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Everything posted by HeavensTerror

  1. HeavensTerror


    Ilum has been dead since 1.2 You only go there for: A) Fresh 50 doing the story line. B) Dailies. Well there's also the valor buff, but valor doesn't mean anything anymore so yeah....
  2. A good Sin/Op will wreck a Slinger.
  3. Use defensive gear and stack Aim, Strength, or Willpower augments depending on which tank you are. Problem solved.
  4. You can say that about any class...
  5. Sniper. Trooper story sucks, and Agent is one of the best in the game. I know you don't care about OP/UP, but dps Commando is meh.
  6. This is what I've been using. Based off pure survivability. 31/7/3. http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#8010cZGMGrdorohRZMcb.2 I'm also running pure Supercommando, and just stack Reflex augments so I can hit harder. I have no problem putting up big dps and protect numbers. Best game in 1.3 so far was on Void Star with +300k dmg and +200k protects. Also would like to add that I'm no where close to a full WH set.
  7. I recommend just stacking Reflex augment. This will significantly boost your dmg. Since Supercommando has sorry Aim, and you can't go wrong with Endurance. Most Supercommando WH gear buffs Shield Chance/Shield Absorption so there's really no reason to stack it.
  8. I was wondering if this relic would be a good comb with Watchman. Healing an ally gives you a 50% chance to restore 443 of your health. Any thoughts? Or would it be worthless.
  9. The gear gab bewteen BM and WH isn't as huge as you think. Plus now that you can augment anything, it's not bad at all.
  10. Most just stack the 18 endurance/12 power augments. You could probably get to 30k hp if you throw in some PvE gear.
  11. Dirty Fighting. Only time I really go into cover is to prevent people from leaping, and to use Pulse Dentonator/Speed Shot/Sab Charge.
  12. *** how do you hit 8k as a gs/sniper? Was the dude naked.... Most I every got was like 5.5k with Aim shot against some sorc in recruit gear.
  13. A DPS spec hitting you for alot of dmg? Madness! Just because he's a Jugg doesn't make him a tank.
  14. It's from that Tracer Missile spam when the game was released.
  15. Tactics is how AS should be. I do decent dmg and have good burst with it. AS is just lulz.
  16. My Vanguard is SS, and I enjoy it alot. Sure the shield could be better, but it's not bad. If I'm guarding a competent healer I'm invincible.
  17. For SS I have a full Supercommando set. For my Tactics and AS. I have mixture of Eliminator and Combat Tech.
  18. Logout in a rest area. Don't play that toon for awhile Get all xp bonus legacy. Profit! Probably could get to 50 in a day or two lol.
  19. My first game back as SS and I go +200k on both dmg and protects. I have to play some more, but so far I don't have a problem.
  20. Shadow, Vanguard, and Guardian. All these classes have the ability to do alot of dmg (or take it if spec tank) and still throw out taunts.
  21. Best Pyro really isn't saying much either... Play AP or ST.
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