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Everything posted by midianlord

  1. They have never listened to anyone, in any substantive way throughout this game's history even long before live. (Am I the only one here who remembers "just heal to full and make them pay!" and the Jedi Sage class-rep quitting in open disgust over that?) "Because we're BioWare, and we're awesome because we're BioWare! BioWare can do no wrong, you...you Philistines!" Criticise legitimate problems on the old forums, some of which remain to this day (pre-Musco)? Thanks for posting, here's your ban. Oh, and hope you enjoyed being verbally eviscerated by all the white knights, who never got action'ed for doing so, despite often egregiously violating the forum-rules in the process. It seems like it might be coming back again, what we used to call the Church of BioWare Positivity. More like Cult, though. But we all gave them many, many second chances, and for a while --the 2.xx iteration, despite some flaws and really strange decisions (the stupidity that is death-match arenas being a particularly glaring example)-- it looked like they really had turned the corner and had settled in on giving us a genuinely good, if not particularly original MMORPG with bar none, the best levelling and solo-content experience out there in recent memory. Well...They've worn out their welcome many times over since, to put it mildly. But because they're BioWare, and BioWare can do no wrong because they're BioWare, they won't acknowledge it. Fine, then. Their game, their choice, their consequence. If they want to swirl it down the toilet with the rest of the dead, failed MMOs that no-one remember or cares about, then let them. I have a great many other options for people who actually deserve my money, I gain nothing by giving these deluded second-raters yet another second chance. No-one really does, anymore, and the proof is visible in like, three minutes on Steam. There are options, all the more so because this isn't even really StarWars anymore.
  2. It's something I find myself saying a lot with respect to this game of late. Just so we're clear, it saddens me to do so, when I consider what might have been --nay, what should have been-- for a huge-budget StarWars MMO: However low you think that common denominator can go? Believe me, it can always go lower. These people just keep plunging headlong from nadir to nadir to nadir, clearly convinced that it's impossible for them to do wrong. Un-***********-real, man just totally *********** unreal. E: Maybe Visceral Games' maybekindapossible upcoming StarWars product will keep this truck from burning up its brakes going down this mountain? Because it's become painfully obvious that it's not going to be these credulous, shallow, happily oblivious corporate drones!
  3. <---- Tried to watch the archive of the stream just now. Stopped after barely 90 seconds. Couldn't go back --there is a limit to how much oozing, oily, self-deluded smugness I can tolerate, and those two didn't just exceed it, they absolutely obliterated it. I'll stick around for the 5th Anniversary event --just to put an explicit coda on things-- but that's it, I am *********** done. E: K, watching more now in small doses... Seriously, who in every Hell that ever was/is/ever will be do these two think they are? More to the point, how stupid do they think we are?
  4. Not strictly related in the "nuts-and-bolts" sense, but: Parts of the Dyson-sphere planet totally reminded me of the final planet (before you return to the Citadel to fight the Big Bad) from the first Mass Effect game. This reminded me of what BioWare used to be. This made me haz a sad IRL, ergo sum, I shall consider it a gripe... How far, but also how enthusiastically, the mighty have fallen Double-post, go me!
  5. Not strictly related in the "nuts-and-bolts" sense, but: Parts of the Dyson-sphere planet totally reminded me of the final planet (before you return to the Citadel to fight the Big Bad) from the first Mass Effect game. This reminded me of what BioWare used to be. This made me haz a sad IRL, ergo sum, I shall consider it a gripe... How far, but also how enthusiastically, the mighty have fallen
  6. Once upon a time go, saying anything critical of the game hereabouts would get a thread gassed, and possibly earn the poster a ban. I actually find it somewhat strange that the old Church of BioWare Positivity (Or Else) hasn't reared its ahead again now, but maybe even these ham-fisted, second-rate yahoos finally got through their heads that this would be going too damned far this time. But hey, it's still early days, innit.
  7. Is there an even remotely legitimate reason why I can't just select "Quit Game", and actually have it...you know...exit my game and client, without it locking up my computer... Every. Single. Mother****ing. Time. ...Since the patch dropped, such that I need a hard re-start? Why can't I just just kill my client quickly, just like I always could before, just like I can with literally any other piece of software in existence? Instead of always being forced to go to character-select first? Seriously, what possible reason is there for this? Have they become that pathetically desperate to pad game-time? Fix the bloody music, already. If I want to listen to two songs blending seamlessly into each other on endless loop, then I'll put on some *********** Nickelback or some other equally generic corporate radio-product (only workaround for this once it starts is a hard client-reboot.).
  8. She looks like she hasn't been getting a lot of sleep lately, but that fits...I don't think she looks worse, overall. Senya, on the other hand: Ugh... It's like they decided to make her look 20 years younger, realised they'd ****ed up, and then just kinda stopped halfway to fixing it... Then patch came due, so they then went "We'll just quickly make her look like she's been on starvation-rations for the last yer and hope no-one notices!" Yeah, we noticed, OK. We frigging noticed, so you can make her look normal again now.
  9. Of my now 41 characters, I will only do this on a few "server-mains" and then never again. The story is manifestly better than KotFE, but is that really saying anything? ("Welcome to Knights of the Brobdingnagian Plot-Hole! Now with EVEN MORE SKYTROOPERS!!") The gameplay is, for the most part, just poor: The mouse-droid part. Did anyone --and I mean ANYONE AT ALL-- even look at the mob pathing and timing? Anyone? Even once? Oh, and I never. Ever. Ever. Want to even see a player-pilotable walker in this game again. It is just that bad. No, actually it's worse. My Mercs finally have DCDs. I can even benefit from stagger-cycling them if things go really pear-shaped! Jesus, you'd think I was a Juggernaut or something, almost...OK, we like this, oh yes we do! But... I expect the bads who think they're PvPers will get that "taken care of" in due course, though. Can't blame EAWare for that I guess, but whilst we're kvetching...
  10. Christ, there's always one... Has it ever occured to any of these sanctimonious "EHMERGERD THE CHILDREN!!!" white knights that the objects of their attentions rarely deserve any of it? But what the Hell, this might just convince me to end my long PvP self-exile on my main toons... Gotta see if I can get a 25k crit RailShot or 30k HeatSeeker before all the tryhard useless *******s inevitably get my Mercs nerfed into uselessness again...
  11. I haven't any doubt that ^that^ is exactly what they're doing, and why. I said it before, I'll say it again: We are being "groomed", and have been for a very, very long time. But hey, let's all just keep convincing ourselves that we're helping to SAVE TEH GAEM!!!111onononeeleven!! by continuing to buy dog**** with the StarWars logo on it just because it's StarWars, that'll show them! [/me smiles cynically] Well, maybe it will/already has, at that... (Just not what most of us who have actual standards know they need to see.)
  12. So many bugs, so much stutter/slideshow (my comp. isn't beastly, but it's very far from low-end...And my hardware isn't even being worked by this game, I think it's just that crap server-tech/updating BS that has always been a problem in this game.). The timed quest being almost impossible to complete because of this pathetic engine's line-of-sight/hitbox issues that have existed since like, Alpha. Oh for the love of Dog, again with the "Spawn mobs 100m behind you that put you into combat-waddle-speed! Ha-ha, more blatant time-padding for you!" RNGearing...Because they hadn't done enough stupid **** in 4.xx already? Apparently not, so directly repeating the mistakes they already made that contributed to this game almost cratering in 1.0, that'll surely do it this time! 250k-creds for a companion gift? Seriously? Seriously? The cred-costs of mods for even the lowest level vendor:? Seriously? Seriously? Where the **** are my DvL achievements? Where the **** are everyone's DvL achievements? Two whole new planets that are story-instances only that we can never go back to again in any "real" sense beyond repeating story chapters, with absolutely zero allowance for exploration? Seriously, in 2016? (By the same token, at least the story is genuinely quite a bit better this time, not that that's really saying much...Just stop forcing Yandere what's-her-face on me, will you. Not interested in psychos! At all! Ever!! Known a few IRL, TYVM!!) Sorry, but I really couldn't care less which "side" is stronger, anymore than I ever cared which guild of bads "controls" a given zone...Stop blaring this right into my line of sight, all the *********** time, for ****'s sake... I won't be gearing up beyond a basic level because of this utter slimeball RNG move...And it's past time we stopped kidding ourselves, OK: We all know the real reason why they did it, proven by the apparent existence of CXP boosts in the cash-shop, and more re-skinned slops in it than ever, some being explicitly hyped as direct-purchase for the first time. You needn't bother with your usual half-assed "incentives," this time, either, EAWare... Depending on how bad that gets, you may have just permanently lost a nearly-unterrupted-since-day-1 subscriber/quiet-but-firm supporter --in the only way that really matters, with my subscription fees-- over this absolute, utter *********** garbage. And I think I'm not the only one? E: The Walker and mouse-droid parts: No. Just, no: This game is no-where near optimised enough to handle this. I just did the Odessen chapter's walker bit and most of my "combats" were spent waiting/hoping/praying for abilities to fire off after the fifth *********** time enemies "evaded" in perfect line-of-sight to me. Yet another old, old, themepark ******** MMO trope: Let's try and be "cute" to try and hide that we have no creativity, and just ignore how utterly tedious the result actually is for actual players who don't have SysOp-console access. Dead-honest, this is almost literally painful, I'm not having any fun here. None. At all. I'm just not.
  13. Please let me romance a Cartel Coin. E: 8-12 months ago, this might have been briefly amusing. It's just sad and pitiful now.
  14. I have for a long time now, wondered if they're not deliberately trying to crater this game in favour of something else. Linky-linky: https://gamerant.com/star-wars-video-game-schedule/ Obviously, the BattleFront débacle is past (unless there's another SW : BF in the works?), but scroll down a bit to the Visceral Games (makers of the DeadSpace franchise) bit, and further. I mean, the stupid piled on stupid, piled on stupid, whilst plunging headlong into even more stupid since 4.0...They can't possibly actually be that incompetent and clueless for that long without eventually being told to clean out their desks... Can they?
  15. I think bads who fancy themselves PvPers are going to cry and cry and cry until we get nerfed into joke territory, just like happened with Snipingers. And everything will be back to the way it always was. Enjoy it whilst it lasts, because it won't last long.
  16. He, and all like him, deserve what they get. They deserve every last *********** bit of it.
  17. I figure that once the crying little baddies get my Mercs completely castrated with nerfs --the way they got my Snipingers ruined once upon a time ago with their repellent puling-- is when I'll be hitting the /uninstall button for good. My favourite AC, and the last one left that hasn't been made a dog's dinner of so bads can feel special. Yet. (Mostly by dint of simply being ignored, but I'm digressing....) Unless this RNG-based Cartel Market grooming (and make no mistake: They are trying to groom us, here) ends up being even worse than it looks, in which case that'll be it, that much earlier. (We had RNG-based gearing for PvP, once. It sucked complete and utter balls, and was fairly quickly changed. But I've come to expect no better from these incompetents than to continue to plunge headlong into past mistakes, soooo....yeah.)
  18. You people are all part of the problem, and absolutely deserve every last bit of the fleecing you are getting. Good old Mr. Barnum was all too right, it would seem...
  19. ^That.^ Says it all, really. Congratulations, OP. You are why we can't have good MMORPGs anymore.
  20. K, here's something a little less jaded, specifically regarding set-boni and gear tiers: If I'm grinding for, let's say, my Eliminator (DPS Merc/Mando set-bonus) full set, and by the grace of RNGesus, I get three different pieces but also of three different i-rating tiers, then will those set-pieces stack with each other? IE, will I have 3/6 Eliminator set just with mixed ilvl, or will I have 1/6 of three different Eliminator sets, and have to do more grind-n-pray? Or, will I end up with like a dozen belts, all different, most of which are of no use to my chosen class/spec? (I'm sure there's some vets here who remember how much fun it was trying to BiS-up for PvP in the grab-bag days early on.)
  21. Soooooo.... ... "Raid or Die," basically? Could you please ask the team why, after 5 years, they are still Hell-bent on repeating almost every mistake that has been made in the MMO genre, yet other MMO developers have actually learned from? Yes, even Blizzard. In what MMO-historical vacuum are these people living? What next, days-long camps perma-farmed by the biggest raiding guilds for that one mob with a 0.00...01% drop-rate for the piece that everyone needs to progress to the next tier?
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