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Everything posted by Zekkau

  1. Yeah, I'm sure Revan isn't dead... And I don't think many of the Jedi Masters died, though I'm not sure...
  2. I really doubt it is an error, and I'd be pretty sure there is a canon. Just because you have choices doesn't mean there isn't a path considered canon. Many of you need to look up Knights of the Old Republic I and II, this is where you could choose which way your character went. But Bioware did in fact have a specific path that is canon. Same for the Force Unleashed series. Jut because you have choices doesn't mean something can't be canon.
  3. What I don't think many people understand, is that the Expanded Universe is in the canon. KOTOR, KOTOR II and SWTOR are all part of the Expanded Universe. Therefore, it will inevitably borrow from the Expanded Universe. While there are practical reasons for the Galactic Empire not having alien species in the movies, the fact is that now an explanation has been given within the storyline and within the canon. The explanation, is the Galactic Empire, and the Emperor himself were xenophobic and hated aliens, further cementing the comparison with Nazi Germany. Bioware, wishing to connect with both the movies and the rest of the Expanded Universe, have therefore styled the Sith Empire after the Galactic Empire. Look at some of the military uniforms, the accents of the characters and the fact that there are virtually no aliens. The Sith Empire has been styled after the Galactic Empire of the movies. More than that, they've connected to elements of the Galactic Empire that are also in the Expanded Universe, and not just the movies. Galactic Empire: -Mainly comprised of humans, probably due to budget constraints, but explained later in canon to be because of xenophobia. -Military uniforms very bland, formal and kind of similar to Nazi Germany. Colors restricted to black, grey or white (encouraging the idea of oppression). -Accents/Actors are mostly British and have British accents. In the movies this was probably due to just casting, but its still there and used in contrast to more "American" Rebels. Sith Empire: -Mainly comprised of humans except for a few other humanoid species and enslaved species. This is because the Sith Empire is xenophobic. -Military uniforms also somewhat bland and formal, similar to the Galactic Empire and Nazi Germany. Some uniforms, especially Sith Robes are a bit more flashy. -Accents/Actors are mostly British with British accents, this stands in strong contrast to those of the Republic, who mostly have American accents. Similar to the Galactic Empire vs. Rebel Alliance in the movies. So the reason you don't have many non-humans in the Sith Empire, is because they are xenophobic. It doesn't matter if this was never said in the movies for the Galactic Empire. This is the Expanded Universe, and therefore, because EU Canon says the Galactic Empire was xenophobic, it was so. The Sith Empire has been modeled after the Galactic Empire, and so the explanation is clear, both were xenophobic.
  4. I've rolled a Combat spec Sentinel, and I've been having a hell of a time trying to keymap things conveniently. Here is how i open up an attack: (Force Leap - occasionally) Rebuke (if i'm the target) Zealous Strike Slash Strike Strike Precision Slash Blade Storm Master Strike Blade Rush Now, I also have Cyclone Slash, Force Sweep, Leg Slash and Cauterize, plus any other Combat spec Sentinel moves. I'm having a problem keymapping these. I need to be able to hit the keys in succession without jumping back and forth (at least in the opening salvo). When I used the default setup, each of the above would be 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 respectively so I could hit them in succession without jumping back. But I also need to be able to quickly hit things like Force Sweep, etc... Does anyone have any setup i could use? I prefer the WASD setup for movement (without Q & E for strafe, instead i use A & D for strafe). Any advice?
  5. Must have taken you forever to solo that, so many mobs, including when/if you go to help companions.
  6. You will need T7 for one of the final class quests (if not the final) and it is best to keep his equipment up to level 50 standards, otherwise that last mission is gonna suck.
  7. Because he is the "wrong religion"? LOL Okay, a lesson here... Lucas has said himself that the Dark Side represents an imbalance in the force, and the Light Side is perfect balance and harmony. To be Sith is to be on the Dark Side, to bring imbalance to the force. In addition, to be Sith also means you wish absolute control, power, and you are willing to kill anyone and everyone to get your way. No, it isn't religious persecution, especially when Sidious had already brought the deaths of many innocent lives to bring himself more power.
  8. Actually no, from about 1000 years prior to the movies, and up to the movies, and during the movies, the Sith had a philosophy from Darth Bane that there can never be more than 2 Sith, a Master and an Apprentice. This is supported in the movies. Therefore, since Dooku was dead, there would logically be only one Sith left, since they figured out Palpatine was a Sith, it meant he was the Master, that is, Darth Sidious.
  9. It isn't your Star Wars, just as it isn't mine, or anyone else's. It's Lucas' Star Wars and he can do what he wants with it. Your Star Wars could be considered the Expanded Universe, because you could write a book and make something up and create your own story. But you have no ownership in the movies and Lucas' original story. I know how much Star Wars means to so many people, but people need to realize that it is just a movie at the end of the day. Just like how useless and pointless Star Wars vs. Star Trek arguments are. It doesn't really matter at the end of the day. None of us have any right or privilege to tell Lucas what he should do with his movies. We simply don't, we are only customers, we are only the audience. We have no right as customers to tell the producers of our products what to do with their products. We may not like what Lucas does with his movies, but we still have to remember they are his, not ours.
  10. I doubt Revan is dead, from what I've heard, its not like he clearly died and there is a lot of room to have him come back. I really doubt they would kill off such a major character in a minor way. (I do consider it minor)
  11. Keep in mind that each classes story takes place at different points in time. The Jedi Knight's (as it seems) takes place last out of all the classes, and without giving too much away, from what I've seen so far, after the Jedi Knight leaves each planet and progresses, the Republic gradually gains the upper hand. This makes sense that they would stagger the storylines, I was wondering the other day how they would make sense of each of the 8 classes succeeding at the same time. But since they've apparently staggered the timelines, it would make sense so that for some classes, they are at a time when the Empire has the upper hand, and others when the Republic is fighting back. ___________________ As for "liberal" or political bias. Do you not realize that the Star Wars Hexalogy is chock full of political references and points? Also, this is the Star Wars universe, not ours. To the Jedi, any evil is evil, and cannot be justified.
  12. Shadows of the Empire is also a good one, taking place during and after Empire Strikes Back. Start with novels written around the timeline of the movies. This way you have some context. Skipping straight to the NJO/Legacy series would be a mistake and leave you asking who some basic characters are.
  13. Some just have not read the novels, and therefore don't know about the struggle that (in the storyline) is going on within Vader. While I don't quite like the NOOOOO at the end of Ep. III (It should have been more of a angry ARRRGHHHH with the deaths of the medical personnel, reflecting his embrace of the dark side) the NOOO in Ep. VI is perfect, especially because its reflecting his redemption.
  14. I had purchased the Dark Forces series on Steam recently and have been going back and playing through them. Having never originally played the first Dark Forces game, I came to the sewers portion and saw a little eyeball pop out. I ran like hell and closed down the game. I remember playing Shadows of the Empire as a kid and how much the small and large dianogas scared me, and how much I hated that level and hated fighting them. (I hope and pray Bioware never puts dianogas in this game) Besides dianogas, what have you found to be the scariest things in Star Wars?
  15. Also remember, he was cut in half in addition to being severely burned.
  16. Not entirely, for example, Vader couldn't use force lightning because of his suit, and because he was mostly mechanical, it severely limited his movement. In addition, he had lost a lot of his speed and agility. The books suggest that this is one of the reasons the Emperor was looking for Luke to replace Vader.
  17. In my experience, the people who come to the forums to whine never leave, they stay and play the game, yet continue to complain about things on the forums, saying the game is gonna die, is dead, or will be killed by the next patch or game, or whatever. The players that come onto the forums and whine, regardless of age, are acting like little children rather than adults. They throw their little temper tantrums and scream at the developer for even the most minor things. Frankly, the smart, mature, and dedicated players know how to get things fixed. They stay in game, investigate a bug a little, and send in a detailed, calm ticket to the developer. Screaming, kicking and throwing a little temper tantrum won't gain you anything, and certainly won't get Bioware to listen to you. I would love to see some fans get together and send some pizza or something to the Austin HQ of Bioware as a gift. While most of us probably have not met the guys from Bioware Austin, I'm sure we all can agree that they are human just like we are, and they aren't some group of illuminati, templar conspirators sitting in Austin thinking up ways to steal our money. Listen to the interview with the Bioware employees by Rooster Teeth. They are normal guys (and gals) who love video games as much as you or I, and they want to see this game be successful. Just because they haven't made the game to suit your personal desires doesn't mean they are wrong, or that this game will fail.
  18. You all won't ever be happy will you? When they say they fixed something and it isn't quite fixed yet, you automatically assume they are trying to be deceitful and are lying to you. Do you realize that makes absolutely no sense and is completely illogical? Instead of b******* on the forums that Bioware must be lying, why you don't go into game, take some time, and write out a well thought out ticket reporting the bugs instead of posting angry comments on the forums, or sending in angry tickets to them. They are human beings, do you think they are going to listen to you anymore if you b**** at them? Take your time, calm yourself down, and go into game and write a detailed, calm, well thought out ticket about whatever bugs you run into.
  19. Y'all also need to keep in mind, this is Bioware's first MMO ever...
  20. Well, you're also mixing up demographics... This game has sold 1 million to 1.5 million copies and has about the same number of subscribers. It had a peak number of 350,000 players log in at about the same time. The 350k number is not PCU's or subscribers, its how many people were logged in at one time.
  21. No it actually isn't... Quit measuring these games up to WoW... These games are based in North America and Europe, they aren't going to be popular in Asia, and therefore will lack a huge subscriber base that WoW has. 350k peak usage is very good, as someone already mentioned, that is 1500 per server. That is a high number. You're an idiot if you think 1500 is a low number... What MMO have you ever seen that has battles involving hundreds of players on each side? At most, MMO's are going to have 50-60 players on each side in a battle. The rest of the players would either be PvPing elsewhere, or they would be PvEing, or whatever.
  22. Yall are idiots if you think 350k users with 1500 per server isn't a lot. Since when should all MMO's be judged by WoW's size and success? Ever play WWIIOL? It doesn't even have close to 1500 players on at a time, but its extremely successful and busy at peak hours. Think about it, these games aren't meant to have battles involving hundreds of players, at most they may be able to have battles involving 30-50 players on each side. WoW has 10 million subscribers worldwide, why should SWTOR try to compete with that? Keep in mind that a HUGE number of those are from Asia. 5.5 million of WoW's numbers come from Asia. Think about that for a second, over half its subscriber base comes from Asia. All of these MMO's have been pretty successful by comparison. SWTOR's launch is mainly in the United States, with some success in Europe. WoW's subscription numbers have 2.5 million in North America, and 2 million in Europe. SWTOR has a total of about 1 million in North America and Europe. (though I would guess the majority is in N America) Let's look at other games shall we? Star Wars Galaxies: ~100k at launch, ~400k after 1-2 years Vanguard SOH: ~242k at launch, ~130k after 1 month, ~40k after a few more months Age of Conan: ~500k signed up for Beta Warhammer Online: 1.2 million copies sold, ~800k after 1 or 2 months, ~300k after 3-5 months I'm not mentioning Aion because its subscriber base is mainly in Asia, not N.A. or Europe. Simply put, nothing is going to compare with WoW, especially because the vast majority of its subscriber base is in Asia, not North America or Europe. I would be willing to bet that SWTOR has the potential to become either the second or third top MMO in the West. But it doesn't matter if it does or doesn't. We need to quit measuring MMOs based on WoW, and we need to stop expecting the next big MMO to kill WoW. Its simply idiocy and is illogical. SWTOR is not going to find success in Asia, that is the simple fact, because of that, it will never grow to the heights of WoW or Aion, or any other MMO that is popular in Asia. So quit expecting these games to rise to those sort of heights.
  23. Ah but see my point is that is a societal problem. Idiots like these have been bred by American consumerism and pandering to the whims and desires of treating them like royalty. People have begun to think that they are entitled to certain things and that they have a right to tell a company what to do with its product... In this case, these customers purchased a product sight unseen, relatively speaking. So the fact they over-hyped it and had high expectations without seeing the product they've purchased is just stupid... They turned Biowares image into that of a great Blizzard killing savior that would create the worlds greatest MMORPG. Once they saw the real product, instead of changing their own expectations, they sought for a scapegoat and targeted Biowares and turned the company they had made their own savior into a traitorous villain. They now have their own vision of how SWTOR should be, and to them, the only reason it is t that image is because Biowares is evil, deceitful and lying. It makes no sense, and partially it is bred by the idiocy that is American consumerism. It's also partially bred by formation of their own unfounded and unrealistic expectations... So like the lady going into a fast food place, they expect the product to be exactly suited to them. Yet they receive something made for everyone and thus get overly upset because it doesn't match their own opinions and desires of how the product should be.
  24. I never said she got cold food. The analogy assumes she got warm food, but it wasn't warm enough for HER. It was the same everyone else gets, but not good enough for HER... And do analogies need to be 1:1 literal comparisons? After all, they're analogies... Yes, we paid for a product, but we don't dictate what we get in that product. We pay Bioware for what they "gift" to us. So their "gift" for our payment was this game. To whine and ***** that it wasn't the Ferrari we expected is childish and unrealistic.
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