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Everything posted by Akomo

  1. Akomo

    Commando in PvP

    As a gunnery Commando, i get targeted plenty due to grav round.Im a huge threat on the battlefield as i strip and destroy.Gunnery Commando works well as support class with heals.A soloist should go Vanguard. Still i own in open world 90% of the time.Its funny watching Sorcs try and take me, only to run away... I win more matches than i lose in WZ thanks to team mates. Its very fun to play! Enjoy!
  2. Aww whats wrong? A little too close to the truth Eris? Folks with the doom and gloom are background noise nowadays easily tuned out since they are muppets! Wait that means im a super muppet does it not? DOH! LOL!
  3. Yep i was one of those who did not like F2P after seeing the Asian ones.But having the option to sub with all the perks is a nice.So yeah F2P has won me over after seeing LOTRO and STO.
  4. And they have 60 % of MMO players.That leaves about 40% for the rest of ALL MMO's out there.ALthough these stats are two years old , im sure not much has changed since then as WoW continues to be a steamroller.The one game ive never subbed for, LOL!
  5. Love the muppet reference! ROTFLMAO! This is why i steer clear of most gaming forums and , oh my gosh! ...play the game!
  6. WHy not? They pulled off the most flawless launch ive ever experienced in MMOs.Added new content in less time than most past MMOs.Catered to pvpers with 4 armor sets. Meh i take it back.There is no going back for you.Shame ,since i like your name! LOL!
  7. I hope so.If it does im all in.If SWG can last as long as it did, then TOR will be a cakewalk.
  8. Yes yes doom and gloom , but never happens. Nice sig ! LOL!
  9. And thats your choice.I still do play. So its worth it to me.
  10. I am looking at it right now and there is nothing there that you dont get with a full sub.Whatever you do get that you cannot get in game has a timer on it meaning it isnt permenant.Its a temp shortcut so you dont HAVE to grind as much.The tomes for permenant stat bonus is what im guessing one of those things your talking about , but is not needed to play the game if you have a full sub.
  11. Yep.But since F2p theyve added two expansion packs which youll need to pay for.I get them for free with my turbine points for being a lifer.Whos laughing now suckas!
  12. Your serious?How much is a pack of smokes ?Here its 10 bucks for 25 smokes.Or how about beer?almost 30 bucks for 24 bottles.A night at the bar? 200 bucks easy.Your internet is easily 30 to 50 a month.Cant afford 15 a month?Play free games then.Oh yes thats right we are going free to play.But kiss access to your crafters goodbye as well as end game dailies and content. Bottom line is if you want everything TOR has to offer youll pay one way or another.
  13. Generic answer ive witnessed the last 9 years in this genre.No game other than WoW has 2 million subs anymore since the market is saturated with MMO's most of which fail.The PvP in this game has its place.They have given no less than 4 sets of pvp only armor for level 50s in less than 6 months since launch. So your comment about no support for PvP? Bogus.They catered to pvp crowd and got burned just as i predicted to my guild. Content keeps folks playing , not pvp.People who want to pvp all the time usually play pvp oriented games and none are an MMO.
  14. Yet you are here.Go try immortal online or Darkfall both pvp oriented games and youll see a new low to garbage games.
  15. Correct.In the end its cheaper to pay for a sub than to add inventory space- cha-ching, add more content-cha-ching, add access to the rest of my characters- cha-ching.... See what i mean? And i can speak from experience with friends who still play DDO and they agree.Theyve told me they have spent more without a sub than with the sub.Its basic math.They of course went back to re-subbing ,LOL!
  16. Same here.i know what its like to go F2P from having full access.Ill stay subbed thanks.
  17. I can talk from experience.I had a year sub to AoC.I let it go F2P. My inventory got cut by one quarter.My gold limit was set to 2 g.the rest go into your account if you ever sub again. My access to high end content was completely cut off. My character limit went from 8 to 3.I have 8 but only have access to 3. So im left with a handful of dailies in the original release game zone and no access for high group content aka raids. In essence im left with the original release of AoC.Is that wishfull thinking enough for ya?
  18. Pretty much but hey the masses want free software so thats what they get.I for one dont work for free.Neither do the devs for Bioware or ANY company out there. On the other hand you dont NEED those locked boxes to play the content.Theres a big difference.So dont be giving the wrong impression here.The locked boxes are fluff.Not compulsory to play the game.
  19. Yeah but whats important is the content.Do you have access to it or not?Everything else is fluff.Since my guild runs content 4 times a week, we in general will be unaffected.In other words if you dont have a sub you cant do the content, youll get bored real quick. As a sub i wont need to pay for anything ,unless i REALLY REALLY want an item from the shop.Then i do pay for it.Not our fault you cant afford such things.
  20. Yep.I dont like F2P games.Actually let me rephrase that.I dont like F2P games made outside North America since their graphics, gameplay and compatibility are usually garbage. I remember folks claiming LOTRO was going to dead in 2 years with no pvp.Pvpers wrong ....again as usual.And im a pvper.STO same deal and that has pvp.But its still around.DDO same thing. The common thread?All north american made games.The one game i ever subbed for and got burned? Tabula rasa and that was a korean company.And the devs sat on the content they had until they announced its was shutting down ,then they released the content. So many asian MMOs go under every year since they try to copy NA games and meet with mediocre success.So we here in North america simply blended the two types of sub models so we can get both types of players.Those who like being nickled and dimed to death and those who do not.
  21. Resubbing.I subbed for SWG for 7 years. This one is superior to that so its easy for me.I get a say on what happens.Those that unsub do not.Ive got friends here who are solid folks.Nuff said.
  22. Akomo

    No one on fleet.

    Did you check the entire server?Heres a solution check the entire server for each side , and join the more populated one.Problem solved. Population is a player problem.Like my server , over 100 imps on and less than 20 for pub side.Thats after people leaving and thats not prime time either.The lowest ive seen during off peak was 90 imp side and 1 pub side.Yes that 1 was me! LOL!
  23. Most pvpers have short attention spans as well as short memories.PvP when i started was about just beating the other team in open world.No rewards, no points, no nothing. I actually did advocate points in open world for this game but i renounce it now.PvPers dont deserve it.They would just fight club it or exploit it. Content will keep people playing.Not PvP.
  24. #4 - Very true.I can count on one hand how many have interrupted me from using grav round.Thats 5 people or less. #2- many critics have no clue how to deal with raiders dominating in pvp they would rather blame Bioware for it. #1- i didnt even like GW1 so its out of the question for me.Got burned by NCsoft once, not going there again thanks.
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