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Posts posted by Darvus

  1. I would love to see guild capital ships and a guild leveling and perks system, but I'm not holding my breath. So far, the game is not very guild-friendly. And as things have gone over the last year, it does not appear that there is much long-term planning for guilds, or anything else. In other MMOs, guilds are the backbone of the communities, but here, it is almost impossible. They won't even respond on forcing F2P guild members to purchase an unlock for the guild bank, that had to be purchased by the guild leader, already!! Our guild liason, is also strangely silent. I'm not even sure if he is still with the company.
  2. There is something systemically wrong with upper management at BioWare. I went back and read how BW employees felt about their company, where they could post their opinions anonymously and freely without fear of repercussions. You can check it out here.


    You'll notice the main theme is how rank and file employees really feel disconnected from upper management and that most of the decisions being made by them are driven by marketing and not gameplay. It leaves the regular folks at BW scratching their head. And of course, you also see how EA micromanages everything and stifles creativity.


    We're seeing a direct result of all of that in the game.


    Thank you, for posting that link. This really does explain what we see in this game, and the apparent lack of a long-term plan. I am still here, and like parts of this game, but it is clear that unless something changes, this game will not be improving. It really looks like no one even has a basic idea of what to do, to try to retain players (subscribers & F2Pers). Again, thank you for this post. It is very enlightening.

  3. We have lots of planets going to waste currently after they're completed. Asking for lots of new planets for chapter 4 is unrealistic and will keep us waiting years. Why not re-use planets and perhaps expand them? What does everyone else think? Flaws with it?


    Personally, I would like to have seen a compromise (not as great as the one they clearly made) where we got a new planet (preferably one already in lore) AND added some new content to existing planets. I feel the issue is there is no real direction here, and no long-term plan for this game. They offer armor/clothing sets that are in-game, just recolored, when there are tons of outfits in-game that players want, but are only used on NPCs. That art is already done, and it wouldn't look as much like you were just recoloring items that we already had access to. The same with the planets. We could have quest lines on some of the capital ships, and existing planets, but I would like to see some new areas. I liked the way they added Section X to Belsavis. This could be done on other worlds, possibly using already existing areas, for some of it. Personally, I would love to see some high level content taking place on Korriban and on DK.

  4. I have been questioning their ability yo patch and run an MMO for nearly a year now. Today's patch to patch a patch is the same crap they have been pulling since day one. They seem to learn little or care little. I suppose it could be that they are suffering from over inflated ego's from all the fanboy worship.


    LOL. That could be toxic.

  5. They used the PTS before 1.5. Sadly, what we tested and reported bugs on apparently was not the same as what was put on the production servers. On the PTS, it worked. When 1.5 went live, it was broken.


    This is a major problem. The build on PTS SHOULD be the same that they want to take live. We were promised in the "State of the Game" that these issues going forward would be fixed. At this point, I question if they know how to fix this.

  6. Do you honestly expect me to ask every time "are you gonna take that box?" F**k that. It's minimal effort (and common sense) to simply click the box before starting on the group. If someone does not do that, I simply assume that a) they're not on that phase yet and it doesn't matter or b) they are idiots, in which case I don't really care.


    By all means, do as you please. I realize some people just choose to be rude. In my opinion, this attitude says a good bit about you, and possibly even your guild.

  7. Hi peeps,


    I have just returned again after a 5 month layoff and I have started a new Sith toon,


    Does anyone know when the earliest I can get a purple LS is please? I know at 50 I can but any before?


    I don't mean that pink thing, but the full Mace Windu monty purple :)


    Any ideas?


    Also, if I'm not being too noobish, can I transfer any money from Jedi to my Sith toon?


    Many thanks.


    You can now e-mail the credits from your Jedi to your Sith toon!

  8. I to think that some of the restrictions are too much. The one that I have the most issue with is forcing people to buy access to guild banks!! Guilds purchased those banks (they should have been given to guilds, to start with) for the membership to have access to. Why do guild members that are F2P have to go and purchase access, again?? This is another example of this game simply not being guild-friendly, in spite of how things looked, during beta and pre-launch.
  9. 2. The subscription requirement was driving away huge numbers of people who do not want to commit to paying monthly.


    I am insulted that this Dev Team continues to try to shove this fabrication down our throats. People knew when they bough this game that it had a subscription. This "State of the Game" was just another chance to try to spin this. The real first step in correcting the issues is to recognize and admit what the issue really is. Until this Dev Team stops trying to convince us that they do no wrong, and everything is just great, we will get no real progress. Maybe Mr. Hickman will address THAT! :csw_guard:

  10. I picked Imperials and am sitting at character creation debating over what class to pick. I want a light saber but my main focus is on the story. Which class has the best story for Imperials in your opinion? I was told that Agent and Inquisitor do, and I'm somewhat leaning towards Inquisitor, but a few people I talked to were adamant that Agent had the best story. Thoughts anyone?


    I agree with others, I think that Imperial Agent has one of the best stories in the game.

  11. Voice overs have nothing to do with the failure of this single player online RPG.


    I find this statement funny. Personally, I feel like it's a single player online game, as well. I actually think that this was KOTOR 3, and they adapted it. The limitations at the beginning where two people of the same class could not enter the same instance, was a pretty clear indicator.

  12. All I know is that In-n-Out makes damn good burgers. But that's equally irrelevant to the discussion.,


    I'm pretty sure that when they created their pie chart of reasons for people leaving the game, they paid attention to the other 60%. That 60% is probably fractured into a large number of reasons. The 40% is obviously the one big number chunk that they can publicly declare that doesn't declare faults in the game. The rest of the reasons are more complicated to tackle, but I don't doubt they're picking a few at a time to try and tackle.


    I disagree. I don't believe they are trying to tackle it. You have to admit to the problem, first. The problem isn't that the game has the same sub price as almost every other MMO out there. The biggest problems revolve around the game itself, and lack of real communication with the playerbase. This team ( I realize many of the Dev Team members no longer work for the company) refused to listen in beta, and even bullied and banned people that offered negative feedback. The game lacks replayability and depth, and that is before we get to the issues with lack of high end content, and very sporadic and sparse content updates. BioWare listened to the wrong people. I'll go further, and say that I think that they don't want to fix it, at this point. I am basing that on the spin that they are putting on this, while still not addressing the real issues.


    Free-To-Play may allow some to play without paying a sub, but it does not remove the issues that drove most away. At some point, these Devs are going to have to some honest communication with the players, and admit to the real problems with this game. With a license as popular and big as Star Wars, and with the time and budget, this game deserved it's own game engine, too...not some unfinished beta version of the Hero Engine. :confused:

  13. Basically if you sub you will get all content and updates etc. The coins for us who continue to sub will be basically to purchase vanity items. So if you aren't really into that type of stuff then the coins will probably just sit there. I am not much into in-game pets etc. so I likely won't be spending much. Maybe a cool mount if there is one. But if they are sellable then I will likely sell a lot of mine.


    This brings up a good point. I hope the Cartel Points, and/or the items from the store are tradable.

  14. Epeen should never be a reason to play a game or to quit a game. CE owners have been rewarded. As someone else said, as long as we don't have to pay extra to get those same things that were/are considered to be included with the box, then I don't care if they are in the store or not. Heck, if the game will make a few extra thousand dollars selling it in the store, then by all means I hope they do - the more revenue the game has at this point the better.



    "The True measure of a gamer is the ability to ignore epeen and just enjoy a game" -- Hanok Odbrook


    I agree with most of what you said, except for the highlighted part. These guys do not seem to have spent the money they were given very logically. My greatest concern is that looking at the decisions made on many things, already, will they put things in the Cartel Store that people will be willing to pay for to keep the game afloat? With the restrictiveness of the F2P Matrix, I am worried that prices too high, or items that are viewed as undesirable, will turn this to a failure, as well. Eventually, someone at EA is going to say that it's not worth it to continue. I fear that these Devs will just see this as another cash sink (this time with real life cash). If putting the items from the CE and DDE in the cartel store helps bring in revenue and improves the game, I am all for it.

  15. I give it a solid D-


    The ideas were good, the implementation was less than profession standard.


    The game fails in many key categories, such as:

    • Replay-ability
    • Communication with community
    • Space (where to start)
    • Too few classes
    • Too few races
    • Failure to add content in a timely or efficient manner
    • Failure to respond to problems in a timely and efficient manner
    • Lack of customer service
    • Not guild-friendly
    • Features to encourage community
    • Gathering & Crafting


    With as much money as was spent, and with a license as big as Star Wars, this game deserved it's own engine. I personally feel it was a gross oversight to launch a game with less options for races, classes, and customization than SWG had. This game lacked and still lacks some basic features that have been in MMOs for years.

  16. The sad reality is that no one at EA appears to even have a clue. Like many others have said, the issue is not $15 a month, it's lack of content and fixes. When you add that to the fact that their "increased communication" ended two days after they announced it, and this pathetic excuse for a patch, the future looks bleak. This problem goes all the way back to beta, and EA/BW refusing to accept or even allow negative feedback, or criticism. What we need is an entire new team to work with. Unfortunately, I'm not sure that EA is willing to invest, what would be needed, to get this game on track. Possibly, the biggest hurdle, is the outdated game engine, and the overwhelming reliance on cut-scenes and voice-overs. These things make adding good amounts of content in a timely and efficient manner, very difficult. Again, something they were told in beta.
  17. I do have an update on this issue. This change was intentional, and we'll be adding it to the patch notes. Bosses in Story Mode Operations no longer drop Black Hole Commendations in Game Update 1.4. Thanks to everyone who brought this up, and we apologize for the confusion over it.


    Realistically, wouldn't it be smarter to give us more ways to get BH comms, not fewer? Turning everything into a cash-sink and never-ending grind is NOT the way to go, to keep people playing, or attract others.

  18. Sharpen you pencil now and take some notes please.....


    1) They replanned their operations in May to reduce total operations cost to be in line with reduced subscription numbers. Hence.... wait for it..... 500K is no longer their break even number. Best estimate from available data, they can run a profit at current operations at ~300K subs. But it's meaningless, as they go freemium soon and it becomes revenue from active accounts, NOT subscriptions from that point onward.


    2) Development costs have no bearing in profitabilty. Development costs are capital investment costs that are treated under tax law and financial reporting as non-recoverable capital investments.


    3) underperforming has nothing to do with profitability. When you underperform, you replan your operations costs to maintain profitability (see #1 above).


    Cash flow does not equal profit. Development costs DO have a bearing on profit. We are not talking about taxes, here. We are talking about the amount of money that they have to make in order to recover that initial investment. REAL businesses look at this figure in relation to when they actually start to make a profit. Yes, they made a lot of money since launch. It is not profit, it is cash flow. I will not insult you by defining the word profit, and will assume that you know what it means. This game can make lots of money and still not be profitable. Alas, I am not here to educate anyone on operating costs, revenue, or etc. Believe what you want. If the game were profitable, we would not be seeing the actions that we are seeing. They may be trying to get into a position where they will be profitable in the future, but they are not there, yet.

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