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Posts posted by JidaiGeki

  1. The only possible justification I can think of is to bring PT tanks in line with the nerfs to tanksins, but they're losing self-healing and armor. What do we get? Oh, that's right-- a shield that is useless against scoundrels/sages/guardians/shadows/pyros/mercs, and now a wholly unnecessary nerf to damage.


    Assuming they're using the 'listen to the loudest whiners in the forums' strategy of buffs/nerfs, then I find it hard to believe that anyone has been complaining about how OP PT/Vanguard tanks are. Our survivability isn't that great even with heavy armor and the aforementioned shield, and there are too many attacks that ignore both. I hit with rocket punch for ~1.7k (not wearing any DPS gear at all, pure tank) and I seldom take a DPS down before he takes me down, even with 4k health more than him, energy shield, popped absorb/shield relic (which I can kiss goodbye to now, too) and rocket fuel.


    Seriously, BW- do I have ANY incentive to play this class any more instead of respeccing pyro?

  2. Wow. Shieldtechs/shield specialists were rare as it was in WZ's, and now those of us left are quite simply gonna re-roll pyro, increase pyro QQ'ing, and get that nerfed next patch too. Yeah, we're tanks, but it was nice to have ONE attack that hit semi-hard. The DPS still completely outperformed me, but it's nice to think that I had a marginal effect on an enemy health bar. Come 1.3, however, and I will be a complete non-entity in WZ's except for my CC's/taunts.
  3. And regarding the ion overload 'buff':


    Supercharged Ion Gas now increases Ion Overload damage by 25%. While Ion Gas Cylinder is active, Rail Shot triggers your Ion Gas Cylinder on the target and up to 4 additional nearby targets. This damage does not affect sleeping, lifted, or incapacitated enemies. This generates a high amount of threat.


    Supercharged ion gas already increases damage by 25%, so the fact that they didn't write '[...]now increases ion overload damage by 50%' makes me think that it's no kind of buff at all, save for the railshot AE.


    The patch notes are really fuzzy at the minute-- maybe someone with a ST powertech on the test server can weigh in?

  4. I'm a full supercommando BM Powertech, full shieldtech and my rocket punch crits for 1700k. Any idea how long it takes to make a dent in any geared player with rocket punch/flame burst? Far longer than it takes them to DPS me down. And that 25% buff to ion overload is completely negligible given that the only use of ion overload in the first place is the 2-second snare. Yeah, the AOE effect on railshot now is pretty nice, but I guess after I've fired my taunts off I'll flail my flamethrower-gauntlets around ineffectually until the enemy DPS focuses me down.


    And I can't figure this out from the patch notes- do the changes to the flame surge talent mean that we lose the critical damage bonus to rocket punch and flame sweep? Because that's a HUGE nerf- 16% bonus crit chance to rocket punch instead of 30%, and the loss of the 30% critical damage bonus... rocket punch was the one thing we had going for us.

  5. I ran full heals up until recently, and I've specced back into lethality so that I gain corrosive grenade at the cost of med shield and RN. RN is useful now, but I love corrosive grenade for the boost to DPS. If someone tries to solo you, it also makes things very tough for them since they've got two DOTs whittling down their health whilst you stun, kite, DPS and self-heal. Op healers are very, very difficult to kill if played well.
  6. Most people seem to swear by pyrotech for massive damage in PvP, but I hear it has the least utility of the three. I'm ST myself and wouldn't change for the world-- I think shield mitigation is more useful than people give it credit for, and heat blast is a great ability for both heat management and a quick extra bit of burst in a fight. And of course, there's the mighty jet charge.


    AP is, from what I hear, a balance between the damage of pyro and the utility of shield tech. Hydraulic overrides and prototype flamethrower both seem really nice, but there's no way I'm giving up the manoeuvrability of jet charge.

  7. I don't see how it would really work, when you consider you have things like players being on the fleets and the starter planets where only one faction can visit.


    It just wont really work, they would have to change mechanics of the game just for one class and I highly doubt they will do that.


    Well, as I just pointed out in the post literally before yours, they wouldn't have to change the mechanics of the game. If a player is on fleet or in the capital/starting planet, they're untouchable. IF they go to another planet (and most do, for dailies/holocrons/world bosses) then a pop-up informs the bounty hunter/trooper who has that bounty/warrant of which planet they're on.


    Someone suggested in another thread that a debuff could be applied to the mark that prevents them from getting into an instance/quick-travelling once the hunter gets close enough, but that might be too restrictive (unless it's on a short, ~5 min duration).

  8. This was something I remember clamoring for back in Star Wars Galaxies. Sadly, the best we got was the ability to hunt Jedi players who've unlocked the Jedi character slot.


    As far as I can remember, bounties could be placed on anyone who killed you?


    There have been a lot of threads about this recently (I made one myself) and I think it could work without BW having to completely overhaul everything. Player bounties would be as simple as any hunters taking the quest getting the message you used to get on Ilum (or maybe still do, haven't been there in an age): '[Player name] sighted on [planet]', with a mission marker that updates every ~3 minutes for their location. If they're on fleet, they can't be touched. The exact same system could be implemented for troopers and the name changed to 'kill order' or 'warrant' or whatever.


    If not this, they could at least implement PvE bounties where the NPC moves around randomly, from planet to planet and across the map, forcing you to track them down.

  9. Isn't this what the contested planets are for sans /chat?


    You can't get to the 'home base' on planets though, right? I don't think it's possible to reach Anchorhead as an Imp, for instance.


    And it kinda bothers me that we can't go to Coruscant. It's a cool planet and it'd be awesome to get an ops group of 50's and roll through there. I can see why they don't allow it, though, since lowbies would be really put off by hordes of the opposite faction tearing up their first planet after the starting one.

  10. So, you know what you can do to fix this problem, but don't want to do it, and instead come on the forums to complain about how something that you can change is horrible? Not trying to call you out, but you should probably take a deep breath and stop creating useless threads unless you have constructive criticism. Next post you make should focus on what you dislike and what changes you would like to see.


    Who said anything about 'instead'? Of course I'm going to 'fix' it, it's just going to take some time. My constructive criticism is that 50 PvP armor is incredibly poorly designed and that they should take a look at what was obviously the inspiration from the source material:


    Boba Fett


    As well as their own archetypal bounty hunter from the splash screen, who is sporting cooler armor than ANY of the post-50 sets:


    Shae Vizla


    Compare that to this crap:






    Can anyone honestly say the latter two match up to the former two?

  11. Out of 1.3 million or whatever it is, I figure some of us must be.


    I don't have any major complaints about TOR at the minute, save the awful 50 PvP armor. I've got two at 50, two more at 34 and 40 respectively, and I'm still having a blast playing. Then I come on the forums and it's almost incessant, overwhelming negativity to the point where I wonder why these apparent hordes of rabid anti-TOR users are still playing.


    Anyone else out there actually enjoying themselves?

  12. This. There are FAR too many places for a mark to remain safe and inaccessible.


    This is true. We could always just informally take bounties on at fleet (for lowbies getting ganked on Tat, for instance- they pay a one-off fee for you to come and murder the Pub bothering them repeatedly).

  13. One thing that this game lacks at endgame at the moment is any acknowledgement of the fact that you're a smuggler or a bounty hunter or a Jedi knight-- your class is simply a label tied to a bunch of generic MMO skills and mechanisms.


    What I'm suggesting, and this came out of a suggestion in the bounty hunter forum, is a series of dynamic PvP quests that become available at level 50. Things that aren't grinds like the Corellia/Belsavis/Ilum dailies, but that take advantage of the class that you chose and the conflict that creates with other players.


    The most obvious, and the one I think would be the coolest, is a live bounty system (similar to the one in SWG) for bounty hunters. The ability to post bounties on other players, who are then flagged for PvP for any hunter who picks up the quest at the relevant mission terminal. This would be a really cool addition that would give BH's something interesting and changeable to do after hitting 50 and would also be cool for the flagged player as they try to keep one step ahead of the people chasing them. It's been pointed out that fleet and faction-exclusive cities kind of gimp this idea at the minute, but more on that later.


    Smugglers could actually, y'know, smuggle, perhaps with system similar to Frontier Elite, whereby prices on illegal goods fluctuate according to the market. Imperial Agents could infiltrate Pub-controlled cities and perform sabotage or assassinations while attempting not to get caught. As for the Force-users- hell, I don't know, everything I've thought of is too similar to Ilum back in the day, but perhaps they could take apprentices/padawans (lowbies) and confer buffs and protection whilst gaining bonus comms for helping their apprentices out.


    This would obviously require changes to the system to work, but I think that it could be done without massive overhauls. Someone suggested getting rid of fleet and allowing factions access to each other's areas, which I think could work. Throw enough level- 50 peacekeepers in a city, and starting something just means dying really fast. They could even do away with automatic faction flagging, opening up the possibility of disguising yourself as the enemy (for agents on infiltration missions, for instance). And, at the end of the day, is there any real need for ANY of the classes to be overtly tied to their faction? Smugglers and BH's are technically not Pub-/Imp-aligned anyway, and a lot of Sith/Jedi can pass for the other side as long as they're not swinging a conspiciously colored lightsaber around.


    Maybe this is WAY too ambitious, maybe not. But it would certainly give 50's something to do outside of the grind.

  14. I wouldn't bother removing mods from your BM gear and dropping it into oranges. You'll lose your set bonuses. When you get War Hero, that's a different story, since its bonues are connected to the armor mod instead of the shell - but then War Hero gear actually looks good.


    Meanwhile, I got so tired of looking at my stupid Battlemaster chestpiece, I bit the bullet and used commendations to buy the Columi one, so I can at least not wear the BM one HALF the time. And in a few weeks, I'll actually have a War Hero chestpiece, at this rate. :rod_frown_p:


    Honestly, I hate it so much that I'll forego set bonuses just to be rid of it. I also hate looking like every single other 50 BH.

  15. Been playing since launch here- I have a 50 PT, a 50 Op and a handful of mid-level characters.


    One thing that bothers me about TOR, as much as I enjoy playing it, is that your class label is just that- a label for a bunch of game mechanics and MMO archetypes. A smuggler is not a 'smuggler' outside of his/her class storyline-- they're just DPS or heals. There's no functional difference between a sentinel and a marauder, despite one being a Jedi and the other a Sith.


    It's something that put me off playing a bounty hunter for the longest time, since unlike SWG where a bounty hunter could actually pick up and go after bounties anywhere in the game, the hunters I saw in TOR were simply generic soldiers in heavy armor. Now that I've played through the class quests are decent enough, but outside of this... how am I a bounty hunter in anything but name?


    Going back to SWG-- despite all its flaws-- and I admittedly didn't play it after the infamous revamp-- their bounty system was FUN. Players could have bounties posted on them, and bounty hunters could then track them down and claim the bounty. Is such a system not possible in TOR? Would it increase your enjoyment of the class if you were actually a bounty hunter and not simply another sci-fi themed tank/DPS/healer?

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