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    Berkeley, CA
  1. I am Scavenging/Armstech/Slicing... will I be able to buy everything I need from the GTN to upgrade my tank pet once I get him (I'm lvl 18 now...) I hve hella money now (already have over 25k at lvl 18).
  2. I been looking for some real subjective opinions on why people love their gunnery or assault builds, but they are hare to find. Post your love for gunnery or assault here! My commando is only lvl 18, so hard for me to say. High level troopers, post why you love your talent trees!
  3. I agree, what grav round tool tip says and what you see are two different things.
  4. Yeah, but the toon's hands are on the wheel. Clearly, he/she is driving.
  5. Why am I driving it? Isn't that more like a rental agency, like Enterprise or Rent-a-Wreck or something? Just sayin'...
  6. I don't know about you guys, but when I'm wearing all my ph4t l00tz epicz, I want to see! Currently at the character selection screen, all you see is from the waist up or so. What do you guys think? Not a big deal, or do you want to see all ur purplz from head to toe?
  7. ... and I paid the same price for the t-bone steak, baked potato, and all-you-can-eat salad bar as the guy in front of me, AND THEY SERVED HIM FIRST!!! I paid the same price, but just because he arrived at Sizzler before me, they served him first! THIS IS AN OUTRAGE, AND I DEMAND SATISFACTION!
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