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Everything posted by Vitas

  1. The Star Wars universe is inhabited by over thousands of different intelligent and ferocious species. Some although would be hard to add as mentioned previously by the devs involving more voice-overs and story alterations, whilst others could easily be implemented in a major patch. So here I'll be posting a full list of species which seem ideal as playable with some notes attached. I'll also be stating which class they'd be suited to play as based on established Star Wars continuity and lore. If there are any which you believe are missing, post in the thread and they'll be updated soon. Also vote/post which you'd like to see added. CATHAR HAS BEEN REVEALED AT E3 AS THE NEXT NEW PLAYABLE SPECIES IN A FUTURE UPDATE! 1 - denotes the species is a simple recolor of humans or feature minor anatomical features which means they could be included in a major patch rather than a possible expansion. 2 - denotes the species is already in-game as either an NPC or Companion 3 - denotes was a playable species in Star Wars Galaxies BH = Bounty Hunter, IA = Imperial Agent, JC = Jedi Consular, JK = Jedi Knight, SI = Sith Inquisitor, SM = Smuggler, SW = Sith Warrior, TR = Trooper Popular candidates *Bothan 3 - IA, JC, JK, SM, TR *Falleen 1 - BH, IA, JC, JK, SI, SM, SW, TR *Ithorian 2, 3 - JC, JK, SM, TR *Kaleesh 2 - BH, IA, SI, SW *Kel Dor 2 - BH, JC, JK, TR *Mon Calamari 2, 3 - BH, JC, JK, TR *Nautolan 2 - BH, JC, JK, SM, SW, TR *Rodian 2, 3 - BH, IA, JC, JK, SI, SM, SW, TR - *Selkath 2 - BH, JC, JK, SM?, SW, TR? *Sullustan 2, 3 - JC, JK, SM, TR - Speaking basic *Taung - BH, TR? *Trandoshan 2, 3 - BH, JK, SI, SM, SW, TR - *Wookiee 2, 3 - BH?, JK, JC, SM, TR *Zeltron 1 - BH, IA, JC, JK, SI, SM, SW, TR Other eligable candidates *Abyssin 2 - BH, IA, SM, TR *Anomid 2 - IA, SM *Arcona 2 - BH, IA, JC, JK, SI, SM, SW, TR *Argazdan - IA, SI *Arkanian 1 - JC, JK, SM, TR *Arkanian Offshoot 1 - JC, JK, SM, TR *Balosar 1 - BH, IA, SI, SM *Barabel - BH, IA, SI, SM, SW, TR *Biituian 1 - BH, IA, JC, JK, SI, SM, SW, TR *Bimm - IA, JC, JK, SI, SM, SW *Bith 2 - BH, IA, JC, JK, SI, SM, SW, TR *Cerean 1 - JC, JK *Chagrian 2 - BH, IA, JC, JK, SI, SM, SW, TR *Chistori - BH, JC, JK, SI, SW, TR *Devaronian 1, 2 - BH, IA, JC, JK, SI, SM, SW, TR *Duros 2 - BH, IA, JC, JK, SM *Echani 1 - JC, JK, SI, SW *Evocii - 1, 2 - JC, JK, SM *Farghul - BH, SM *Feeorin - BH, JC, JK, SM, TR *Fosh - JC, JK, SI, SW *Frenk - BH, IA *Gamorrean 2 - BH, TR *Gand 2 - BH, IA, JC, JK, SI, SM, SW, TR *Gran 2 - BH, IA, JC, JK, SI, SM, SW, TR - *Hamadryas 1 - BH, IA, JC, JK, SI, SM, SW, TR *Ho'Din - IA, JC, JK, SM *Iktotchi - BH, JC, JK, SI, TR *Khil - JC, JK, SM, TR *Kiffar 1 - BH, JC, JK, TR *Kobok - BH, IA, SM, TR *Kubaz 2 - BH, IA *Kyuzo - BH, IA **Lannik - JC, JK, SM *Lepi - BH, IA, SM, TR *Muun 1 - IA, SI *Nagai 1 - BH, IA, SI, SW *Neimoidian 2 - BH, IA, SM, TR *Neti - JC, JK, SI, SW *Noorian 1 - JC, JK, SM, TR *Pantoran 1 - JC, JK, SM, TR *Ongree 2 - IA, JC, JK *Pau'an 1 - JC, JK, SI, SW *Phindian - BH, IA *Quarren - BH, IA, JC, JK, SM, SW, TR *Rakata 2 - JC, JK, SI, SW *Ret 1 - BH, IA, SM *Roonan - JC, JK *Sakiyan 1 - BH, IA *Sarkhai 1, 2 - JC, JK, SM, TR *Selonian 2 - IA, JC, JK, SM *Sernpidalian 1 *Shistavanen - BH, IA, JC, JK *Skakoan - BH, IA, SM, TR *Talz 2 - BH, IA, JC, JK, SM, SW, TR *Tammuz-an - JC, JK, SM, TR *Teevan 1 - JC, JK *Theelin 1 - JC, JK, SI, SM, SW *Tof 1 - BH, IA *Ubese 1 - BH, IA *Umbaran 1 - BH, IA, SI *Vodran - BH, SM, TR *Voss 1, 2 - JC, JK, SI, SW, TR *Vultan 1 - JC, JK, SI, SW *Weequay 2 - BH, IA, JC, JK, SM, SW, TR *Wroonian 1 - JC, JK, SM, TR *Zelosian 1 - BH, IA, SI, SM, SW *Zygerrian 1 - BH, IA Legacy and Companion species Whilst there are many which would be fun to play as, some wouldn't work as playable due to a number of factors: size, physical appearance and primitiveness. Unless BioWare can work some way to include them as playable (maybe through the Legacy system), they'll be much suited as a companion species for now. ^ = denotes that their homeworld may need to be included in order to meet them. *Aleena *Anacondan *Anx *Chadra-Fan *Codru-Ji *Daimlo *Dantari ^ *Drall 2 *Dug *Dulok ^ *Filar-Nitzan *Gen'Dai 2 *Geonosian 2 *Gree 2 *Gungan ^ *Hutt 2 *Jawa 2 *Kaminoan *Mluki *Nelvaanian ^ *Noghri *Ortolan 2 *Parwan *Quermian *S'kytri *Sanyassan *Sayormi *Skel 2 *Talortai *Tchuukthai *Toydarian *T'surr *Tulgah *Ugnaught 2 *Utai ^ *Xamster *Xexto *Yoda's species 2 Q&A If the species is unable to speak basic or features an extreme alien-like appearance for example Wookiees, Talz and Rodians, wont that affect the story in anyway? It shouldn't really. There'd be some changes with a few lines of dialogue and like currently right now only specific genders can romance certain companions, there'd be some restrictions for romances with specific species. Althogh it is possible for most alien species to be romancable, for example: http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Wedding_of_Nrin_Vakil_and_Koyi_Komad If the species is small like the Drall, Lannik and Ortolan or is very tall like the Wookiees, Quermian, Talz and Tammuz-an, wont that affect the camera height during cut-scenes? The size of the species shouldn't matter as seen a while ago with the minature character glitch where the camera and NPC's eye focus will automatically align with the player's height. If the species can only speak non-basic, then wont that cause some concern? There really shouldn't be any concern. If you don't want to play as a species who can't speak basic and can only growl or speak huttese, then obviously you wouldn't pick it. There'd be of course subtitles to help compensate this but again if you can't be bothered reading lines of writing, don't choose to play as that species. All the other NPC's dialogue wouldn't have their language changed either to match the player's language and would still stay the same. Are Rodians able to speak basic? Yes they can and fluently. https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=BweotHZBYlg#t=296s https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w1kEe8x9zK0&feature=player_detailpage#t=232s The developers can simply transform the current player voice-overs so they feature an echo, like how the voice changes when a mask is equipped. Are Grans able to speak basic? Yes they can and fluently. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BweotHZBYlg&feature=player_detailpage#t=338s https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=_cdeLBBBAjY#t=466s The developers can simply transform the current player voice-overs so they feature an echo, like how the voice changes when a mask is equipped. Are Jawas able to speak basic? Whilst there has been one instance where they've shown to be able to, the subject remains slightly ambiguous, but for now we can say that they can Wont the camera be a problem for any short species? Height in the game isn't an issue, unless maybe if they're too tall. The camera automatically aligns with the player's height as well does the NPC's eyesight as shown a while back with the minature glitch, except in some cases when the camera is fixed: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CC74e4a6DBU ---------- For any other concerns which you may face, especially regarding Wookiees then this thread should answer your questions: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=503367
  2. I would like it if they could make Jukebox tokens curreny rather than items. I mean token is a term used to describe a form of currency so it would seem better if it were under the currency section like the commendations, plus one extra space in the inventory and cargo hold
  3. I've given Quinn heaps of gifts, mostly Imperial Battalion Flags, and I appear to be getting affection. However I've noticed that as you gain more affection with a companion, the ppoints gained from the gift become less or halved. However what I would like is if they could disable the affection bar for C2 and 2V and not be able to give any gifts to them seeing as you wont get any points at all. Also I would like to be able to give gifts to companions aboard the ship seeing as it would be logical to be able to but can't because they aren't following you. Just be able to click on them and then give a gift.
  4. Csilla would be interesting to add. Although by the time of the Galactic Civil War it remained unknown, it's possible during the Cold War that it is slightly known to either faction mainly because of the appearance of the Chiss. Because of its supposed improtance, it should be one of the main worlds in a possible expansion.
  5. Yes, unlike quests from mission terminals, I would like to know whether it's a heroic with some indication before I chat with the NPC. Maybe have like how Wow uses blue icons over their NPCs for their dailys.
  6. They could eventually add atmospheric flight as it would work. Star Wars Galaxies did but it was done two weeks before it got shut down. If they did do it, it should only be available on specific worlds such as Tatooine, Hoth and Ilum. Also it should only be available at a certain level like 45 or 50.
  7. Before and after cutscenes, I don't want to have to keep unequiping and equiping headgear from my player just to see his face and/or not hear an altered voice during cutscenes. A suggestion I have is what if you could have an option just to have any headgear, masks or hoods removed during a cutscene and appear right back on the character when done chatting? You could simply go to the options section and either enable or disable the option to remove headgear, masks or hoods and that'd be it. The option could also affect companions who have the same equiped unless a seperate option for companions could also be available. I can't see why this idea couldn't be considered but it would bring more choice of options to enhance the players experience
  8. I'm not sure if you've seen the "Return" trailer for TOR but John DiMaggio is the voice of the smuggler, Nico Okarr: http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Nico_Okarr
  9. An idea I had was once you have two characters who are level 50, then somehow you can have some additional quests which interwine with each other. It could end in a bloody battle or as an alliance.
  10. So whilst your ship droids C2-N2 and 2V-R8 can come help you explore and perform crew skills, there isn't much customization available. What if like with your main companions, you could acquire and equip appearance kits for them. Either have them in alternate colors or look like other droids such as medical or taxi droid models. In your ship, although from time to time you may enjoy hearing your droid greet you as you pass by it but sooner or later it may start to get annoying. What if you were able to switch him off and on whenever you could? Simply approach C2 or 2V, right click them to start conversing and then when the dialogue wheel appears, choose to either switch him off or leave him be. Then later you can reactivate him through conversation again. However whilst your planet side, you'd still be able to choose him to perform crew skills. Finally, in the crew skills screen I noticed that C2 and 2V have affection bars. I wanted to see what would happen if I gave him a gift and see where it would progress. When I did, he took the gift and I received 0 points. Why is there an affection bar when you're unable to progress with him? If possible, until you can progress with him through some sort of story, to have the affection bar removed for C2 and 2V and be unable to give them any gifts.
  11. Although playing a droid would be great, the question is what droid model we would like to play. Like how there are many different species, there are many different droid models available. Supposably maybe a HK series assassin droid or any other combat ready models.
  12. Have the ability to deactivate and reactivate C2-N2 and 2V-R8. Like how in ESB when Han has Leia shut-off C-3PO, be able to do the same here with your ship droids. Simply talk to them whilst on your ship, then the dialogue wheel will appear and you have the choice of turning him off. Then if you want to hear him everytime you pass him again, simply speak to him and select turning him on. This wouldn't however affect using them for crew skills whilst off the ship or summoning him by your side.
  13. Ewoks would be much perfect as a companion race, like done with Blizz, however recommended that Endor first be accessable so that way you can meet them. During the Cold War, the Republic had a secret bio-lab on the planet which means it would be perfect to be added and explore, hopefully in a future expansion. Also they should make Cyborg a sub species and available for other races rather than just humans.
  14. Some more worlds: Manaan An aquatic planet in the Inner Rim, it was the homeworld of the Selkath and the source of the healing agent known as Kolto. It was once controlled by the Infinite Empire in which a star map was built deep underwater. The planet's largest settlement was Ahto City in which both the Republic and Empire sought to gain control. Rodia Located within the Outer Rim and homeworld of the Rodians, it was a rainforested and industrialised planet. The planet's natives were known to be hostile and clan wars took place throughout its streets. Although neutral, the planet was at times under attack by the Sith whom hoped to stop the Republic's source of scouts and explorers. Originally, Rodia was to be one of the featured worlds in the canceled "Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 3". Thyferra A humid jungle planet in the Inner Rim, it was the homeworld of the insectoid race known as the Vratix and it was also the source of most of the galaxy's bacta production. Because of its bacta production, the planet was key to the Republic's efforts.
  15. I would love to have the Taung as playable. Although no statement has been made whether they're extinct yet, it could be established that like the Sith Pureblood that very few exist and are rarely seen. However rather than starting on the starter planet of the chosen class, have any Taung player start on Roon or Mandalore and they move on after to the capital world. I would suggest Roon as although the planet is highly populated, few possibly still exist here due to the Cloak of the Sith as well being the place where the Taung fled to after being driven off Coruscant.
  16. The world doesn't have to be an interest to either faction but to the player. As part of the story, the player could help with any problems that are happening and depending on their intentions, can use this to recruit the people to help either the Republic or Empire etc. Plus the universe is a big place, why just visit worlds that have some sort of strategic importance when you could go there simply to explore. Anyway you could suggest worlds which you'd want to see. Well Roon is a very big world to explore with huge oceans, bogs and ice mountains, it could be the first which is level 1-30. However the idea is if the Taung were playable and no matter what their class is, they start there for a few levels and then head off to either Hutta or Ord Mantell. Yes! Rather than using taxis and shuttles to travel between city platforms and gas stations, it would be the perfect oppertunity to use your personal ship to travel freely between them
  17. I would love to have the Taung as playable. Although no statement has been made whether they're extinct yet, it could be established that like the Sith Pureblood that very few exist and are rarely seen. However rather than starting on the starter planet of the chosen class, have any Taung player start on Roon or Mandalore and they move on after to the capital world. I would suggest Roon as although the planet is highly populated, few are known to visit it due to the Cloak of the Sith as well being the place where the Taung fled to after being driven off Coruscant.
  18. Although species like Wookiees, Togruta and Trandoshan would take some time to implement, near-human races would be very easy to implement which they could add in a major patch. For example Zeltrons, Zygerrians, Teevans and others found here: http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Category:Human_and_Near-Human_species I just hope BioWare can take this oppertunity with future updates rather than having to wait for an expansion.
  19. "Galaxy upon galaxy. Vast unexplored realms of space. It is a wild, untamed universe we live in. There is much danger here and therefore much need for armies, generals and soldiers. But along with those who wage war, there is also much need for those who explore new worlds and make possible the exchange of knowledge and goods -- who bring civilization." - Mungo Baobab, Star Wars Droids: Treasure of the Hidden Planet The Star Wars universe consists of billions of worlds and many of them known during the period which SWTOR is set (3,643 BBY - 3,641 BBY). There are plenty that would be great to freely explore whilst others might be ideal as flashpoints. Discuss which worlds you'd like to see added in the future either in an update or expansion. I, II, III, IV, V, VI - denotes the world appeared in one of the main films. 1 - denotes it was a featured world in Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 2 - denotes it was a featured world in Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords 3 - denotes it was to be a featured world in the canceled Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 3. SWG - denotes it was a featured world in Star Wars Galaxies TOR - denotes it was a featured world in one of the Star Wars: The Old Republic tie-in media: comics, novels, short stories, galactic timeline Alpheridies Located in the Farstey sector of the Borderland Regions within the Expansion Region, it was the homeworld of the Alpheridians and the adopted homeworld of the Miraluka after their original planet became unstable circa 6,000 BBY. During the Great Sith War, the planet was invaded by the Mandalorians who were later driven off by the Republic. After the battle, the Jedi Order had established the Culu Memorial Center, named in honor of the Miraluka Jedi Shoaneb Culu, an academy to help train Force-sensitive inhabitants. Due to the system's red dwarf, the Miraluka quickly mutated becoming unable to process visible light waves but gained a stronger connection to "see" the Force. The planet's surface consisted of mountains, hills and plains and its native fauna included the Thizzle-bug. Benja-Rihn A desert planet located in the Sevastol sector of the Mid Rim, it was the homeworld of the Carthasians. The Carthasians were often attacked by an insectoid-like species who sought to strike Carthas, the capital city. Their main place of worship was the Temple of Tet-Ami which was where a sacred orb known as the Orb of Pasage resided allowing anyone to be able to travel back in time to any random date. Circa. 4000 BBY, a Jedi referred to as Tet-Ami, the Time Guardian, mysteriously arrived using the orb and saved the Carthasians from the invaders. In his honor they built a statue in the temple which is where the orb sat. Since then, the Jedi have sought to protect the world and the temple until the day that Tet-Ami, also known as Mace Windu, would come to join the Jedi Order. Bespin - V, VI A gas giant located in the Anoat sector on the Ison Corridor in the Greater Javin region within the Outer Rim, it was first discovered years prior to the Mandalorian Wars by the Hyperspace Navigator's Guild. A tibanna gas operation was soon established by the planet Empress Teta and became a source of tibanna gas for the Galactic Republic. During the Mandalorian Wars, it was attacked by a fleet of Mandalorian warships hoping to cripple the Republic's supply. What has happened since then during the 400 years has yet to be shown. Bonadan An idustrial world loacted in the Outer Rim, it featured 10 huge spaceports and a massive industry involving strip mining and producing weapons, armor, consumer goods, foods and ships, some produced using heavy materials. The planet became highly polluted to which a weather station was built to help clean the air. Dozens of species from different worlds came here to work in its factories, the world itself ruled by various corporations and wealthy families. One of the planet's surving fauna was the Tortapo. The Bonadan Cough was a viral disease which originated here that gave its victim a hoarse cough and deep fatigue. Bothawui - TOR A lush and urban planet in the Bothan sector of the Mid Rim and the homeworld of the Bothans. The Bothans were well-known for their information and spy network where they looked into the activity of various enemies, factions, worlds and almost every corner of the galaxy. During the Great Galactic War, the Sith Empire attempted to conquer the world but were fought back by the Republic which initiated a major battle. The battle ended with a Republic victory but with major losses on both sides. Boz Pity A planet located within the Mid Rim of the Halla sector and just on the border of the Outer Rim, it was a terrestrial world and home to the giant Gargantelle species. Since its discovery by the Hutts between 15,000 and 9,000 BBY, they sought to control the Gargantelle race to use them as slaves, however all their attempts had been thwarted because of their large size. For years as well, both the Sith and the Hutts have battled to gain control of the planet. Numerous groups and factions have visited Boz Pity seeking to hunt and eradicate the Gargantelles, thus across the surface huge skeletons remain. Brentaal 4 Also simply referred to as Brentaal, it was loacted in the Bormea sector of the Core Worlds and also one of the Core Founders of the Galactic Republic. A popular commerce hub, it was ruled by a group of noble families known as the Brentaal Houses. Many traders passed through here when travelling to the Colonies Region. Numerous industries were located here selling and producing various fine and exotic goods. The surface of the planet was covered in mountains and valleys where several urban areas sat whilst both sides of the globe were covered in ice caps. The planet was located on the Perlemian Trade Route and the Hydian Way, two major trade routes. The planet was also famous for being homeworld of Jedi Master Satele Shan. Byss Not to be confused with the Outer Rim world of the same name, Byss is a lush and fertile planet located in the Deep Core. A world of myth and once ruled by the Infinite Empire, it was a natural conduit of the Force and viewed as a legendary world of serene, paradisiacal natural beauty. After the colonization of the Republic, many structures were built over the ancient Rakatan ruins where many secrets lay hidden. The world became a paradise retreat away from most of the galaxy's conflicts and considered to be the perfect place to live. Cato Neimoidia - III A planet located in the Colonies, it was one of the Neimoidian colony and purse worlds. Only the richest could take up residence. All the cities were built atop bridges which sat along long rock arches high above the clouds. The world was also very rich in ore which many organizations and crime lords held a share in mining. From the cities high above, it was a very long drop down to the surface where heaps of forests were located rich in flora and some notable fauna. Chandrila A lush green world in the Core Worlds, one of the Core Founders of the Galactic Republic and a world rich in politics. All of its citizens were heavily involved in the debates presented. Lush wide plains stretched across the world and huge crystal caverns could be found scattered across the surface and even hidden Jedi temples. Commenor Located in the Rachuk sector of the Colonies region, it was colonized by sleeper ships and had been a long serving member of the Galactic Republic since approx. between 25,000 BBY to 22,000 BBY. The planet's terrain consisted of mountains, oceans, deserts and canyons and was a thriving trading outpost, known for its gemstones and delicacies. Although a member of the Republic, it was previously for sometime independent. The planet sat on a number of trade routes which include the Commenor Run, Quellor Run and Trellen Trade Route. Csilla A frozen planet located in the Csilla system within the Unknown Regions, it was the homeworld of the Chiss. Prior to the Cold War, the Sith Empire negotiated with the Chiss Ascendancy to provide resources and armies in the effort of defeating the Republic. Dac Also known as Mon Calamari, was an acquatic planet and homeworld of the Mon Calamari, Quarren and the intelligent Whaladons. A member of the Republic, for a while civil war had broken out between the Mon Calamari and Quarren people. Prior to their discovery by the Republic, its inhabitants were already exploring nearby star systems and the world was also home to major ship construction facilities and pod racing circuits. Dagobah - III, V, VI A remote world located in the Outer Rim, Dagobah's terrain primarily consisted of dense jungles and swamps and was the homeworld of the Hepsalum Tash, a peaceful species who could grow up to 8 meters tall although were reclusive. It consisted of a multitude of fauna and flora, many of which were dangerous such as the Swamp slug, Dragonsnake and Knobby white spider. The Bogwing and Sleen, two creatures native to Dagobah, have been introduced to Taris, Belsavis and Dromund Kaas. Research teams would come here to study the environment and on some occasions, ships would crash here becoming stranded leading to the crew either dying or resorting to cannibalism. Dathomir - SWG A planet in the Outer rim and once controlled by the Infinite Empire. It was the location of the Infinity Gates, structures built by the Kwa used for interstellar transportation which could also be used as super weapons. The surface was covered in jungle savannas and was also home to the dreaded Rancor beasts. Tribes of humans and other lifeforms, notably Zabrak and Rattataki, lived on the world. Dellalt A planet in the Dellalt system of the Tion Hegemony within the Outer Rim, it was the homeworld of the Dellaltians, also referred to as the Swimming People of Dellalt or Swimmers. Mostly covered in water, three continents existed consisting of mountain ranges and plains. Once controlled by Xim the Despot, cities of his once vast empire sit in ruins as defense installations, monorails and water and sewage treatment plants crumble away. The descendants of Xim's empire referred to as the Survivors are the result of generations of inbreeding. Vaults containing Xim's treasures lay hidden deep below as dummy vaults sit above. Offworlders come to the world seeking to establish mining camps, however most attempts are stopped by the Survivors and the thousands of Xim war droids which are kept in operation. The Dellaltians offer their services to visitors to ferry them across lakes or haul cargo. Empress Teta - TOR Formerly known as Koros Major, Koros and Cinnagar and located in the Deep Core; it was once a city wide planet much like Coruscant until it was attacked by the Sith during the Great Hyperspace War. However unlike Taris, the planet wasn't completely devastated and was able to quickly rebuild. The planet was a rich source of carbonite ore which became a prominent source for the Galactic Republic. Its terrain consisted of forests, plains and mountains however most of it was urban. Endor - VI, SWG The forest moon of the gas giant 'Endor', it was home to various races including the native Ewoks, Duloks and Gorax. Many people and species on the moon were descended from numerous shipwrecks over the years. Many secrets and legends lay hidden and few knew of their existence such as the sunstars, shadowstones, the Night Spirit, the Tree of Light and the sentient Mount Sorrow. Few years prior to the events of "Star Wars: the Old Republic", the Republic had built a secret bio-lab on the moon where various biological experiments were conducted. Eriadu A planet located in the Seswenna sector within the Outer Rim, it was an active trading port and sat on the intersection of a number of trade routes including the Hydian Way, Rimma Trade Route, Lipsec Run and Yankirk Route. The planet became heavily polluted because of its industries. Felucia - III A fungus-covered jungle planet within the Outer Rim, it was colonized by the Gossams around 27,000 BBY and later conquered by Xim the Despot. For years the world would become an exotic retreat, generally for the Gossams as well as other species. Over the years many creatures have been immigrated to Felucia including rancors and sarlaccs. The planet was also native to the sentient Felucians, reptiles which were comprised of tall force-sensitives who lived in the jungles and smaller ones who operated farming settlements. Gall One of two moons of the gas giant Zhar in the Cadavine sector of the Outer Rim, it featured a rocky surface featuring numerous and extensively long canyons. Used as a repair and supply depot for ships, it was also the location of enclaves where troops and mercenaries were trained. Smugglers would often hide in the canyons hoping to lose their followers. Consisting of a small population of humans and various other sentient species, one of the world's native creatures were the dangerous insectoid-like Tripion. Gamorr Located in the Galov sector of the Outer Rim, it was the homeworld of the Gamorreans. Many travellers and off-worlders were recommended not to come here due to the brutish lifestyle of its sentient species. The Gamorreans would often fight between each other and many cities were controlled by different clans. Crime lords would come here looking for soldiers and mercenaries to join their underworld which the Gamorreans were a perfect choice. Any sort of dangerous sport could be found here such as gladitorial fights and pod/swoop racing. Gamorr's surface was covered in jungles, forests, mounains, plains and tundras; and a mobile mushroom known as the Snoruuk was found here which the Gamorreans would farm and herd. Genarius A gas giant located in the Cularin system within the Expansion region, and one of the few colonized gas giants during this period. Prior to the events of TOR, a group of Imperial soldiers known as the Bane Brigade and their Sith commanders purged a Jedi enclave here. Geonosis - II, TOR A barren rocky planet and homeworld of the Geonosians, during the events of "Star Wars: the Old Republic" it was most famous for its gladitorial battles which both the Republic and Empire had gained interest in. The Republic saw the planet as a possible stronghold and the Empire posed its members as sponsors and gladiators. The Home A large iron asteroid located in the MZX32905 system of the Outer Rim, it was once colonized by the Jonex mining corporation. A mine was established here designated as Jonex Mine Eight Eleven B deep beneath its surface. The asteroid was once home to an advanced civilization of mynock-like sapients who were strong with the dark side however under unknown circumstances became extinct. Force-sensitive miners became crazed and reports of strange sightings occured. Some started to believe they were the species of mynocks which used to reside. The operation was eventually shut down, however the administrator of the mine having embraced the dark energy returned to the asteroid to whom he was now known as Darth Vectivus. The Sith Lord had built a large mansion deep within its core and lived here till the day he passed away. He left holocrons behind of his teachings as well as his philosophy on business practices. Hundreds of Phantoms created by Vectivus, through the power of the dark side, roamed the asteroid with eached linked to the other. Iego The legenday planet of a thousand moons, it was located within the Outer Rim and once conquered by Xim the Despot. Numerous attempts at colonizing the planet were made with a number of settlements scattered across the surface, it was known for many myths and legends which resided on its many moons as well as the planet itself. Spice became a leading export and numerous creatures lived both underground and on the surface. Kalakar 6 A volcanic moon of Dromund Kalakar located within the Dromund system, it was a hideout for Sith cults and dark Jedi prophets. Experiements and rituals were often conducted here in order to create hideous monsters and revive fellow Sith warriors. Kalimahr The sixth planet of the Tython system, the same system of the Jedi homeworld of Tython, was a cosmopolitan world and the first to be colonized after the arrival of settlers on Tython. Its surface featured wide valleys, underground lakes and cities of tall metal spires. It was also the business and religious hub of the system. Kamino - II An oceanic and stormy world located in Wild Space, it was the homeworld of the Kaminoans. After the devastation of Ossus, many Jedi artifacts were hidden here to be protected from the Sith. After the Jedi Civil War, much of its technology was sold offworld throughout the galaxy. For a while the planet remained secluded and only the Republic knew of its whereabouts. Kashyyyk - III, 1, SWG A forest world located in the Mid Rim and homeworld of the Wookiees, it was once controlled by the Infinite Empire and now a member of the Galactic Republic. For years the native Wookiees have fought for control against Czerka and the Trandoshans. Down below in the depths of the jungle, many predators lurk within the Shadowlands including Gorryl slugs, Kinrath and the dangerous Katarn. Apart from the dangerous fauna, there were also some non-hostile creatures such as the Kybuck, Tach and Kashyyyk bantha. Keeper's World A planet located in the Sprizen sector within the Outer Rim, it had no official name other than being referred to as the 'Keeper's World'. A terrestrial planet which was visited by Luke, Leia, R2 and C-3PO shortly after the Battle of Yavin; it was called 'Keeper's World' after an artificial intelligence which resided on the planet, built by an ancient civilization to help preserve the world from a galaxy-wide war which previously occurred so when they would return, the planet would still be as they'd left it. The Keeper created androids which resembled the planet's species to help maintain it. This war which is mentioned has never been specified, whether who it was agaianst or when it took place remains unknown. It's possible this could be before the creation of the Galactic Republic, during the reign of the Rakata, part of Xim the Despot's conquests, the Great Hyperspace War or even the Sith Wars. Suggestion: It would be perfect as a flashpoint world. Kessel Once known as Xo's Eye during Xim the Despot's reign, was a planet in the Kessel system of the Outer Rim. Both a prison and mining world, it featured the galaxy's largest and only Glitterstim spice mining operation. The prisons were controlled by the Colicoids and species from all over the galaxy worked here to mine the spice, Glitterstim, a valuable drug used for both therapeutic and recreational purposes. Kessel's main capital was Kessendra, which featured Kessendra Stadium, Spice Mines Avenue, and Slave Lord Boulevard. The planet featured a number of fauna which included the Energy Spider, Taras-chi and Bogey. Ancient machinery lay hidden deep below supposably created by the Celestials. Khar Delba An icy, snowy planet located in the Sith Worls, within the Outer Rim, it was once ruled by the Sith King Adas and later by the Dark Lord Naga Sadow. Sadow established a fortress on the world which served as a fake, whilst his real fortress was located on the planet's moon. The planet's surface was covered in craters and mountains, and it was the homeworld of the Sith war behemoth and the Sith warbird, and was also inhabited by the Sith Pureblood, and Massassi warriors that served Sadow. After the Sith Lord Ludo Kressh bombarded the planet and damaged Sadow's fortress, Sadow had it rebuilt. During the Galactic War, Darth Marr had a fleet stationed here. Khar Shian An icy, rocky world and the only moon of the planet Khar Delba, it was once the center of power of the Sith Lord Naga Sadow, and the location of his palace, with a decoy one set-up on Khar Delba. Sadow's followers inhabited the moon, many which were Sith Pureblood and Massassi warriors. Much of Sadow's war fleet were also stationed here. Lok - SWG A barren and dusty world located in the Karthakk system within the Outer Rim. The world was also home to gangs of pirates, mercenaries and anyone defecting from either the Republic or the Empire. By the time of the Galactic Civil War, thousands of years after the events of TOR, the world featured many ancient ruins across its surface including one known as the Great Maze of Lok which its history remains unknown. Lotho Minor Located in the Outer Rim, it is completely covered in junk from other planets. On some occasions its atmosphere would produce acid rain and giant droids known as fire breathers roamed the surface. The native species of the world known as Junkers scavenge the wrecks and piles available and some were known to be hostile towards outsiders. M4-78 - 2 An industrial planet located within the Inner Rim, the world was completely colonized by droids who were sent here to develop its resources for the planned arrival of its creators. However the planet was eventually discovered by the Sith who claimed to be the ones the droids were waiting for. Because of this, the droids obeyed the will of the Sith and were even ordered to produce armies of droids for an eventual attack on the Jedi and the Republic. Commentary: Originally, M4-78 was to be one of the featured worlds in "Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords". Malachor 5 - 2, TOR A desolate world in the Chorlian sector of the Outer Rim, it was here Revan killed Mandalore the Ultimate and the final battle of the Mandalorian Wars. Eventually the planet was completely destroyed with the use of a mass shadow which was activitated by Meetra Surik and her companions. It boded a strong presence of the Dark side and even hundreds of years after its destruction it became a significant location to the Sith. Suggestion: It'd be ideal as an explorable space area or flashpoint. Mandalore - 3 A terrestrial planet within the Outer Rim, it was controlled by the Taung after colonizing Roon. The planet became the home of the Mandalorians which most returned to after the Mandalorian Wars. The surface consisted of jungles, forests, deserts, grassy plains and seas as well as a number of valuable ores used in the construction of armor and weapons. Mustafar - III, SWG A volcanic planet in the Outer Rim, approx two thousand years before the Cold War the planet used to be a lush green world and the location of a Jedi enclave. However when the resurgent Sith came, a climactic war started between them and the Jedi causing a nearby gas giant pulled by the force which brought a shift to the planet and thus making it the volcanic world it is. Many secrets and unique items were lost on the planet and ruins are found scattered across the surface. The planet was also known for its mining operations and home to the tall and short Mustafarians. Mygeeto - III A world located in the Albarrio sector within the Outer Rim, it was a mineral rich planet controlled by the InterGalactic Banking Clan. Its sentient species, the Lurmens, were treated as slaves by the Muuns and some moved offworld to live elsewhere. It was once under the control of the Infinite Empire and later by Smugglers, the Hutts and the Neimoidians until the Muuns were able to take over. The Jedi have wanted to explore the planet to discover crystals which could be used by them however most attempts have been stopped by the Banking Clan. Because of attempts by different factions to seize control of the world, the Banking Clan have blockaded the planet from any attack and to protect their interests. Myrkr A forested planet in the Myrkr system within the Inner Rim, it was the original homeworld of the Neti who, under unknown circumstances, had left to colonize the planet Ryyk. A very force sensitive world, it was the home of the Ysalamir, lizards who could repel the Force by creating a Force-neutral bubble; and the Vornskr, canine beasts which could hunt using the Force. Many individuals came here seeking Ysalamiri as pets so to help protect them from both Jedi and Sith attacks. During the Mandalorian wars, the planet was the site of a battle between the Mandalorians and the Republic, which the Mandalorians had won. Naboo - I, II, III, VI, SWG Around 3,951 BBY, prior to the end of the Sith Civil War, the planet was first discovered and colonised by settlers from the Core World of 'Grizmallt'. Between then and up to the events of TOR, Naboo was known for its big game hunting. In addition, civil war had broken out between those settled in the grass plains and those in the mountains as well as tension between the Humans and Gungans. The planet's outer core consisted primarily of plasma, highly used as a source of energy for weapons, which the humans, Gungans and Republic sought to take control of and mine. Necropolis Originally known as Dahrtag, it was a burial world located within the Core Worlds. Many species came here to bury their dead and others came to conduct experiments on these bodies. Very little fauna and flora existed which included the Boneworms, creatures which fed on the recently deceased and any fallen bodies; and Cryptberries, fruit which was poisonous to most sentient species. The world's citizens were afraid of the creatures and visitors which arrived. Orvax 4 A planet in the Savareen sector of the Outer Rim, it was colonized by the violent and brutish T'surr. The planet became a central slave world where slaves of all different species could be bought and sold here. Whilst not a city wide planet, it did feature some wide city landscapes with a couple tall buildings. Structures of different alien and cultural designs were found here where the wealthy slave lords resided whilst the hundreds of slaves were kept in the dungeons below. Peragus 2 - 2 A planet located in the Xappyh sector of the Outer Rim, it was a primary source for low-grade engine fuel. The planet's core was exposed due to a blaster shot which triggered an explosion. A mining facility was also set-up, however it was destroyed after a confrontation between the Jedi Exile Meetra Surik and Darth Sion. What has happened since then remains to be explored. Suggestion: It'd be ideal as an explorable space area or flashpoint. Phelarion A planet in the T²/5/Zero Quadrant in the Seswenna sector of the Outer Rim, it was inhabited by Humans and the homeworld of the wealthy and influental Motti family. Long standing members of the Galactic Republic, the Motti family gained their fortune in the Megonite moss mining industry on the world. To increase their profits, the family employed slaves which due to their ties with the Republic, were never convicted for. Members of the family became key figures in both the military and navy. Ralltiir A Core World located in the Darpa sector and sat on the border between the Core and Colonies, it was best known for its banking industry. Although a member of the Galactic Republic, it remained neutral allowing investors from all over the galaxy to make use of its services. The planet was also known for its farming communities and medical services. Many organizations and groups had strongholds on the planet including various criminals, gangsters and even Black Sun. Resh 9376 A comet located in the Nuiri sector within the Outer Rim, it was first discovered around 25,000 BBY by explorers from Corellia however it was forgotten for 200 years until its rediscovery. Upon its rediscovery, it was settled by pirates who set-up a base of operations until they mutinied against their leader Salovan Fische and marooned him on the comet. The rock was eventually taken over by the Hutts 100 years later who turned it into a shadowport called Point Nadir. The comet consisted of various ores, gypsum and granite and was home to the Nadir spiders. Rhen Var - TOR A snow covered world in the Thanium Sector within the Outer Rim, it was here after the Great Sith War that fallen Jedi turned Sith Lord Ulic Qel-Droma sought refuge and where his tomb is located. Once a lush green world, it has become uninhabitable and ruins are scattered across the surface from past civilizations and Jedi. It has been under control by numerous factions including the Infinite Empire, Xim the Despot, the Republic and Revan's Sith Empire. Solari crystals, which were both rare and very powerful, could be found here and used by Jedi and Sith for their lightsabers. Prior to the Cold War, Satele Shan and some Republic troops fought Darth Mekhis and her Sith soldiers who had set up a fortress in the mountains. Rodia - 3 Located within the Outer Rim and homeworld of the Rodians, it was a rainforested and industrialised planet. The planet's natives were known to be hostile and clan wars took place throughout its streets. Although neutral, the planet was at times under attack by the Sith whom hoped to stop the Republic's source of scouts and explorers. Roon A terrestrial planet in the Roon system within the Outer Rim, it consisted of wide plains, frozen mountains, bogs and oceans. The planet is hard to reach because of the dust cloud known as the 'Cloak of the Sith', unless the right navigational route was known. After driven off 'Coruscant', the Taung (the original Mandalorians as you could call them) had come to Roon which they lived there until colonising 'Mandalore'. Observation: It's possible during the events of TOR, some Taung could still exist on the world but like the Sith Pureblood, very few remain. Ryloth A harsh, rocky planet in the Gaulus sector of the Outer Rim and the homeworld of the Twi'leks. The world was known for its illegal buisness operations, mainly slave trading which the local populace were affected by. People travelled here either to be entertained by the Twi'leks or to deal some sort of underground transaction such as the drug Ryll which was found here. The planet had some natural wonders and many dangerous fauna such as the Lylek which resembled the Sand Demon of Tatooine. One side of the planet was in permanent night which was known as the Nightlands. Saleucami - III An arid planet in the Sulorine sector of the Outer Rim, it was first colonized by Wroonians in 6,100 BBY. Plant growth was scattered across the surface and found within various oases as well as the various settlements. Numerous other species came to settle here establishing buisnesses and farms. During the night, the planet remained warm due to the geothermal vents from the craters which was where settlements were established. Because of its climate, it became a tourist destination and also a major exporter of technology, botanicals and medicines. Shola A volcanic planet in the Tammuz sector within the Outer Rim, the surface of the planet included many ancient ruins presumably created by the world's former sentient race. As well as having an icy core, the planet included multiple mining operations. Sleheyron - 1 An urban industrial planet controlled by the Hutts and a former Rakata world, it was one of the Hutt's most important worlds featuring a large economy based on tibanna gas refinement and slave trade. It was one of the Hutt's "treasure worlds" where only the most trusted slaves were brought along. The Hutt's had exported tibanna gas shipments to many factions, including the Republic. Sullust A volcanic planet in the Sullust system within the Outer Rim, it was the homeworld of Sullustans and the conjuncture of the Rimma Trade Route and the Silvestri Trace. A member of the Galactic Republic, it was a source of rich minerals as well the loaction of the SoroSuub Corporation. Most of its inhabitants reside underground due to the toxic atmosphere on the surface. Taloraan - 3 Located in the Expansion region of the Kelavine sector, it was one of the few known colonised Gas giants during the time of the Old Republic and around the Cold War. Talus - SWG The sister planet of Tralus and located in the Corellian system within the Core worlds, its surface contained many secrets and supposably a planetary repuslor was buried somewhere deep below. It was a temperate world similar to Corellia and a member of the Galactic Republic. Tarnoonga An ocean-covered world in the Arkanis sector located within the Outer Rim, it was home to many giant sea creatures and dozens of pirates and outlaws. Huge rock structures and mountain ranges rise from the depths where most pirate bases were located within the grottos. Telos 4 - 2, TOR A temperate world located in the Telos system within the Outer Rim, its surface was devasted after the Jedi Civil War by Darth Malak, forcing its population to move to Citidal Station, an oribital space station high above the planet's surface. Plans went ahead in restoring the plane'ts ecosystem so life would once grow again with help from the Ithorians. Telos IV was also the location of a hidden Jedi enclave which was loacted in an abandoned Polar Irrigation System central hub. Thule A semi-arid planet located in the Esstran sector of the Outer Rim, it was part of Xim the Despot's Empire and eventually a Sith World after the Great Hyperspace War. The Sith had built temples, academies and strongholds here and after the Great Sith War, the Dark Reaper, a massive superweapon, was buried under its surface with its parts scattered across different worlds in hope it would never be used again. The planet would become part of Darth Revan's Sith Empire as well. Thyferra A humid jungle planet in the Inner Rim, it was the homeworld of the insectoid race known as the Vratix and it was also the source of most of the galaxy's bacta production. Because of its bacta production, the planet was key to the Republic's efforts. Tyne's Horky An ore-rich mining planet in the Teraab sector within the Mid Rim, it was a primary source of Nergon-14, a volatile mineral used in the production of proton torpedos. Although nowhere near Hutt space, some Hutts had a number of holdings here who were able to profit from it. Utapau - III An arid sinkhole world in the Tarabba sector of the Outer Rim, it was the homeworld of the Pau'an and Utai species and also the Varactyl beast. The planet's population lived in the various sinkholes along the inner caves and cliffs. Pirates, criminals and factions would have storehouses and outposts on the world, hidden deep within the sinkholes and caves. On some occasions, the caves would tend to give way as the sinkholes would shift so most items and locations would remain buried or hidden. The world was known for its manufacture of ships that were sold to different groups having not joined either the Republic or Sith. Varl The original homeworld of the Hutts, it was devasted after one of its two Suns was consumed by a black hole which led to the other expelling a gas which devastated the atmosphere. Although not destroyed, all life was wiped out which led to the Hutts colonising Hutta. The Hutts still saw the planet as a sacred place and held blockades forbidding any ship from entering its space. Suggestion: This would be perfect as a possible space mission area. Volik A planet in the Unknown regions, it was first discovered by Czerka whom then sold the world to Vekanda Leisure Colonies. The company built tourist centers for the rich to relax and hunt but eventually the company fell into financial difficulties and abandoned the planet. Later a Dynamic-class freighter (the same class as the Ebon Hawk) crash landed on the world carrying the mask of Darth Nihilus. Suggestion: The planet would be perfect as either a flashpoint, PvP or fully explorable world. Yavin 8 The eighth moon of the gas giant Yavin, a dry and cold world and the homeworld of the Melodies, sentient humanoids who evolved into mermaids, and another unamed sentient bipedal species. When the Sith Lord Exar Kun gained control of the Massassi and imprisoned their children in a device known as the Golden Globe, some of the Massassi fled to Yavin 8 seeking help to free their children from the Sith Lord's device. They left carvings and messages behind on the world hoping someone would be able to help but were unsuccessful. The moon's native fauna included the Ropedancers, Avril, Reel, Raith and Purella. Zaloriis A planet in the Zaloriis system within the Expansion Region, it was a barren rocky planet first colonized by settlers from Fondor. A minor industry was set-up here building machines for the Galactic Republic. The surface was sometimes struck by harsh winds, however the main population were mostly protected by the Fantain Mountains, a long collection of mountains. The natives told of legends where travellers would often explore the wastes only to be captured by dune ghosts and never seen again. The planet included a number of fauna such as the rock-lion, a creature similar to the tusk cats on Naboo. Other potential worlds The following are also potential candidates to become explorable and will be further expanded upon in this thread in the future. *244Core *Carida *Cholganna *Columus *Haruun Kal *Malastare *Mortis *Nox *Nubia *Prakith *Shikaakwa *Teedio *Tund *Vo Dasha Q&A Doesn't the world have to benefit either the Galactic Republic or Sith Empire to be available to visit? Not necessarily. One aspect of the Star Wars universe is exploring new and different worlds whether they're uninhabited or feature small communities. A character could go there simply for hunting new and strong mobs, finding different unique items and treasures or helping the locals with various missions. The world could benefit your class or story whether you want to be a Jedi who's in exile, a Smuggler who's hunting for treasure or a Bounty Hunter pursuing a bounty. The possibilities are endless. If the world features no star ports or oribital stations, wouldn't adding one just to visit the world ruin the immersion and interfere with the lore? The world doesn't need a star port or orbital station in order to land there. In various Star Wars media, you see starships landing on the outskirts of a town, somewhere in a canyon, or even in a wide open clearing, which could be done. You could also simply have a shuttle or a beacon from where you arrive and embark from like on Oricon, Manaan or Rishi. If the world features only small communities or is uninhabited, won't seeing over a dozen players everywhere ruin the immersion? Probably, but those other players you see are non-canonical. Alternatively, the world could be instanced just for you and only players who you've invited or are in your party/operation/guild can appear alongside. The amount of players seen could also be put into different instances. Also, James Ohlen has started a thread asking for feedback on pontential worlds for the game: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=441841
  20. -The option of having headgear, hoods and masks disabled during cutscenes for both the player and companions.
  21. Although you can talk with companions, provided the oppertunity is available, the ship feels pretty lifeless with them just standing around The thing I loved about KOTOR and KOTOR II was how on some occasions when you enter the ship you'd see the companions conversing with each other and getting into arguments. What if TOR could have the same sort of thing? Sometimes when you enter a ship, you'll have a cutscene of two or more companions chatting about their ideas and political views. On some occasions the player joins in and depnding on the response will gain affection points with either companion. Of course this would mean more voice work needed but right now, the ship just feels so empty even with an entire crew onboard.
  22. So looking at the latest posts by the official Star Wars: The Old Republic page, I see that they've linked to couple of the Penny Arcade strips about the game. I couldn't to wonder that this would be a perfect oppertunity for BioWare to have Penny Arcade do a Presents series of Star Wars: The Old Republic. If you're unfamiliar with Penny Arcade Presents, it's a series of special parody strips made by the authors of Penny Arcade on behalf of the official publisher to promote the game. Recently Penny Arcade have done Presents series for Nintendo, Capcom, Ubisoft and Blizzard which include The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword, Assassin's Creed, Asura's Wrath and World of Warcraft. http://penny-arcade.com/presents http://www.zelda.com/skywardsword/comic/ http://us.battle.net/wow/en/media/comics/?view=&keywords=penny-arcade#/comic-2004-11 So like I said, this would be a perfect oppertunity for BioWare to have Mike Krahulik and Jerry Holkins do a Penny Arcade Presents series for Star Wars: The Old Republic.
  23. If the option was implemented, you could choose not to use it. Simple Some examples in the films of where the characters remove their hoods or head gear before or during a conversation: *When Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon enter the meeting room in the Trade Federation ship, they unveil their hoods to properly talk to each other. *When Leia under guise as Boush want to properly talk with Han, she takes off her helmet. *When Luke first meets Jabba in his palace directly, he takes off his hood. *When Luke patrols off on his Tauntaun, he takes off the cloth around his mouth to speak into his comms device. and so on...
  24. Before and after cutscenes, I don't want to have to keep unequiping and equiping headgear from my player just to see his face and/or not hear an altered voice during cutscenes. A suggestion I have is what if you could have an option just to have any headgear, masks or hoods removed during a cutscene and appear right back on the character when done chatting? You could simply go to the options section and either enable or disable the option to remove headgear, masks or hoods and that'd be it. The option could also affect companions who have the same equiped unless a seperate option for companions could also be available. I can't see why this idea couldn't be considered but it would bring more choice of options to enhance the players experience
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