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Everything posted by RepublicGurl

  1. Some Changes to Star Wars --- 1.) Instead of Anakin somehow becoming this morbid, brooding, emo Padawan we see later in the series, how about he keeps the excitement, compassion and open-minded curiosity he had as a child on Tatooine as he grows and matures? Yes, he loves and misses his mother, but instead of becoming an arrogant boy who defies authority at every turn (a little here and there is fine and normal), and bottles his anger and resentment, he comes to appreciate that the Order has allowed him to be trained and remains open and honest. Moreover, he should be extremely grateful to Obi-Wan, who was the one that insisted he be trained after Qui-Gon's death. Surely Anakin could come to realize that he would most likely have not become a Jedi- and get to explore other worlds as he always envisioned as a child -if not for Obi-Wan taking him as an apprentice. 2.) His "love" for his "angel" that he met when he was nine eventually faded. As would be normal for most pre-puberty children who develop "crushes". And so, when he meets Padme again years later, he is happy to see someone familiar, and might be a little bashful when the young lady teases him about his former, little crush, but not obsessed with her. If he were, Padme would be officially Creeped Out and not Wooed. In this reality, Anakin is holding strong to the Jedi Code (seeing as he is a different, and swell-stand-up-guy), and takes his duty to protect Padme seriously. -It is more believable for his little crush to slowly resurface as time passes by, but with his dedication to the Jedi Code and the Order, (which would feel like his family and home after many years of being practically raised there) he won't act on it. But Padme starts to feel intense affection for her "shining knight" regardless, and we get to see how the love between them continues to survive despite them remaining selfless and true to their duties instead of rushing off in the heat of the moment and getting hitched.- 3.) As his Master, Obi-Wan should be more aware of what his Padawan is doing. (Not in an all-knowing fashion- but enough to know when he is distraught and to take his visions seriously.) He should be willing to listen instead of brushing him off, and take into account that Anakin wasn't raised from infancy as a Jedi. He's bound to be different and require different teaching methods since his prior background had been that of a slave. 4.) Instead of always doubting or being worried about and trusting "The Boy" and whether or not he is the Chosen One, Windu (and Yoda to an extent as well as others who would doubt him) would spend more time knowing Anakin and not wondering on his title. That way Anakin wouldn't (most likely) feel it necessary to always go off on his own and feel like he couldn't trust people to talk to. If he had a caring base of friends and acquaintances in the Order and Temple, maybe he would not become so close to Palpatine and fall to his influences. 5.) Anakin slowly falls deeper in love with Padme, but is conflicted about breaking his vows with the Order to make vows of marriage with Amidala. While being personally conflicted, he and she sleep together, but make no vows. Anakin hasn't broken his own vows... and then later into the Clone Wars he finds out that she is pregnant. 6.) Skip to Windu and Anakin facing Palpatine/Sidious. Anakin, having never married Padme and always obsessed about being with her, doesn't have visions of her impending death (because his fear of her dying- by him turning Dark though he is unaware of it) isn't in motion. So he helps Windu in defeating Sidious, and undertaking his role as the Chosen One. In the end, with the Order happy at the Sith's end (though many Jedi died in Order 66) Anakin confesses that Padme is pregnant with his baby. And because the Order has to rebuild, Anakin is a swell-stand-up-guy who has saved the galaxy and is honest, he is not only granted the title of Master (which he is pleased about but not enough to brag), the Council grants him permission to marry Padme. Luke and Leia are born, Padme lives, Anakin eventually joins the Council, he retains a close relationship with Obi-Wan who eventually (though declaring himself too old) accepts Luke as an apprentice when the boy becomes old enough to be a Padawan, and trains him to become a Jedi. Leia follows in her mother's footsteps and follows a path into politics instead of the Jedi. Everything in the Republic isn't perfect because so much rebuilding and aide is needed in the after-effects of the war, and the Jedi have suffered a major blow. But as Anakin (eventually) sits in a Council chair facing the few remaining Masters, they can all look at each other and know that even though they faced a horrible yesterday, thier tomorrow looks bright and promising. ... The End. *sigh* I am such a sap!
  2. I read just recently that he and Lucas Arts have been planning on another animated series featuring mainly the minor/side characters, while having main characters appear only as side occurences. Not sure if its going to be continued or what.
  3. I totally see where you are coming from. I respect GL, for both his innovation in creating Star Wars and having the guts (even if he is condemned by many for it) to change what many fans saw as established. And I do agree that there are many other writers out there who have written books and created details that have drawn in countless fans. (Me being one of them thanks to Matthew Stover... ahem.) In fact, when I read about how GL didn't see anything EU as part of "his universe", I was actually... kind of happy in a weird way. Because, in my mind, I could imagine all of the characters, events and places I love that have been worked on by others aren't being trashed or completely ignored in GL's canon. But maybe that's just me.
  4. ... Is this true? If GL is retiring from Star Wars, does that mean there can still be books and (maybe even!) new movies? For all the moaning and groaning we have done, without GL we would have never had Star Wars. That has to count for something. EDIT: P.S. Seriously, though, I would totally pay to see a movie featuring in the Old Republic Era with canon characters. Or, even, a small animated series (similar to the cinematic trailers) of Old Republic events. If I ever turn on the TV and see commercials talking about an upcoming movie or series set in this timeline, I know I would watch it.
  5. Is it bad... that I could totally jump aboard this train of thought? LOL.
  6. It's really interesting now that I think about it. All of my characters (Sith Warrior, Smuggler, Jedi Knight, Sith Inquisitor and Jedi Consular) are female, so I don't have direct male comparisons of my own to level them with. I went into the game imagining my characters (most of them I am RPing) as not having romance because they (the Jedi anyway) are Light Side. I never even really noticed that they had very little flirt options because I wasn't looking for romance in the first place. Even my Smuggler, who I've decided to not make flirtatious with every man that looks at her sideways just because it's so much fun (to me) for NPCs to obviously try hard to hit on her and she's like, "Um... no. Just give me my credits, kthnx." ... but then I watched videos of male characters of the same class flirt left and right. When I saw the male Jedi Knight have romance options during times that my female Knight was simply all business, I actually blinked at the screen and thought... "really?" I'm not... offended, I guess is the right word, that my characters don't have romance as much as males simply because I am not doing romances. (And if I did I am majorly hoping for SGRAs which is a completely different topic...) I am, however, sympathetic to the plight that others (both male and female players) have been expressing that female characters have relatively similar playing experiences allowed in game that is given to their male counterparts.
  7. One of my fave lines is when the Smuggler is on Coruscant and leaning back on the couch: "I can't help it if I'm popular with all the wrong people..." LOL. XD I honestly was inspired to keep playing a Smuggler character JUST for the dialogue alone, though I love everything else about the class.
  8. Um, last time I checked I was 5'7" and 132lbs. I'm not thin; I have shape, and I'm fit because I'm pretty active. (I love soccer! )
  9. I have to agree with the OP on this matter. I'm playing a Female Light Side Warrior, so I cannot romance Jaesa regardless. ... but if I rolled a male, I'd sure be tempted to. (Plus, for the Warrior, isn't- true -romance Light Side?) So if one rolls a Light Warrior trying to romance a Light Apprentice and romancing is Light... it should add up pretty decently, yes? (Though, math is certainly not my strong point.) I, for one, would love if romance became an option for Light Side Jaesa, but if not I still love the potential between her and the Warrior. And I still love her character. (I tried watching a clip of Dark Side Jaesa and couldn't get past the first conversation piece between her and the Dark Warrior, I was so repulsed. *shrugs*) Guess everything isn't for everyone, eh?
  10. I absolutely love Vette and Jaesa's characters. (And by Jaesa's character, I mean when she is Light Side.) ... Unfortunately, SGRAs aren't in-game, and I really want to play a female Sith Warrior... That being said, I am letting my roomate have four of the available profiles to play (she's a fan and can't really afford to buy her own game so I'm sharin') and her main is going to be a Dark Jedi Knight. (She's dead-set on trying to get kicked out of the Order or whatever happens at the Dark Jedi Knight ending.) And since I told her I would play opposite her just to spice things up, I will be rolling a Light Side Warrior just for kicks. If I do, I'll probably get both Vette's and Jaesa's affection as high as I can, but still not romance because Vette and Jaesa are straight as arrows apparently .
  11. Maybe it's just me (and I am seriously leaning towards that explanation) but I actually like Jar Jar Binks. ... but if there was one thing I could change throughout the lore, (but it is two-part) it would be that Anakin Skywalker never married Padme Amidala, and didn't fall to the Dark Side. I know GL's argument is that in order for Anakin to have destoyed the Darkness, he needed to join it. But... I dunno. I'd like to think that Anakin would have been just fine destroying Sidious if he'd learn to truly follow the Jedi Code, not marry Padme, and actually helped Windu take down the Sith Lord when they had the chance. And to think, if he'd done that, he would have been a true Champion of the Light and still would have fulfilled the prophecy as the Chosen One. ... sorry, I tend to rant. That's the one thing about the entire lore that kinda rubs me the wrong way. I guess I'm just one of those hopeless saps who likes the idea of the hero not having to turn evil to defeat it. I mean, what better way to defeat Darkness than with Light? (And I don't mean going Dark, killing everyone else you love to save one specific person you love and then miraculously turning Light again in the end...) After all... you can't fight fire with fire. It only makes it bigger. But that's just what I would change.
  12. Traverse City, Michigan in da hizzouse!! (Though I moved from- and still have - family in Sterling Heights!)
  13. 1.) I have heard of lightsabre color restrictions based on your alignment. (Which is why I decided to roll with yellow and orange lightsabres since I won't be able to keep red.) 2.) Count me in. Definitely.
  14. Yay! I'm glad you re-posted this; it's one of my favorite stories. It kind of inspires me to post a story, but until then I get a kick out of reading about Val. Also, it's pretty fun just reading everything in one place.
  15. Thank you for the link! It's a great way to keep the history of the Old Republic era organised and neat.
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