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Posts posted by JidaiGeki

  1. I got my PT to 50 last night and eagerly went straight to fleet to pick up my new gear. I loved my old look- the 40 PvP helmet and a green chestpiece which gave me a battered Boba Fett look- and bought up a BM pistol and all the recruit pieces.


    Quite frankly, it's just the most horrible gear I've seen so far for any class, and the sorc 50 stuff is pretty damn awful too. The ridiculous supercommando helmet looks like the kind of stuff worn by some quirky steampunk character , and the rest looks like Crazy Horse nailed an Enclave trooper. It's bulky, it's covered in bones and feathers for God knows what reason, and that helmet is so bad that I just keep it hidden. I cannot describe how much I hate this armor.


    Yes, I know I can strip the mods out of BM gear and put them in my old gear, but that takes time and a hell of a lot of money (around 120k for each piece). I know 1.3 is reducing the cost of extracting mods, but that's 1.3 and won't hit for a while.


    I really don't understand what the design team were thinking for pretty much ALL PvP gear for all classes, and most of the Tionese/Columni/Rakata stuff. It's like they forgot they were designing a Star Wars game when they got to endgame.

  2. It's the second unscheduled maintenance they've pulled on a Friday in recent weeks and yes, it is rather annoying and inconvenient. I have to wonder what was so urgent that this needed to be done today-- and as with the last unscheduled downtime, it's the Euro and Pacific users that get screwed.
  3. This is happening to me a lot recently. I queue, get a pop, enter... and it's a losing Voidstar with 4-5 minutes to go. I have to work my *** off to MAYBE get four medals, because if I don't, I can kiss goodbye to any valor/comms.


    If valor and comms for the losers are going to be nerfed, I shouldn't be thrown into a WZ where it's extremely difficult, if not impossible, for me to come out of it with anything to show for it.

  4. Lethality is a bad choice for a fresh 50. You're far too squishy and your only TA proc is shiv, which requires you to get up close to geared opponents who will destroy you.


    As a fresh 50 I was largely heal-specced (went as far as corrosive grenade in the lethality tree) and if you're lucky, you can hang back and pop heals.


    As far as lethality in general for Ops- I've started levelling a sniper, and the range increases to weakening blast and cull make playing a lethality Op pointless as far as I'm concerned. The sniper build has all the strengths of lethality (bar a now-manageable post-1.2 energy cost on cull- higher than a talented Op's, but still not too bad) and none of the retarded melee-range requirements of the Op build.

  5. Sedatives is really not useful in PvP because how often do you come across someone not in combat? And if you're full med spec, you shouldn't be wasting time 1 vs. 1'ing, you should be in the mix healing your team mates. In PvE it's even worse, because it aggros mobs when the sedative wears off. This is a major pain in the arse for solo'ing heroics- you're better off with vanilla sleep dart.


    Med shield is something I don't spec into, because we have enough escape tools if we start getting hit-- watching the enemy's DPS chase you around when you're on 20% health and spamming SP is priceless.


    As for Evasive imperative, I think it's worth it. Evasion is awesome anyway, hit cloaking screen + evasion and scurry away before someone hits their AOE to knock you out of stealth and you've lived to fight another day.

  6. You might be disappointed with the hitting power of cull- it's more a finisher than anything, though with a spec proccing KP TA's it's possible to get three off in a row.


    I'm running a hybrid with medicine so I can proc TA's from KP and self-heal, and I'm level 50 in all purple (champ/cent). My cull hits for just over 2k if I have both DOTs running, but that's before crits. I think all the crits for cull are counted separately (the weapon damage and then both internal culls) so it's unlikely to get a triple crit. It's nowhere near as hard-hitting as conceal, to be frank.

  7. Let me clear this - if your remove stun ability is on CD - I, as a concealment operative, will kill you. You can brag about your survivability all you want, but it's a fact.


    No argument here- in that situation a lethality Op is dead.


    If your remove stun ability is not on CD - your best chance is to run away, not fight back, really. We have toxic scan and evasion = you can do nothing and I can just spam my 3k lacerate with no dots setup. That will change in 1.2, but now - don't tell stories pls.


    Absolutely- but evading you denies you your kill and forces you to wait for a while before you can restealth. Lethality ops can just run away from you, heal up and throw DoTs on other people without having to wait for combat to break for the re-stealth.


    And stop talking about kiting please. -__- How can you kite anyone? Your abilities can hit from 10 m, my melee abilities can hit from 4 meters. That's 6 meters difference and you can only slow me - I will completely stop you by rooting.


    We have a root/snare-breaker on top of evasion and escape. We don't have to beat you, we just have to get away since it's not a one-on-one deathmatch. Conceals are a non-issue if you can put distance between them and you and heal up.


    About your 'dps' - you dot ppl up they get damaged for... 2-4k? And you need time to put that dots on them and let them tick - I do that damage instantly in 1 skill.


    On the flip side of the coin, we're harassing the enemy as a whole and throwing AOE DOTs on groups, throwing explosive probe and snipe on weakened targets, closing in and bursting with backstab/shiv/cull... a lethality op has much more versatility than a conceal op, although they are admittedly nowhere near as good in a one-on-one situation.

  8. Problem is the ranged lethality tree requires the player to run to melee range constantly to use his main ranged ability.


    It's a pain, but a lethality Op played right is constantly on the move anyway, and it's too big a deal to run in and get off a quick shiv. However, I don't get the worry about cull being spammed. Lacerate is spammable when specced right, and cull has a hefty energy cost, so if it was spammed it wouldn't be for too long. Sticking a cooldown on cull might also be an idea.

  9. It's never worthwhile. Kolto Injection takes a while to hit but with a surgical probe tacked on as soon as KI hits, you can keep people healed up pretty well at 50. If someone is low health forget Kolto Injection and spam SP (assuming you have a TA ready)- if they've got a maximum of two people on them you can keep them alive long enough for them to kill one, then switch to the Injection/SP combo. I only use KP for out-of-combat or 75%+ HP allies. I also ignore RN completely, and will continue to do so until 1.2 because it's a waste of time and I like speccing far enough into lethality for corrosive grenade.
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