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Everything posted by Scelerant

  1. Trauma is there to prevent healers from being overly powerful. They could just nerf all healing by 30% but that means it affects PvE healing where they have obviously deemed healing balanced. A healer should make someone live longer, not forever.
  2. Dude, haven't you read just about every post on the PvP forum? Nobody posting nerf/buff/change threads have a bloody clue. Haven't you noticed the dude who keeps spamming his PvP video commentary talking about DR on CC who doesn't look like he knows what resolve is.
  3. Resolve is better than DR because it rewards players that know how resolve works and thus when to use their CC and CC break.
  4. Awesome post, its just so sad that the "We want DR" and "NERF CC" players won't read it and will keep their complaining going. Plus don't tell people about the mez thing, I love watching people using their CC break on Mind Trap know that I can stun them freely for the next 1m45s.
  5. I watched that video and I can assure you, that you do not need to plug it in every thread. Resolve + DR is over the top regardless of how you organize it, since the function of resolve is to be a form of globally shared DR. If you look at DR in WoW most abilities had separate DR, hence why I as a rogue could go CS - Gouge - KS and get full durations out of all 3. We're talking 2 x 4 second stuns to fill the resolve bar, as far as I've seen no class has 2 x 4 second stuns in their toolbox, so if you are being hit with 2 x 4 second stun then you are being hit by more than one player. Now, to do a WoW comparison, a rogue alone can lock someone out longer than 2 players can in SW:TOR and that's counting DR.
  6. It does, people on this forum just happen to think that being informed about the game mechanics is much harder work than whining on the forums because they think they should be PvP kings after playing the game for 3 hours. I would also like to add that unlike WoW every CC (interrupts and snares do not count) shares a DR via the resolve system, so unlike WoW I can't do the equivalent of cheap shot - kidney shot - gauge (they all had separate DR timers).
  7. I agree with your second paragraph, but when you take into consideration that people are speaking of playing warzones at low levels, without any PvP damage reduction from gear, most of them without their survivability spells and talents, then you start to go "hmmm". If they nerf CC based on players with less than optimal gear, maybe 10 - 15 talent points at max, without their damage reduction spells, then you get serious problems at max level. Anyone with half a brain cell should realize that your opinion based on max 8 days of gameplay is far from enough to make any sort of judgment on the PvP balance of a game. There is a resolve system in this game as well that mitigates some of the CC effects and lessens the need for DR. Now, the fact is that even if you adopted a First CC: full duration, Second CC: half duration, third CC immune system with a 15 second timer, that would reduce the time spent in a "stunlock" by 2 global cool downs, so the person would still be killed before the CC ran out.
  8. Stuns = Do not break on damage. Incapacitate = Breaks on damage. No stuns break on damage. CC adds spice to a dish that otherwise would be a matter of "who can nuke the other player down first".
  9. WoW regularly had in excess of 40 minute queues on many servers prior to cross server BGs, WAR had the same thing for Destruction. That alone ruins your "It works perfect" argument.
  10. One of the issues I've noticed here is that a lot of players leave ranged alone on high ground while they themselves are busy fighting on a lower level. Leave people free to just nuke and this is what happens. It's just like the arena 5 v 5 combo which was set up around a destro lock 2 - 3 shotting people in PvE gear, sure he hits hard but why did you let him stand there and cast? What's next, complaining about healers being too strong because you keep hitting them without using your CC/interrupt and thus they just outheal you?
  11. That has been tried countless times and leads to longer queues for everyone, which is exactly what Bioware is trying to avoid. It worked poorly in WoW, worked poorly in AoC and worked rather poorly in Rift. In WoW it just ensured long queues and once the premades were gone the anti-premade crowd just went on to complain about everything else. That's the thing, the complainers will find something to complain about.
  12. Its not balanced in the sense that the two are equal, its balanced so that the lowbie has a fighting chance, but the higher level player still gets rewarded for leveling. If they made it so that a level 10 with bolster == a level 50 player, then why bother leveling to level 50? You being at a disadvantage at a low level vs a higher player is game balance as it is intended to be. You have a bigger chance of Jessica Alba, Scarlett Johansen and Blake Lively coming to your house and demanding sexual favors from you than you have of your argument being taken seriously by anyone.
  13. That's part of it, the other part is that we live in a society that spends too much time telling everyone that their opinion is valid and cannot be wrong thus creating a generation of players who due to various cognitive and subjective biases think their opinion is correct despite the fact that they are uninformed and inexperienced. We already have nerf threads for CC, at least half of the classes and much more and the game has been officially out for under 36 hours. If you count EGA the game has been out for 8 days and a majority of players are under level 30 and thus have no experience with the game yet think themselves qualified to make conclusions about PvP balance. This is like me spending 24 hours reading up on old Wall Street Journals then going into Goldman-Sachs and lecturing them on how to structure their portfolios. It's the most extreme case of narcissism I've ever seen in my life.
  14. Interestingly enough, Jedi Consulars are the mirror of said Sith Inquisitor and strangely enough we get no complaints about consulars. Is this a hint that the Republic players are bad at PvP or just complain more? Considering that Operatives have more CC than a Sith Inquisitor including AOE CC I find that anyone who complains about the Sith inquisitor has no clue what so ever.
  15. You should be, what would be the point in leveling up and gearing your character if you can just enter the warzone at level 10 and own a level 50? The more of your posts I read the more I feel like you would be more at home in an FPS game where everyone just gets issued standard gear and duke it out. Being at a disadvantage because someone is higher level/has better gear than you is balance, if you weren't at a disadvantage it would be unbalanced, but I guess you wouldn't complain then since it would be unbalanced in your favor. In SW:TOR unlike every other MMORPG on the market you actually have somewhat of a fighting chance if you're good and use your abilities well. This means things like not burning force leap when you can just run up to someone, which is kind of my litmus test for Sw/JK if they charge me off the bat when they could run to me I know I'll crush them.
  16. The only opinion I trust in game reviews is that of Yathzee Croshaw.
  17. The whole anti-meter crowd reminds me of a post on the old unofficial realm forums for my WoW server. There was this huge post made by one of the many players on the server under 18 complaining about how every raiding guild was "discriminating" against people who were not 18. The second post of that thread was the GM of one of the major raiding guilds and simply read "Hey, why don't you gather up all the hot shot under 18 players and form a raiding guild and show us how wrong we are for excluding you" The raiding guild of under 18 year old players never happened, because what the under 18 players wanted wasn't to raid period, it was to raid with a guild that already had all the bits and pieces in order so they could just walk into the raid. This is relevant to the current topic, because it is possible to create a guild that has a voluntary or even a "no meter" position, yet nobody ever seems to do so. I've played in all kinds of guilds RP guilds, PvP guilds, casual PvE, Hardcore PvE and they are gatherings of players with similar mindsets, if you hate meters why do you insist on playing with people who like meters?
  18. Scelerant

    Too much CC

    You can't still be CC'ed after 2 - 3 CCs unless they are far enough apart that your resolve meter resets or that they trigger your resolve, you do nothing useful while it is up and then get CC'ed again.
  19. No, if you are bad you should be mercilessly dominated so that you know you're bad and need to improve. If bad players do not realize how bad they are they end up posting nerf threads about things that are perfectly fine.
  20. You can only be CC locked for about 10 seconds before resolve kicks in, so with that minimal amount of time you can be CC'ed in mind, any reduction would be the near equivalent of nothing. If you implemented the "first CC full duration, second CC half duration, third CC immune" with a 15 second duration, the max CC duration would be 4 second stun - 2.5 second stun, so it would be 3.5s reduction in how long you can be CC'ed, of course it would render any ability that is under a 4 second stun useless since the 2 second stuns several classes have wouldn't even last a global.
  21. If there are 3 - 4 focusing on 1 and the one wins the 3 - 4 need to learn how to play their characters. I've been doing warzones mixed in with my questing since I hit level 10 and I've been facing the same high level players everyone else has and I've been winning in some cases, losing in others. Not to be insulting, but the average player I've ran into is fairly bad due to not having learned how to use their abilities, what rotation works best, when to CC and when not to CC and quite a bit more. If 4 x level 10 players are taking on 1 level 50, that level 50 has more experience in the game than those 4 x lvl 10 players have combined. So, yes that is in fact balance. He beats you because he is more experienced, plays his class better, has more of his talents and more of his baseline abilities.
  22. Yeah because those team based warzones are all about those 1 v 1 fights between the two extreme points on the scale face off in a duel of fates..... I wish people would stop crying nerf based on 1 v 1 fights.
  23. Tbh, if I could go : Spike - Tumult - Maul - Discharge from stealth the burst may be overkill.
  24. As Deception for PvP I'm tempted to say a mix of crit and surge on top of expertise at least the way I play it since I tend to want to get in and out very quickly.
  25. Yeah, it does bug me, I'd love to have something like a proper flytext that showed you things like: Duplicity (1) or Static Charge (3) in the actual flytext.
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