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Everything posted by Puppets

  1. is she the one who pretends that shes a nerd and that other nerds have a chance with her?
  2. honestly what a slap in the face with the its not to late you can still get up to 5 days ********
  3. "its not to late to pre order, you can still pre order and play up to 5 days early"
  4. so if a game is announced then whoever pre orders the game first should get the game first? screw release dates whoever just start handing one copy at a time from a certain date. god why are Americans so *********** dumb
  5. honestly i feel bad for all the employees who are going to have to deal with a game launch instead of spending time with there families, i bet ea threatened one of the bio ware staff with a law suit if it wasn't in before Christmas, its a sad day for gaming
  6. have you ever seen that episode of south park where cartman buys a theme park and doesn't let anyone in which makes everyone want to go there. thats what ea and bioware are doing there not stupid. after the initial sales are done star wars is a dead game
  7. i have a job and i also have a family, am i not allowed to get excited about a launch anymore i miss the days of 2 hours ques 300 people fighting for one mob the chaos was part of the experience for me, sigh honestly i would have rather 1-2 days of early access but one week of it might be today, honestly the worst part about this whole thing is not knowing.
  8. honestly i didn't think it was going to be this bad, the days are already dragging on what makes it even worse is knowing that people are already logged on and playing. i hope no ever company follows suit of this toying and teasing with the community
  9. i redeemed 2 weeks ago and i am in sweet
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