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Everything posted by Scelerant

  1. I'm wondering, what medals are DPS getting that healers are not? I know there are "Do X damage" or "Do X damage in one hit" but aren't they in for healers as well?
  2. They should also make the circle around a player you have targeted a bit more obvious, since it can be hard to see while moving with a million spell effects going off. A lot of my PvP related complaints are in regards to the display of various information. For instance, I should be told which CC effect I was just hit with in the flytext IE "+Root+" or something like that. The UI placement is all wrong for me, it could just be that having the player and target portraits on top along with the map and the chat, menu and action bars at the bottom is what I'm use to. However, I keep worrying that I'm the rude guy who never answers people in chat because I never look at the chat. I keep missing that I've been CC'ed because as a keybinder I don't habitually look down towards my skill bars, I look at the center and top of the screen to see the action and so on. To paraphrase what Steve Jobs once said about Microsoft. The UI of SW:TOR is just a really, really, third-rate product.
  3. A higher level player should always have an edge though to encourage leveling and to reward those who have.
  4. Theorycrafting always exist, its just that sometimes what is objectively best based on math and simulation does not fit with what your opinion is. There will always be a best spec for a set situation but if that spec could on occasion be a hybrid it would be nice. However, at the same time, if 31 points isn't worth the investment, it begs the question of how well the talent trees are designed.
  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4gCdWHEwsvs kind of shows the difference between the two. If you turn with your mouse you can turn a lot faster than if you do it with the keyboard. I use a Razer Nostromo and I'm very happy with it and that is the Razer version of a G13, or rather than G13 is a Logitech version of a Belkin N-52 powered by Razer, and I find the software that comes with it to be fantastic.
  6. Your other option is not playing a match though, even when I lose I've regularly gotten 5 - 6 medals so I get a decent amount of valor and commendations so I don't mind that much. Plus, a level 16 can still do quite a bit against higher players you just need to be more underhanded about it.
  7. I seem to be winning more than 50% of my games as empire, but thankfully I tend to get 6+ medals every game anyway so it doesn't hold me back as much as in other games and I applaud Bioware for it since it rewards good players as well as good teams. IE, if you are good you will still get a decent number of commendations/valor regardless of if you team are a bunch of clicking, keyboard-turning noobs.
  8. Having cross server scenarios is a bad idea and takes away getting to know other players on your server, establishing rivalries and things like that. It takes any sort of emotional investment out of PvP and opens the door for anyone to scream and behave like a spoiled brat because they'll never have to face consequences for their actions.
  9. For Empire players the location is in the marketplace in Dromund Kaas.
  10. The reason for not having brackets is that its more fun to get to play even if you are a bit outmatched if the other option is not playing at all. Don't worry the level 50 that just owned you will own you once you get to level 50 too due to having more time to gather gear.
  11. Scelerant

    Pvp arena?!!?

    And 90% of players in favor of arena are the guys who used to hang out by IF/Orgrimmar trying to get someone to duel them, only no pots, no cooldowns, none of that silly stun stuff and if you are ranged fight toe to toe like a man! See, everyone can generalize and it does little to help your side in the discussion.
  12. Yeah, every time there is a clicker vs keybinder discussion someone knows/is a clicker who dominates everyone.
  13. Scelerant

    Pvp arena?!!?

    The primary issue with arena type gameplay is that in order for it to be "professional" PvP, you have to balance it properly, which means to a much larger degree than World of Warcraft did. That again means that your prime PvP balancing is for a situation that hardly ever takes place in the game, IE an equal number of players, with all their CDs up at the time, with the exact same pots and so on. The only thing that is clear about arena type gameplay from the discussions prior to early access is that a small minority find organized dueling to be the ultimate display of skill but the majority find it to be a waste of time. It would make much more sense to integrate ladder based gameplay in the existing PvP framework since that would require little additional balancing and any balance issues that did appear would most likely be applicable to non-ladder games as well.
  14. If a level 30+ gets beaten by someone below level 20, then they suck at PvP.
  15. I think the medal system is good in that it encourages players to take part in different aspects of the warzone to get max points. IE if all you do is run the huttball and never do anything else, you get less points than someone who killed a carrier, scored one, healed a little bit and so on. The individual medals are my favorite thing about PvP in this game, since I can still get good commendations/valor if my team is horrible and we're losing.
  16. I don't have to get a stealth bar, but I do need more toolbar space. I mean when you make a $100.000.000 video game, you are allowed to get a professional UI designer instead of having the 13 year old next door do it for 20 bucks.
  17. Because it turns Cheer bear into Grumpy bear.
  18. I'd like more accurate estimates, on my screen Legions of Lettow has a 1h 34 minute queue, however the timer I started on my Iphone when I joined said queue says it has been 2h 30 minutes since I joined the queue. This is after I already spent about 2 hours in the queue and then had a client crash.
  19. I suppose it comes down to resolve and leveling. From what I've seen a lot of classes have CC mitigating abilities in their talents but they are only available at higher levels. Powertechs get Hydraulic Overrides in their Adv Prototype tree and several movement increasing talents in both shield tech and firebug. Both the Sith Juggernaut and Sith Marauder get movement increases and CC mitigation in their trees, assassins get Force Shroud in their mid thirties and I could go on. We'll have to see how it works out at max level since many classes get their CC skills early but their CC mitigating abilities and movement increases at higher levels and thus the CC to CC mitigation ratio of abilities is unbalanced from the start until mid - high level. I am seeing certain issues, such as central abilities to certain specs having an auto-cc component, but we have to see how that balances out with a full toolbox of abilities and a completed talent spec.
  20. Macros are only considered cheating by people who are unable to use them. I love how there is always opposition against things that actually makes the game more challenging. UI mods and macros in many cases make PvP more challenging because they bring about a whole another level of depth. I'd love a macro that let me pop recklessness, then force lightning, instead of having to hit the two buttons. I'd love a macro that let me pop dark charge and deflection with 1 button instead of two. This actually increases what I'm able to do with my character given the fact that the UI is bad in comparison to the SWG UI at launch. We can say a lot of bad things about the WoW UI at launch but at least they had the intelligence to add UI mods because they realized that having players create their own UIs to their liking actually makes the game more fun to play for each player. Plus we aren't all the same. I know players who have lost fingers and players who have ailments that mean they need macros to do what the rest of us can do without them. I'd like to change the UI in the following ways if I could: I have an active playstyle and play a class based largely on movement, this means that when I do PvP I'm pretty much always moving. Add to it that I keybind every single ability I use including out of combat regen and buffs, I can hide my actionbars and still execute every ability perfectly. I would add a lot more information to the flytext since the flytext is in the center of my primary viewing section of the screen, the quickslots and the character portrait are not, and I prefer being able to watch my character as much as possible when I play, not spending 40 - 50% of my time looking at my quick slots to see cooldowns, my char portrait for health and class resource and a series of tiny tiny buttons to see which of the 4000 CC effects in this game just hit my char. Note that when I say 4000 CC effects I mean that every ranged class in this game has so much CC it makes a level 85 frost mage look like a Vanilla ret paladin. None of the above changes anything except how information is displayed so that it is more practical for my playstyle.
  21. Flytext: When hit with any ability you should be able to set the flytext to give the name of the ability and the player executing it, for instance +1500 (Deliverance) [Healer Name], if hit with a debuff -700 (Electrocute) +Stunned [Caster name] and so on. The whole point of flytext is to convey information in a way that let people get it without taking their eyes of their character. If I have to look down at my buff/debuff slots to see why I'm currently rooted, then the flytext is pointless. Just showing me I took 1000 damage or got healed for X health is pointless on its own. Ideally a heal should display as Heal number (New health) (Healer Name) and so on. The Flytext just shows damage and healing which means that I get very little information about that damage or healing. I should be able to get detailed information about damage in, damage out, CC and debuffs applied to me, buffs applied to me and when my abilities come off CD. If I can't do that then the flytext is bad in comparison to a UI mod first made 5 years ago called "Scrolling combat text". The Character portrait, health and resource bars: It should be movable because as a keybinder I rarely if ever look at my quickslot bars. However, thanks to this horrible placement, I have to stare down at my portrait and quickslots when one of the main purposes of keybinding is that you avoid having to do that constantly. It should also be scalable. The Quickslots themselves. First off, I should be able to Ctrl+right click to bind to the clicked slot without having to navigate the keybinding menu in the game. Secondly, I should be able to scale them and add at least a third bottom-center quickslot bar. Thirdly, I should be able to put the cooldown countdown in numbers the same size of the quickslot inside the quickslot so that I can see the cool down of abilities clearly at a glance. Summary: The UI is clunky and fails in both primary functions of a UI. In terms of conveying important information to the player, the flytext only shows damage in and damage out, when it should show; damage in, damage out, debuffs applied to player, abilities coming off cool downs and buffs applied to the player at the very least. For instance, if my force speed comes off CD the flytext should read "Force Speed Ready". If someone uses an electrocute on me the flytext should say "-X health, (electrocute) + Stunned+ It should be possible to display cool down timers inside the quick slot for an ability. Feel free to call me bad because I actually like to play effectively and part of that doesn't include staring at my quick slot bars and character portrait while playing, squinting hardcore to try and see what debuff just landed on me. The UI has the mark of being designed for appearance and style at a cost to functionality, since any UI designer worth their salt would have looked at what addons like Scrolling Combat text offers and replicated that into the UI. The UI designer should also have looked at the customization offered by addons like Bongos and Bartender which are far superior.
  22. I thought this type of challenge is exactly why you do a staggered launch and do a guild deployment program and so on. 2 hour + queues is not exactly the smoothest launch ever, especially considering there are now login errors in the client as well. I've already got my char at level 27 and I'm not going to relevel my character because Bioware is delivering a total fail service. If this had been properly planned Bioware would have banned character creation on full servers unless the player was a member of a guild that was deployed on that server as a part of the organized guild deployment. When there is no grace period and you get 2 hours worth of error messages if you DC while in game or in the queue as well, they really need to step in and up the population cap and block the creation of new characters by accounts that do not already possess a character on the server in question. When you also see that out of the Euro servers over half are experiencing queues, it becomes clear that Bioware should either have stopped taking preorders when they had enough to hit the server caps on the number of servers they decided to put up for launch, or put additional measures in place to prevent this. I've currently been in the queue since 14.38 CET and I'm currently number 1261 in the queue with an estimated wait of 1 hour 25 minutes, because I had a client crash and there is no grace period.
  23. They have to roll somewhere and when the company does not provide servers for them they will roll on the English ones.
  24. I find it quite funny that everyone who has had something negative to say about my posts have failed magnificently at using the quote function. It's square bracket quote square bracket to start a quote, square bracket backslash quote square bracket to end one. You adapt words to women by quoting Goethe, Byron, Keats or another poet. Intelligence can be applied in many areas including the pursuit of a quality member of the fairer sex, not someone a person picks up after the person paid for the woman in question to drink them pretty and their personality bearable. As for the quality player issue, I find that playing with quality players against quality players is much more conducive towards my enjoyment. The reason for this is that overcoming a challenge triggers reward mechanisms in my brain, whereas stealing candy from a baby does not.
  25. But your post said that I made the post you quoted due to his quote function fail.
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