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Everything posted by DarkHelsing

  1. Have you ever taken a Statistics class before?
  2. Argh, don't get me started on the post 1.2 patch purchase system... I'm QQing enough on this topic as it is.
  3. lol Yeah, and I'm sure that EA is totally wrong with their quarter report; http://www.marketwatch.com/story/ea-sales-beat-targets-star-wars-takes-hit-2012-05-07?siteid=yhoof2 Devs are doing a fine job, fine job. No problems here, no problems at all, here's a free month of game time, nothing to see here, move along. /Dev waves hand through the air
  4. Well, we all know the Devs all hold true to their word... I'm going to go que for a Ranked WZ now...
  5. You are correct, I was clear to state "in a new system", not "the current system". You can't remove a gear to machine and expect the rest of the pieces to keep moving... Expertise is a gear in the current machine and removing it would cause the machine to not work as it currently is, so there would need to be a new system to make up for that missing gear. So all you can say is that it takes blah amount of time to get a piece of gear, and blah amount of time is equal to each path one chooses for progression. I hate to refer to it, but look at WoW. Heroics are Queable now, puging is super easy... my only point there is that is it something that can be done. The part about getting bored. This is my personal preference... something I honestly can't believe SWTOR isn't doing. The equipment mod system is awesome! Being able to keep gear that you love the look of and just mod it as you level... great concept! Why is it they kill that concept at level 50? My favorite suggestion is to have PvE and PvP offer gear that looks different, and that's it. The gear is totally empty, no slots equipped, bone dry. Then as you PvE/PvP you earn rewards to buy Armoring, Mods, Enhancements, Barrels, Hilts, Crystals, AND Set Bonuses being sloted items like Augments. Then PvP will you get access to one set of all of those, all the crafters know how many different choices their are for those things. So it's split, PvP rewards access to a different series of Armoring, Mods, Enhancements. Barrels, Hilts, Crystals, etc., while PvE rewards access to the other series of them. So, you like the look of Armor A, well you'll need to PvE to get it, but if you PvP you won't be gimped into oblivion without it, you just won't have the look you want. I can go into more detail about that idea if wanted. Keep in mind that with a new System, if it took a month to get fully geared, does it really matter what way they got their gear? A month is a month is a month is a month. (using a month is only there for a place holder, not saying that's what I think it should be) So, no matter which path of progression you decided to take, it took you BLAH amount of time to get fully geared. Now BioWare needs a way to balance PvP without hurting PvE, that's where Bolster comes into play. Bolster can effect each class, individually or everyone as a whole, what ever the Devs need. Expertise, not needed. Wait wait... look at what we have in the game right now. Every piece of Armoring Mod has a version that is more Endurance, and a version that has more Main Stat. A Difference like that is not gigantic, it's certainly not 20% or more (which is what Expertise gives you). Plus you can balance the exchange so PvP rewards the higher Endurance Armoring, but PvE rewards the higher Endurance Enhancement, and so on flip flopping back and forth. So that the segregation caused in this game is narrowed down to an almost insignificant margin. I hope I cleared that up a little better in my responses above. Let me know if I did not. That is more along the lines of what I am attempting to describe.
  6. Thank you. Now if I could only stop inflating the numbers... baby steps...
  7. I just hope it's seen that for or against Expertise, the majority of opinions in this thread are of the opinion that the current system isn't that good. Everyone voting against Expertise is clearly stating that, and dozens of people that voted for Expertise have included that opinion with their vote. Yeah, my goal was to hope to see at least 300 total votes to accurately call the margins. By that calculator, it would seem that I was pretty darn close with that estimate. So it would seem that if the current trend stands to reason, the numbers are very solid.
  8. Fair enough. Hmm, two words that mean two totally different things, "stupid" and "ignorant". Being ignorant on a subject topic isn't an insult, I am ignorant on a great many things in this world that I've never learned. The issue with the Poll is it keeps getting stated that the low numbers of voters in this thread means nothing because this game has a million subscribers... that's an ignorant statement, one that can be fixed through learning about how polls work. That is not an insult. If you told me 1+1=3, I would link you to a math tutor site, not to insult you but to further your knowledge. Being stupid is when you know better, but you do it anyway... and that is an insult. I didn't claim anyone was stupid. I only ever provided information to help further knowledge.
  9. The big thing I've been stating this poll has pointed out isn't that either side is winning or losing...... It points out that the player base is split. That large margins of the players are unhappy. I'm clearly for removing Expertise, that's no secret; however I'm not beyond accepting a better system that has a smoother integration of Expertise. Now I have no idea what kind of system that would need to be, but if it's better how could I possibly be against it. I've also made suggestions that still included Expertise, in such things as Set Bonuses, etc., but clearly I am against generally speaking. Many people voting here, both sides, for and against, have stated they don't like the current PvP system and would like a change. To me that speaks volumes. I personally feel the change should begin with taking a long hard look at why Expertise is needed... but that's my opinion. I would not reject a better system, but it seems pretty clear that players on both sides of the vote feel that system is currently broken.
  10. Arguing to me means that I've accused you of something or insulted you directly while claiming that my way is the be all end all way and your way is stupid and you are stupid for thinking it. I can't remember doing either of those to you, I disagree with you on this subject and I enjoy debating it to an extent. EDIT If I did insult you, my apologizes, I'm not perfect and I can get caught up in the heat of a debate from time to time, but I don't remember insulting you.
  11. Well said. Here's a good read about polling, if you're curious. http://www.gallup.com/poll/7174/yes-polling-works.aspx
  12. Because I'm not here to argue, so yes, it is futile to argue with me about it. I like hearing the opinions but you're not going to force your opinion on me. Discussing opinions is one thing, but trying to preach it to me isn't going to get anyone anywhere. Everyone has an opinion, and others are allowed to agree/disagree with that opinion, but trying to pick a fight or accuse that I'm inflating the poll... that's just childish. I understand that many people don't understand how polls work, that's normal... below is a good read, if either of you have a chance, check it out., or anyone else for that matter that is curious as to how polls can and cannot work. http://www.gallup.com/poll/7174/yes-polling-works.aspx
  13. Well, you certainly think highly of yourself... at least someone does. I do appreciate the bumps though, thank you! And thank you for your Vote!
  14. Well I'm convinced. Wait, no, I mean thanks for wasting your time trying to convince me.
  15. Well, the people that agree with you are not the ones you have to worry about though are they, so pointless remark... but thanks for playing. I'd like to be able to say that your stats are accurate, but you haven't provided any because that would require work on your behalf to prove what you are accusing... I guess you can be happy with the fact that you're the only one in denial about the results. Cheers.
  16. Well, that is your opinion. To bad a large portion of the population in this game disagrees with you.
  17. Several suggestion were made about this. The general idea is this - in a new system if it takes 1 hour of PvP to get a piece of gear, and it takes 1 hour of PvE, than there's no reason the gear has to have the huge separation that it currently does. Again, several suggestions on this too. Bolster is one, it is already in place and already intended to do just that. As you level 10-49, you PvE with PvE gear, then if you so please you can PvP with that same gear. My favorite suggestion on this was through Set Bonuses. The other suggestion I am in favor of is to allow both PvE and PvP different rewards in the sense of the modifications players can get for their equipment - the modifications that have higher endurance can be rewarded from PvP, while the higher main stat can be rewarded from PvE. But yes, several very good suggestions have been stated in this massive thread.
  18. The Developers also publicly stated they want to know the feedback from their customers. So I'm sure they thought Expertise was a good idea when throwing it around the board room, now their entire system is in practice and it is failing so bad they have already given out a free month to try and keep players around while they fix the issues. So yeah, good find.
  19. Exactly. People that cannot play need a gear advantage in order to win.
  20. Here, let me put you in your place: DarkHelsing eclipce LiveandDieinLA - 1 Rouncer - 1 Ahhmyface - 1 Khoraji - 1 JeramieCrowe - 1 kuthroat Gjorind - 1 iiell - 1 JustinxDuff - 1 hadoken MiaRB - 1 Pexxle - 1 TheronFett cycao - 1 mclay - 1 Wakantanka Clown_Envy - 1 Manigma - 1 aboynamedsue JustTooGood - 1 Semitote - 1 murshawursha Satanski TurokDarkstar Olympic Sippix MrXen - 1 KorinHyvek - 1 Marzinquan - 1 xXCheXGuevaraXx Master-Nala Rmog - 1 Razot Arlanon - 1 CodyLundeen - 1 Eternal- - 1 Carico pwnshoppe - 1 Zataos - 1 Ntranced rjkishida Elogio - 1 Vicelord - 1 justntrue AardvarkTongue - 1 Darth_Vampirius - 1 Zachbuford - 1 sadran Pourekos Kriesha Solijin Terrorble Wikar - 1 underjollyroger rhallick - 1 Fiberx Doomsdaycomes LenrocNewDawn - 1 Timedan Ehlin - 1 Karkais Senefera TruLanka - 1 Bazzoong - 1 Twor - 1 Skidrows - 1 Silvaeris toomywoomy Dogric - 1 DarthKhaos - 1 Livelyhound - 1 Alpha-Llama - 1 Funkiestj - 1 RJMazz King_Fenny - 1 Zellata - 1 Dzhokhar - 1 Dinnake - 1 ShannaRZ Obtena - 1 ManCandy - 1 Gwrtheyn - 1 Cruckin - 1 Bnol - 1 Axien - 1 Philastra - 1 Isrem Xxdragonragexx - 1 Donkeyhacks - 1 Sharkfinsix - 1 Olagaton - 1 HoosierDuke - 1 truls_rohk Arkerus - 1 Lugh ForsakenKing - 1 Rodingo Yerts - 1 Aussiedriod bcofn Savej - 1 Halifax RobNightfall BAPK - 1 Lord_Karsk DirtyDiggler Visue AlyxDinas TheGilberts - 1 Meowgodofcats - 1 Lilletante - 1 Mookind - 1 Dee-Jay - 1 Odahviin - 1 Valianth rimcheg Magnesium - 1 Anastalt - 1 Rolzhard Rannox Blloodbane - 1 sugewise Stavroz Drayoc Totaltrash Erasimus - 1 Schwarzwald - 1 FusDoRah - 1 Wolfmith - 1 WookieBob - 1 Mutant_ choppefett Blaise Easpeak DuriZap DarkDruidSS - 1 Finnius Mangarrage - 1 BlackZoback - 1 Jadescythe - 1 TehLost - 1 Solee - 1 Fiesbert - 1 Spuck - 1 Priest - 1 BigRedBaron - 1 darthmorbous SirSensi - 1 Debow - 1 Waijdan Annex SlashDash LukeStormstout - 1 Serel Khouj - 1 Chesty_Jake - 1 deusBAAL - 1 Araudry Genocidalx Ifrit - 1 SWImara - 1 Angel_of_Cain BoMbY Mithosi Akabeth _drioder_ - 1 VagrantWolf - 1 RocNessMonster Tynt - 1 Dinochrom onfireguy Remerik Maurdiib Grallmate - 1 Neamocoob TUXs Ehtom - 1 swifferdude Cleanx - 1 RenegadeSLX - 1 Coopiexxx - 1 saborw ShadowOfVey - 1 Elmuerto Wubsie Belfea Calitri Narfirill RTCBrad Romoragan - 1 Osnodon - 1 Jherad - 1 Beyondkilling - 1 mightycount - 1 Trevallion - 1 MinguesDew - 1 Utuwer - 1 mrekxxx Sraom - 1 EugeneYap - 1 Tkerzis Cergerias - 1 williambr - 1 ChickenWangs - 1 Gloga Juey - 1 Fallensbane - 1 GRINnBARRETT - 1 bsbrad In order of Vote, the "1"s voted Needed. Add them up, and prove what you accuse.
  21. No, it's not just you. That is a good sum up of what others, including myself, have been stating over and over... I chuckle when I read the few posts saying "the Neededs have won..."; when they have clearly lost. It's almost an even vote which is tragic enough to know that almost half of the player base wants it gone; but on top of being so close many voters clearly stated it's only needed because of the current system and they'd like to see this system changed, and with that change no Expertise. Dozens of Posters have Voted like that, voting needed but only because the current system sucks; add up those votes and the clear winner is "please change the system because it current sucks".
  22. No need to wait for the answer, go back and read it, it's been given a dozen times with several different ideas and suggestions.
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