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  • Location
    Va Beach
  • Interests
    Reading, acting, meditation, spirituality, philosophy, theology, working out
  • Occupation
    Film Producer/ Actor/ Construction Worker
  1. So things that matter to the tanks ability to stay up are neglected by bolster and its effects. The armor boost is rather negligible compared to having a bit more health, and 5-10% more in each defensive stat. Any other tanks noticed they stay up longer in the pve gear vs, their pvp
  2. Why not revert the Harnessed Shadow nerf of 1. whatever it was and make it heal 12% instead of the 8% it is current and make the stance heal scale with our healing power?
  3. Something i was pondering as i was playing. This is rather bothersome from tanks perspective. While i may benefit from double proc power relic heals my guarded damage and damage in general is greater than the defensive relics where balanced for. The Net gain of offensive power is balanced against the defensive relics but when the practice of doubling up, the defensive relics are subject to DR and the power gains are not :/ . I sure hope there is a fix down the pipe form such things.
  4. If you use Defensive stats in pvp yes you will: if you catalog all the skills in game 50% of them are wep based. Further more all Guarded damage is subject to Shield / absorb rolls. But...i wannause offensive stats!...well then you could as as shadow possibly have the following stats in pvp if you min/max Defense: 31% Shield: 55% (KW up) Absorb: 40% Critical: 30% (not counting 9% from criting of force skills) Surge: 70% Health: 26k
  5. Current system dose not permit for Defensive to be as rewarding or statistically advantageous to use in the current build of “Player vs. Player” environment. Given that Tech/Force skills nullify our chance to roll, I know that this was done to prevent Tanks from avoiding Interrupts and crowd Control skills. Is there something in the works to encourage tanks to equip gear made for tanking in pvp over the current trend of tanks in “Dps” stat gear?
  6. dose anyone find it odd that the Dot Mitigation and action cost reduction of our melee AoE are located not in the KC tree? KC is the only build that synergies with the AoE melee skill. And due the Dot 15% DR would benefit the class as a whole being placed with in the first 2 tiers? i can't speak of others skillz given my KC slant
  7. I personally use the Defense relic with the healing one. the way ive stacked my tank it can still gaine the full bonus from the defense one and still have a good performance lvl, i currently have 26% def in a raid and 8% from the relic helps as an extra cooldown
  8. Due to DR the Absorb relic is usless to a tank at high end spec. I know from Personal use that the relic heals you as well. Ask a healer friend to show you. if your absorb is 50% or higher before the proc happens then you only get around 5% returns
  9. If you do the math, you will come to find that all tanks are balanced. the average damage taken globally by any of them is 25% of damage given in PVE. It is they do it but, each dose it its own way.
  10. the lost island FP hard mode drops the lowest version of it Karaga's puzzle fight drops the rakata lvl one (58) and you can buy for 200 dailies the top end or loot it in the EC ops (the ops one can be RE'd for augment)
  11. The proc healing relic will heal you off your self heals and in a raid situation can make up alot of heal over time. 10min fight can yield over 11k+ worth of healing. on top of all your other heals.
  12. I use the Active Defense relic as my shield/absorb are too high to use the absorb proc relic and see good gains. in 1.2 im running with KW/4 peice/ fort stim Defense: 26% Shield: 65% Absorb: 60% The Healing proc relic will go off on your self heals witch at top end 1.2, the relic can heal over 11k worth of health inside a 10min fight (Raiding relic) but if im soloing or pvpn i replace it with a crit/surge relic
  13. I wondering what are the top end numbers on the 3 dot's? someone who has stacked their strength and power to get near or around an 700-850 bonus dmg to force attacks
  14. http://swtor.askmrrobot.com/gear/19581-998/veracity-anointed-zeyd-cloth-headgear Cuz before i go spend time and credits is it still possible to crit craft this and the other armors like it to get stats crafted into the shell along with the the aug in 1.2?
  15. They Do have a weakness, Force/ Tech Dmg that is internal/ elemental in damage type. Most Range Classes have a spec that deals in this. THE COUNTER TO ALL TANKS is the special damage caster. If the fight did not start in melee range or 10m rage that 5 sec of immunity will not make up for the damage done during closing the gap. Well you could use force stun! wrong! we wont that burns up way to much CC on the bar and we need that to interupt a cast. (1min CD on it) we wont waste it as a gap closer. We could stealth and close in but in this fight i might wanna use it to wait the CD on my 10% heal, force regen or my relics/ temp buffs to come of CD to make a final push, and even more wait for Resilience to come off CD so i can heal up and pop buffs w/o worry. Force pull him to you? nope if i get CC'd and he pust some good distance then well i need it as an anti-kite tool. Force lift? nope 2-3 sec cast that could set a tech/force user up for a big move i dont want to see. so 30m stun not an vaild gap closer, in combat stealth? no to crucial of a ability to use as a gap closer in a fight with a Tech/ Force player. lift takes to much time, Waste my 5 sec immune to close gap? well that 5 sec of me not doing any dmg just ot close gap again this is used when we need to not get inturupted, most offten during a 10% and 12% heal combo along with 2 heal ticks from stance. Our counters, more often than not if we dont see them...will kill us if we dont have a healer!, but we often stay close to our friend. but if we look at Shadow tank in a 1v1 with no healer well...i would have to counter and play perfectly or im foder. L2P, i dont even bother with those specs, unless the target my healer or a low health DPS. Its a fight that strains the resorce of my healer to see me live... and well if hes healing me too much then DPS will die or perhaps he might even with guard on. Me i will de if it mean i can buy time for the grp. ppl need to L2P
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