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  1. YodasSleeve

    Can't enter PVP

    Did you try turning your computer off then on again?
  2. I agree that there's an issue with MVP votes, but being able to vote for yourself is moronic. What they need to do is; redo the point values for objectives/make them more consistent. In one match of huttball I've; scored multiple points, passed the ball to people to score, defended the line, guarded the ball carrier, and killed the enemy ball carrier. Just to end up with a measly 300 objective points at the end of the match... It really makes no sense, I am focusing on winning, yet my efforts aren't reflected at all. I don't even get to the 4 medal cap sometimes because of the intense focus it takes to carry a team. Am I just missing something? Is it 100 objective points for a score if you lose and 1000 if you win? How the hell is it calculated. Once objective is properly reflected, MVP votes will sort themselves out.
  3. Notice the word fine in the thread name: "Inquisitors are fine and not overused" As sarcasm is implied by the photo; I am lead to believe that I am reading a QQ thread about sith inquisitors being OP and people are abusing it in numbers. Which would put my troll post on topic...lol
  4. Not sure what you're argument is here, inquisitors being OP(or not) really has no relation to why people don't play those classes. It's like saying; people eat a lot more apples than oranges because apples taste better, but really, it's because oranges don't use lightsabers
  5. If you drool on your keyboard more than you type on it....yes.
  6. Saying grass or snow is completely dumbing it down, why complain about it?
  7. I believe the 'Name Plate' is showing up not due to stealthers, but people loading into illum or returning from a warzone. The reason I don't think it is stealthers, is that you can attack them without it actually hurting them, until they appear completely.
  8. Just did this for the first time last night, took me 2 tries! It feels so wrong to blow the door when the bridges aren't capped, yet so right
  9. I've heard talk of adding a vote kick to warzones, which would hopefully discourage d-bag teammates from doing such things.
  10. I had a good Huttball match last night, but had a sad realization... Our team was doing pretty well; we were having little trouble getting the ball to the enemy line. After a few scores; the other team started piling up on their line and, at one point, we lost the ball right before crossing it. Me being the slick thinker I am, did an overload to push the enemy ball carrier across their line, thinking it would still count. To my great disappointment, this was not the case, he just walked back across the line and reset the ball. I thought the whole point of huttball was to get the ball across the enemy line in anyway possible... Does anyone else think this should be added as a valid way of gaining a point?
  11. One of the best PVP builds(in my opinion) is the 31/0/10 spec, which is the tank spec geared for dps(crit/surge/power). Probably one of the most common darkness builds seen...sooo yeah... dps/burst is what we do in PVP.
  12. Level as darkness(atleast til 30), dark charge should keep you alive long enough to finish the tough battles. When I rolled my sin, I knew I was going to be: http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#200rcrozrskrsZZf0cM.1 If you plan on going deception or mad later on, you still can(respecs are cheap the first few times) but be warned, you'll probably end up back on darkness because of it's awesome survivability/utility
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