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Everything posted by MrSarcastic

  1. I received an e-mail saying I've been suspended for 24 hours. But I received another one saying I'm suspended for a week. Can one of you check the actual time?
  2. I heard they gave the "ok" to sell the game in retail stores already. True?
  3. Cool. You hit the max level 4 days before the game comes out.
  4. This this this this this this this this this. I posted this as a thread but it got deleted for "trolling". Figures.
  5. I'm just asking a question not trolling so you don't have to delete the thread >__> How come the NA servers are so populated and the EU servers aren't? I highly doubt that there are THAT many people playing from North America.
  6. I know right? I love not being able to play!
  7. Over half of them have a half hour wait time. The server I'm on has a 25 minute queue. Kind of stupid I have to wait a half hour just to play. Point is: get better servers.
  8. http://my.picresize.com/vault2/68ESTSVR5F.jpg Yeah. Not very happy.
  9. Hey everyone! I have a vent that's owned by yours truly that any of you can use whenever you wish! It is an open server to the whole Old Republic community. The information will be down below. Enjoy! Hostname: garrett.instantvent.com Port: 6208
  10. I know there has to be at least a couple. Being max level before everyone even gets to play, funny isn't it?
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