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Everything posted by Daeson

  1. So as the raid went tonight, I well, I misses,parred/dflected on 4/5 bosses, about once each. With out a log to back it up, what I saw watching the pretty crits, is that, at my 95% chance, **** don't miss. I've got to belive the only reason we could stack acc, is for the -% to deff, so now we need to determine...whats that do.
  2. I feel as if I reign death from afar with a gun I ripped off a battletank. TANTRUM. [HIMYM]
  3. if your a casual player, find what ever one makes you happy on the inside to make something new, its that simple. If you raid, get bio chem,its parsecs ahead of everything. 126aim+70power perma stim, never have to make more then one. Purple med pacs with heals over time , perma, only ever need to make one. Purple Adrenals, + 550 of your favorite dps stat. its a no contest, nothing other profs make even get close sadly.
  4. Hit chance is the one stat that most pisses me off currently, running a bunch of false emps and HM's last night, I had in the coarse of two hours around 10 misses per zone, or about 40 misses for the whole night. That's not a alot when you count trash. So far,I've herd. 105 110 115 As for the hate that will come, as much as bioware runs around about their amazing tool tips, would it really be a pain to do what blizzard did and give us that tab that said, ok, against a raid mob you'll still miss x% of the time, that window was a god send for changing gear out and reforging. Bioware UI, why you no gusta?
  5. Thanks for working out the numbers. Currently one of my officers is working out a basic sim to try and start getting an idea of what input gives what throughput for stats and gains. I'll update the thread when he gets the sims working.
  6. Elara dorne will allow you solo **** much better then any other comp, champs become a joke, class quests are over quick, get the girl ,give her some crit, let her rock your world like its prom.
  7. The hole thread is theoretical,it was state from the start, you might of missed it, but thanks for trying.
  8. While I agree power will even the pulse and makes tanks life better. At the end of the day, its about dps, and dps'ing harder. Which i fully belive will be Crit and surge, I'm at 33% passive right now, in raid gear, even if i have to bastardize everything, i can see getting to the 40% passive mark, with that im at 84% surge passive, see if I keep this trend going I see hitting over 110% surge a reality. Dear dev gods, please give us a combat log we can parse, oh please oh please.
  9. yup, that's it exactly, crit provides us procs, ammo, and more, its just a wonderful stat. So, if we have lots of crit, naturally we'd want those crit as big as we can get.
  10. ah, see, that's great, that's the sort of info we need, if you can ever find where you saw that please post it up.
  11. good point, i need to go back and make that this is about pve. But for accuracy, why 105% does it seem right, did some one tell you, why that number, and that's the point of this thread.
  12. Reserved for updates. To do list. 1. Clean up post,place idea's in a more direct order. 2. Do math. IE. how much per point of crit is 1% ect ect. 3.Figure out required hit rates against raid mobs. 4. Come to a conclusion on stat priority. What I'm looking for from fellow posters, is what is your experience with gearing, what are you leaning to,what,feels, better.
  13. The great debate thread. I'd like to keep this one organized,to the point ,and possibly break though ideas..I can hope. So, the biggest debate I've seen is what stats after aim, is it stacking hit, do we have an amount of hit to aim for, ignore crit because its to spiky. The point ,every one has thrown out their idea of whats the best dps increase because of how it *feels* Well I'd like this thread to come down to those people to figured out ,or atleast wrap our collective minds around ideas before the sims and mods come out, lets get a jump on it. So, lets start with some given facts. We use a high profile weapon with a large spread, which history tells us, the larger the spread of the weapon, the better the crit range. We regenerate our ammo over time, forcing management , but, we have a talent that allows us to regen ammo when we crit. Cell charger allows one crit to ammo per 3 seconds. With out any alacrity, that means every other Grav round if both crit, will regen, if we weave a hammer between each one, that's an addition chance at regen,plus the time not spent tactfully using ammo. So, using above said,we currently would have AIM>Crit So if thats a given, that naturally Aim>Crit>Surge>X>Y So, x and y, all we have left is alracity and power. At the start, we can get 4% +5% proc, so thats a steady 9% at all times, thats around a .2-.4 regen on most abilities. Power scales flat, +10 power is +10 damage. So whats a better return between the two? At this time, I don't have a clear Idea, I stacked power for awhile, and it felt smooth, when I stacked alacrity, i noticed I had to watch my ammo much more closely, but I seemed to bring down mobs much faster , on top of that, popping my 200+ alacrity trinket relic on boss fights, the amount of time it took to drop a certain amount of HP from the boss seemed drastically faster, with a passive 12% with proc up, and that trinket, it felt very much like popping Heroism. If you disagree,tell me why. I am excluding hit right now, because theres no way was far as I know to determine how much we need. Who am I, Ex-main tank of two different top EQ2 guild, officer and melee lead of a top 300 world wow guild, these are my thoughts, feelings and opinions, and I hope we can come together to create a solid foundation for our fellow players to look at and understand how they work.
  14. ignore this if its been said,but. The primary reason you drop charged bolts, is yes, it does alittle more dps per ammo spent, but you'd never gain charged barrel rounds, meaning you'd lose out HIB hitting like a train. With only grav rounding to keep the debuff up, it'd take awhile to get hib charged. *RUMOR* I can not conform or I deny , but last I herd our set bonus's as gunnery are 21 and 31 point talents, IE, Grav round and Demo.
  15. I'll clarify, the reason to start with FA, is that because you'll be using grav round 3 times constant after, and at 30% chance, there is a highly probable chance that atleast one of them will proc Cof, giving you two or more FA's in the time that you'd have one. The other advantage is that with the known delay, you can actully spin up the gun and begin combat before the tank pulls if you time it right, and actually lose no dps time or threat time, meaning, you've gained a free attack,then you go into the rotation.
  16. at the most basic level, your rotation as gunnery would follow as this. Full auto[first to make use of the proc] 3*grav round FA proc if up. Demo round [as you'll have 5 stacks of armor] 2*Grav round High impact bolt at full stack of armor debuff After that opening, you will FILL time with auto attack and grav round, FA procs before all else, hib second, demo Remember, that as you use abilities, ammo goes down, and regens more slowly. So for ammo regen for time and talents, my rotation in game play on longer lasting boss fights will be. FA Hammershot Grav Hammer Grav Grav Hammer Demo grav demo and repeat as so, you want to keep your ammo as close to the .6 regen mark as long as possible, hope this helps.
  17. http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#800McZMIkbordRkfzZf.1 is the build I'll be going with for proc's and passive gains. As for stat priority , as beta testing napkin mathed, with how our talents work, I believe it will work something like this. Aim>Crit Rating>Surge>Alacrity>Power. Aim: goes with out saying. Crit:With the amount of multi hit abilities we have,as well as talents based on crits, the more crits, the more we win. Surge: We're going to be critting a lot or trying to ,we need those crits as hard we can get them. Why alacrity over power? With the abilities we have, that channel for our max dps, have activation times, and the over all GCD, getting them channeled fasted, and possibly more ticks, is going to provide a better return then hitting harder.
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