're forgetting that Battle Meditation isn't just used to Bolster your own forces, it is used to diminish the morale and Weaken your adversaries as well. I will also point out that it was Bastila using her BM to do this, not Kaan. Kaan required a Meditation Chamber to even use it effectively. Bastila did not. BM for Kaan is more of a Crutch, since he had to use it constantly just to keep his own followers in line. Anyone strong enough to resist him, like Bane, aren't going to fall under his sway. Ka'sim was too strong to be swayed, but he had few options as to what he could do in the big picture. It's not known if Revan could use BM or not. However, Revan did not require it. Revan had strategy. He was a brilliant tactician and has some of the best military leaders working for him. Pretty much everything is in Revan's favor.
  24. From KotoR, it was whoever possessed Mandalore's helm would be proclaimed the new Mandalore. In SWTOR, a gladiatorial event selected the new Mandalore. However he was apparently an Imperial favorite, who was later killed by the current Mandalore in single combat (current as in SWTOR now). Generally the strongest one becomes the new Mandalore. Mandalore the Ultimate and Canderous Ordo earned their titles. Jango and Boba? Ehhh not so much.
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